Supply Estimated number of open establishments/companies by Autonomous Communities and months. Units: number January February March April May June July August September October November December National Total 5,964 6,068 6,291 6,667 7,401 7,754 8,207 8,338 8,029 7,332 6,637 6,718 01 Andalucía 1,325 1,360 1,441 1,398 1,566 1,586 1,695 1,703 1,672 1,583 1,488 1,532 02 Aragón 331 341 359 352 355 361 395 390 380 369 342 349 03 Asturias, Principado de 196 196 184 287 289 295 354 354 326 281 260 265 04 Balears, Illes 20 24 37 113 495 586 602 599 576 416 31 26 05 Canarias 785 792 794 768 730 708 736 749 757 761 781 782 06 Cantabria 159 157 175 194 203 239 237 245 234 187 171 178 07 Castilla y León 416 424 434 446 441 460 471 478 465 470 478 475 08 Castilla - La Mancha 285 280 300 324 316 316 318 309 314 307 298 295 09 Cataluña 267 278 307 384 428 533 565 582 516 367 277 279 10 Comunitat Valenciana 721 724 747 814 885 931 982 1,046 987 829 743 734 11 Extremadura 430 433 448 461 458 452 489 498 488 501 554 545 12 Galicia 239 247 249 283 309 360 394 392 360 316 268 292 13 Madrid, Comunidad de 143 142 141 144 144 144 147 146 147 147 146 143 14 Murcia, Región de 63 62 63 74 79 88 89 91 87 83 77 71 15 Navarra, Comunidad Foral de 368 382 378 361 439 440 472 494 452 457 465 493 16 País Vasco 125 129 136 141 141 141 140 143 144 142 143 149 17 Rioja, La 92 97 97 122 123 116 119 119 123 116 113 110 18 Ceuta 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 Melilla 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Notes: 1) Symbol '..' means non-significant data Source: National Statistics Institute