Economically Active Population Survey National results Persons between 50 and 74 years of age, according to re-entering or not the labour market after starting to receive an old age pension, by sex. Units: Thousands Persons, % Total Yes No Don`t know / No answer Absolute values Percentage Absolute values Percentage Absolute values Percentage Absolute values Percentage Both sexes 3,579.7 100.00 28.1 0.78 3,547.2 99.09 4.4 0.12 Males 2,068.9 100.00 17.0 0.82 2,050.5 99.11 1.4 0.07 Females 1,510.8 100.00 11.1 0.73 1,496.7 99.07 3.0 0.20 Notes: 1) Persons between 50 and 74 years of age who stopped working or were not working when they started to receive an old age pension. 2) Yes includes: 'Yes, with at least one paid job of a minimum duration of 3 months' and 'Yes, but for occasional work only'. Source: Instituto Nacional de Estad¡stica