Chapter 3: Discrimination Perception of discrimination due to a disability, by gender disability group. Population with disabilities. Units: people Total Never Sometimes Many times Constantly Not given Total Total 357,894 302,970 13,531 3,260 1,240 36,894 Vision 84,579 73,215 2,790 620 129 7,826 Hearing 86,315 74,474 2,482 502 140 8,717 Communication 221,069 177,896 7,825 1,945 726 32,678 Learning, knowledge application and task development 225,512 182,205 8,266 2,055 785 32,201 Mobility 308,351 260,285 10,679 2,461 868 34,059 Self-Care 317,011 266,821 11,037 2,710 1,081 35,362 Domestic Life 311,043 260,437 11,766 2,719 836 35,284 Interactions and Personal Relationships 142,482 108,824 6,600 1,691 797 24,570 Man Total 124,774 103,627 6,321 1,448 625 12,753 Vision 26,250 22,844 1,017 222 0 2,167 Hearing 25,564 21,935 929 69 89 2,541 Communication 73,368 57,092 3,849 874 336 11,217 Learning, knowledge application and task development 70,992 55,116 3,567 958 358 10,993 Mobility 100,233 82,461 4,871 1,064 423 11,415 Self-Care 104,387 85,692 4,892 1,182 535 12,085 Domestic Life 103,506 84,440 5,318 1,242 407 12,100 Interactions and Personal Relationships 48,568 35,965 2,879 890 396 8,437 Woman Total 233,121 199,343 7,210 1,812 615 24,141 Vision 58,329 50,371 1,773 397 129 5,659 Hearing 60,751 52,539 1,553 433 51 6,175 Communication 147,701 120,804 3,976 1,071 390 21,461 Learning, knowledge application and task development 154,520 127,089 4,699 1,097 427 21,208 Mobility 208,118 177,824 5,808 1,397 445 22,644 Self-Care 212,624 181,129 6,145 1,527 546 23,277 Domestic Life 207,537 175,997 6,448 1,477 429 23,185 Interactions and Personal Relationships 93,914 72,858 3,721 802 400 16,133 Notes: 1) The perception of discrimination on the basis of disability refers to situations in which the person with a disability considers that he or she was not allowed to do something, was made to feel inferior or ignored, was bothered or was not given properly adapted information 2) A person may have disabilities from more than one type of disability 3) Los datos correspondientes a celdas con menos de quinientas people han de ser tomados con precaución, ya que pueden estar afectados de elevados errores de muestreo. Source: National Statistics Institute