Intergenerational transmission of poverty Adults aged between 25 and 59 years by age group according to their own level of education and type of household when they were teenagers. Unidades: Total number of adults aged 25 to 59 years. Total Household with both parents present as teenager Household with only mother present as teenager Household with only father present as teenager Other private household without parents present Group home or institution Not specified Total Total 23.204.947 19.370.763 2.340.814 347.533 774.442 152.453 218.942 Primary education or lower 1.817.497 1.533.373 145.749 24.664 74.252 19.703 19.756 Lower secondary education 5.257.976 4.361.526 580.450 89.601 138.972 40.918 46.508 Upper secondary education 5.497.674 4.411.418 664.723 98.678 223.325 58.916 40.613 Higher education 10.613.793 9.048.157 949.892 134.590 337.660 32.916 110.578 Not specified 18.008 16.289 .. .. 233 .. 1.487 From 25 to 44 years old Total 11.882.038 9.607.027 1.455.615 193.412 441.564 65.842 118.578 Primary education or lower 777.461 635.709 75.064 8.713 37.344 11.562 9.068 Lower secondary education 2.363.595 1.856.195 343.957 52.147 71.590 21.095 18.611 Upper secondary education 2.730.494 2.079.902 404.800 49.965 149.977 21.753 24.097 Higher education 5.997.026 5.023.167 631.794 82.586 182.654 11.432 65.393 Not specified 13.462 12.054 .. .. .. .. 1.409 From 45 to 59 Total 11.322.910 9.763.736 885.199 154.121 332.878 86.611 100.365 Primary education or lower 1.040.036 897.664 70.685 15.950 36.909 8.141 10.688 Lower secondary education 2.894.382 2.505.331 236.493 37.454 67.383 19.822 27.898 Upper secondary education 2.767.179 2.331.516 259.923 48.713 73.348 37.164 16.516 Higher education 4.616.767 4.024.990 318.097 52.004 155.006 21.485 45.185 Not specified 4.546 4.235 .. .. 233 .. 78 Notas: This table takes into account the current situation of adults aged 25-59 and that of their parents or household when the child was an adolescent. Fuente: Instituto Nacional de Estadística