Intergenerational transmission of poverty Adults aged between 25 and 59 years by age group according to at-risk-of-poverty status and tenure status of the housing when they were teenagers. Unidades: Total number of adults aged 25 to 59 years. Total Property Lease Assignment Not specified Not applicable: The adult lived in a group home or institution Total Total 23.204.947 18.707.361 3.137.171 801.983 405.979 152.453 At risk of poverty 4.206.240 3.194.135 682.639 195.355 86.595 47.516 Not at risk of poverty 18.998.708 15.513.226 2.454.531 606.629 319.384 104.937 From 25 to 44 years old Total 11.882.038 9.602.151 1.537.348 433.321 243.376 65.842 At risk of poverty 2.136.696 1.554.948 389.956 113.389 50.636 27.767 Not at risk of poverty 9.745.342 8.047.203 1.147.392 319.932 192.740 38.075 From 45 to 59 Total 11.322.910 9.105.210 1.599.822 368.662 162.603 86.611 At risk of poverty 2.069.544 1.639.186 292.683 81.966 35.960 19.749 Not at risk of poverty 9.253.366 7.466.024 1.307.140 286.697 126.644 66.862 Notas: This table takes into account the current situation of adults aged 25-59 and that of their parents or household when the child was an adolescent.Umbral de pobreza: es el 60% de la mediana de los ingresos anuales por unidad de consumo (escala OCDE modificada), tomando la distribución de personas. Los ingresos por unidad de consumo se obtienen dividiendo los ingresos totales del hogar entre el número de unidades de consumo. Fuente: Instituto Nacional de Estadística