Four-yearly Wage Structure Survey Four-yearly Wage Structure Survey. 2006 Annual average earnings per worker by Autonomous Community, sex, NCEA-93 sections and subsections-93 and average and percentiles. Unidades: euros Average Percentile 10 Percentile 25 Percentile 50 Percentile 75 Percentile 90 National total Both sexes All activities 19.680,88 8.201,02 11.903,59 15.740,23 23.285,82 34.889,95 C. Extractive Industries 25.300,18 13.262,3 15.886,85 21.559,97 30.074,22 40.116,16 CA. Extraction of energy products 33.959,55 18.516,92 23.552,26 29.757,75 38.912,6 52.983,88 CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products 22.726,65 12.744,82 15.075,1 19.404 26.705,48 35.853,33 D. Manufacturing industry 22.186,81 10.850,42 13.794 18.467,15 26.681,7 36.713,43 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry 20.041,5 9.488,2 12.242,4 16.070,97 23.709,93 34.010,44 DB. Textile and clothing industry 15.720,95 8.059,46 10.489,03 13.389,72 17.956,05 24.839,5 DC. Leather and footwear industry 14.348,83 9.174,58 11.327,31 12.864 15.898,41 20.879,84 DD. Wood and cork industry 16.039,73 10.099,9 12.475,47 14.798,76 17.973,81 22.448,35 DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports 23.856,43 10.763,89 13.608,75 19.276,83 28.234,47 40.890,64 DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels 42.905,51 20.023,39 30.600,25 39.432,7 50.001,28 64.635,56 DG. Chemical industry 32.172,04 13.724,91 18.511,83 26.887,79 38.841,71 56.711,65 DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry 21.838,08 11.248,81 14.436 18.891,7 27.449,45 35.412,19 DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries 21.998,94 12.247,86 14.730,09 18.757,28 25.242,29 34.976 DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products 21.342,38 12.369,16 14.557,05 18.445,75 25.333,39 34.202,45 DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry 23.791,72 12.979,55 15.898,59 21.054,38 28.260,85 36.256,43 DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry 24.875,81 12.189,74 15.408,52 21.329,94 29.663,74 41.002,64 DM. Manufacture of transport material 26.589,9 13.976,46 18.699,09 25.306,12 32.237,58 39.080,98 DN. Various manufacturing industries 16.516,79 9.858,13 12.596,55 14.636,39 18.000 24.457,02 E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply 33.488,2 14.545,04 19.976 30.323,7 41.169,52 52.914,93 F. Construction 17.848,2 11.419,55 13.372,6 15.403,63 19.259,82 26.848,24 G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 17.333,75 7.793,16 11.012,22 14.169,13 19.317,85 29.172,98 H. Accommodation 13.394,6 5.942,88 9.399,89 12.720,99 15.660,53 20.250,18 I. Transport, storage and communications 21.884,86 9.026,77 13.075,35 17.669,96 26.822,51 37.748,15 J. Financial intermediation 38.351,18 15.959,81 23.524,29 34.496,84 46.329,22 63.018,35 K. Real estate and rental activities business services 17.869,72 6.292,56 9.787,49 14.010,5 20.715,7 32.917,39 M. Education 20.128,48 6.913,42 11.465,59 19.814,1 27.257,9 32.401,49 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services 22.433,02 8.703,26 12.572,3 18.572,45 28.300,14 40.858,38 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services 17.481,76 5.293,51 8.936,95 13.712,36 21.547,53 33.400,47 Males All activities 22.051,08 10.608,18 13.483,55 17.204,27 25.671,4 38.620,68 C. Extractive Industries 25.697,8 13.473,01 16.134,63 22.043,57 30.448,24 40.166,86 CA. Extraction of energy products 34.060,94 18.583,11 23.690,92 29.972,7 38.912,6 52.547,74 CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products 23.151,72 13.052,89 15.301,21 19.750,63 27.189,95 36.399,92 D. Manufacturing industry 23.866,18 12.230,91 14.844,86 20.018,86 28.390,8 38.729,15 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry 23.280,91 11.496,99 13.882,63 18.669,71 27.045,41 38.656,3 DB. Textile and clothing industry 20.165,73 