Demand Overnight stays of the travellers by country of residence and category. Units: number Total Luxury and cat. 1 cat. 2 cat. 3 Total 47,076,021 21,715,805 21,289,187 4,071,028 Spaniards 25,880,200 11,272,787 11,741,789 2,865,624 Foreigners 21,195,821 10,443,018 9,547,398 1,205,404 European Union 27 (without Spain) 16,698,679 8,392,451 7,288,815 1,017,413 Germany 4,857,473 2,452,146 2,152,936 252,392 Austria 120,067 52,561 60,911 6,595 Belgium 1,137,895 529,567 542,597 65,731 Denmark 104,752 54,479 42,821 7,452 Finland 87,626 25,475 60,644 1,507 France 4,154,038 1,891,183 2,034,350 228,505 Greece 7,224 4,052 3,043 129 Ireland 562,204 410,545 116,886 34,773 Italy 324,157 133,563 164,455 26,139 Luxembourg 43,486 23,005 18,896 1,584 Netherlands 4,584,062 2,498,805 1,734,327 350,929 Poland 103,729 57,723 41,551 4,455 Portugal 250,546 133,487 106,583 10,477 Czech Republic 57,349 21,915 29,979 5,456 Sweden 203,350 65,145 125,043 13,161 Rest of EU 100,721 38,799 53,794 8,128 Norway 97,621 42,306 53,524 1,791 United Kingdom 3,389,598 1,486,953 1,775,040 127,606 Switzerland 512,144 260,226 222,700 29,217 Rest of Europe 117,878 68,710 41,178 7,991 United States 26,012 12,071 12,219 1,722 Rest of America 67,536 24,281 36,432 6,823 African Countries 13,287 4,060 7,306 1,921 Rest of the world 246,880 134,034 103,423 9,423 Notes: 1) The symbol '.' indicates statistical secrecy Symbol '..' means non-significant data Source: National Statistics Institute