11.004,21 13.633,99 16.946,94 22.344,12 31.996,67 DC. Leather and footwear industry 15.898,26 10.733,39 11.931,5 13.851,12 18.081,36 22.498,08 DD. Wood and cork industry 16.482,52 10.721,4 12.774,18 15.120,72 18.192,08 22.901,6 DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports 25.850,34 11.463,65 15.129,38 20.844,54 30.092,16 44.666,02 DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels 43.696,39 19.933,19 30.808,75 40.473,55 50.545,38 65.757,36 DG. Chemical industry 35.040,96 14.465,71 20.061,41 28.726,85 43.077,97 61.893,4 DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry 23.747,59 12.505,52 15.630,21 20.889,39 29.895,04 37.323,19 DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries 22.612,16 12.779,88 15.015,48 19.239,82 25.734,57 35.868,26 DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products 21.762,08 12.590,9 14.741,36 18.760,71 25.848,08 34.852,14 DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry 24.434,64 13.252,23 16.179,53 21.635,71 29.299,32 37.585,44 DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry 26.622,57 13.022 16.441,07 22.743,66 32.115,66 42.595,59 DM. Manufacture of transport material 27.575,67 14.500,23 19.887,51 26.224,84 32.903,21 39.793,51 DN. Various manufacturing industries 17.360,19 11.283,69 13.161,9 15.082,62 18.640,67 25.287,46 E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply 35.064,46 15.405,14 20.876,41 32.220,24 42.485,4 54.774,02 F. Construction 18.048,86 11.739,21 13.504,9 15.463,2 19.329,89 27.026 G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 20.220,75 9.793,12 12.518,06 16.057,99 22.633,9 35.402,28 H. Accommodation 15.220,73 6.760,32 11.153,44 13.722,89 17.907,07 22.684,85 I. Transport, storage and communications 22.817,21 9.800 13.629,08 18.382,56 27.804,46 39.053,68 J. Financial intermediation 45.127,28 20.590,05 30.195,76 40.073,41 52.555,05 71.523,52 K. Real estate and rental activities business services 22.149,18 9.031,78 12.427,84 16.734,56 25.301,17 40.614,56 M. Education 21.220,51 7.649,68 12.299,63 20.527,25 28.226,42 34.518,83 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services 30.309,98 12.391,07 16.914,12 23.777,46 38.886,64 58.147,68 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services 21.945,95 7.681,35 12.095,04 17.715,3 26.598,3 39.319,37 Females All activities 16.245,17 6.258,13 9.682,85 13.506 19.722,2 29.323,84 C. Extractive Industries -21.312,04 -11.718,64 -14.098,14 -17.461,68 -24.975,59 -35.609,73 CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products -18.710,64 -10.873,07 -13.399,17 -16.154,07 -22.403,1 -29.589,48 D. Manufacturing industry 17.271,94 8.078,78 11.152,92 14.690,91 20.821,42 29.539,28 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry 14.818,7 7.270,86 10.261,02 12.831,44 17.360,52 24.915,52 DB. Textile and clothing industry 12.693,09 6.756,45 9.651,54 11.262,68 14.540,3 19.516,92 DC. Leather and footwear industry 12.187,42 6.486,4 10.036,53 11.734,24 13.538,26 17.183,59 DD. Wood and cork industry 13.847,62 7.572,6 10.765,7 13.185,41 15.826,71 20.362,56 DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports 19.692,51 8.790,68 11.797,68 16.154,25 25.039,09 34.164,55 DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels -38.659,25 -20.023,39 -29.065,07 -37.338,1 -43.427,1 -61.641,45 DG. Chemical industry 25.774,58 12.582,6 16.579,55 23.136,15 32.046,35 41.833,86 DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry 16.537,11 8.016,86 11.977,31 15.285,69 19.079,27 26.182,52 DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries 17.997,92 9.471,49 12.837,52 15.871,03 21.117,43 27.864,59 DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products 18.351,53 9.059,53 13.447,94 16.451,25 22.283,7 27.975,76 DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry 19.903,23 10.907,97 14.633,88 18.694,06 23.541,87 29.981,28 DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry 19.992,9 10.338,76 13.680 17.806,83 24.083,48 32.407,06 DM. Manufacture of transport material 21.653,54 11.936,47 15.348,56 19.418,53 26.458,09 34.338,52 DN. Various manufacturing industries 13.720,94 6.541,03 9.846,99 12.995,84 16.166,64 21.140,22 E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply 26.445,38 11.195,17 16.400,54 25.025,85 33.940,89 43.851,88 F. Construction 15.635,65 7.647,71 10.584 14.364,86 18.330,96 25.197,46 G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 13.944,52 6.377,63 9.576,17 12.451,75 15.939,26 21.900,04 H. Accommodation 11.899,58 5.322,62 8.075,28 11.816,75 14.426,97 17.788,16 I. Transport, storage and communications 19.153,09 7.893,34 11.291,12 16.164,28 23.123,61 34.566,72 J. Financial intermediation 29.688,77 12.751,69 18.859,66 27.796,6 37.291,15 47.959,96 K. Real estate and rental activities business services 14.357,03 5.187,45 8.301,77 12.015,4 17.089,48 25.603,65 M. Education 19.552,99 6.601,3 11.083,72 19.394,31 26.789,24 31.227,15 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services 19.731,38 8.165,59 11.543,82 17.225,49 24.901,44 34.189,42 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services 13.833,54 4.655,05 7.866,28 10.793,04 16.803,01 26.231,76 Andalucía Both sexes All activities 17.372,42 7.469,8 11.123,98 14.672,71 19.126,41 29.949,04 C. Extractive Industries -22.705,89 -12.595,2 -14.884,89 -18.324,67 -26.918,03 -36.121,24 CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products -22.151,66 -12.670,18 -14.792,39 -17.999,28 -25.603,15 -35.142,3 D. Manufacturing industry 19.332,43 9.441,37 12.487,44 15.342,08 22.467,31 33.754,85 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry 18.204,94 9.468,57 11.315,52 14.120,7 20.904,4 31.283,91 DB. Textile and clothing industry -11.988,67 -4.273,44 -6.756,45 -9.945,8 -14.149,09 -22.037,58 DC. Leather and footwear industry -13.469,64 -8.522,49 -10.545,59 -12.471,22 -15.475,71 -19.289,55 DD. Wood and cork industry -14.630,26 -7.480,78 -11.031,48 -13.515,24 -16.490,72 -21.017,63 DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports -18.744,75 -8.191,28 -10.901,79 -14.341,08 -21.983,32 -35.965,87 DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels -37.933,74 -13.829,2 -29.007,01 -37.050,26 -44.661,6 -57.655,14 DG. Chemical industry -32.661,21 -12.065,33 -15.665,4 -28.163,05 -44.905,18 -63.684,68 DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry -17.929,86 -11.142,2 -12.994,77 -15.061,8 -20.551,24 -28.991,94 DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries 17.609,11 10.716,44 13.240,32 15.288,77 18.956,29 26.608,26 DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products 18.563,51 12.246,84 14.062,58 15.505,81 19.403,37 25.581,03 DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry -22.637,71 -11.074,59 -14.611,85 -17.775,6 -25.817,24 -37.630,06 DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry -20.439,97 -9.446,04 -14.021,91 -17.215,72 -25.721,24 -33.938,75 DM. Manufacture of transport material 26.563,95 13.327,57 18.639,11 27.397,6 33.355,28 37.724,9 DN. Various manufacturing industries 13.362,25 7.344 11.301,68 13.919,95 15.268,49 17.185,44 E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply 30.204,79 13.851,42 18.741,84 28.347,89 37.462,63 46.202,29 F. Construction 16.923,79 10.532,04 13.614,41 15.359,92 17.346,42 23.985,37 G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 14.437,43 6.517,59 10.397,31 12.957,52 16.192,32 21.375,2 H. Accommodation 13.236,98 6.147,37 9.525,34 12.912,36 15.412,93 19.209,98 I. Transport, storage and communications 18.306,79 8.156,65 11.145,62 14.831,28 21.388,7 31.764,98 J. Financial intermediation 34.092,09 14.036,83 21.464,87 31.893,5 42.478,48 56.260,96 K. Real estate and rental activities business services 14.540,23 5.656,01 9.194,34 12.365,15 16.363,18 23.687,27 M. Education 18.566,84 6.029,88 10.910,55 18.444,34 26.324,21 28.813,27 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services 22.680,27 8.338,01 12.269,31 18.072,81 28.904,92 38.641,63 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services 16.510,43 4.945,83 8.752,22 13.600,53 20.538,25 28.516,49 Males All activities 19.253,11 9.931,43 12.815,06 15.564,42 20.754,54 32.983,1 C. Extractive Industries -23.014,05 -12.591,48 -14.903,46 -18.347,66 -27.043,54 -36.564,55 CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products -22.511,59 -12.670,18 -14.884,89 -18.097,17 -25.970,71 -35.522,4 D. Manufacturing industry 20.723,03 10.899,53 13.500,05 16.133,21 24.213,73 35.208,69 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry 20.484,05 10.318,17 12.792,46 15.865,6 24.246 34.515,5 DB. Textile and clothing industry -18.304,13 -9.062,54 -11.261,28 -13.754,76 -20.172,38 -29.006,38 DC. Leather and footwear industry -14.362,18 -9.868,63 -11.270 -13.062,84 -16.500 -20.209,96 DD. Wood and cork industry -14.680,45 -6.686,87 -10.955,44 -13.517 -16.685,53 -21.017,63 DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports -21.670,99 -10.318,85 -12.496,88 -17.288,48 -25.621,98 -40.684 DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels -38.436,14 -12.686,15 -30.695,94 -37.151,98 -45.997,19 -57.838,1 DG. Chemical industry -35.483,29 -12.521,62 -17.062,45 -32.617,67 -48.787,63 -64.264,56 DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry -18.839,95 -11.423,6 -13.922,3 -15.611,75 -21.179,38 -29.739,18 DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries 17.882,64 11.045,14 13.574,52 15.350,87 19.406,18 27.010,92 DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products 18.652,1 12.646,68 14.172,55 15.600,46 19.395,17 25.646,28 DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry -23.068,96 -11.074,59 -14.585,37 -18.462,51 -26.237,47 -39.201,46 DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry -21.608,13 -11.101,21 -14.453,12 -18.271,37 -26.918,95 -35.548,87 DM. Manufacture of transport material -27.317,57 -14.810,29 -20.105,34 -27.777,53 -33.446,4 -37.926,74 DN. Various manufacturing industries -13.854,76 -8.899,09 -11.710,19 -14.150,36 -15.398,93 -17.189,54 E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply -31.413,39 -14.766,23 -19.376,68 -29.369,88 -38.179,43 -48.736,5 F. Construction 17.221,37 11.100,97 13.872,24 15.463,2 17.412 24.348,62 G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 16.112,01 8.184,66 11.297,56 14.165,26 17.371,01 24.508,64 H. Accommodation 15.421,69 8.867,76 12.576,74 14.193,48 17.028,48 20.779,72 I. Transport, storage and communications 18.731,38 8.366,45 11.830,89 14.831,28 22.160,64 32.469,53 J. Financial intermediation 39.944,1 18.519,27 26.425,56 36.766,65 48.069,76 62.552,93 K. Real estate and rental activities business services 17.559,2 9.060,54 11.548,9 14.487,33 18.777,96 28.947,9 M. Education -19.850,34 -7.579,44 -12.555,57 -20.013,8 -27.605,93 -29.817,97 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services -30.459,64 -12.812,15 -16.664,35 -25.849,4 -35.281,51 -55.970,62 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services 20.345,26 7.572,72 11.181,52 16.748,1 24.417,21 32.653,43 Females All activities 14.137,55 5.552,64 8.545,94 12.187,4 16.924,39 25.140,5 C. Extractive Industries .. .. .. .. .. .. CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. D. Manufacturing industry 13.998,29 5.796,2 9.039,73 12.242,4 15.722,8 24.332,71 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry -13.652 -6.988,92 -10.169,05 -11.805,24 -14.919,85 -23.973,21 DB. Textile and clothing industry -9.769,33 -3.482,09 -5.423,04 -8.170,02 -11.851,07 -19.439,52 DC. Leather and footwear industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DD. Wood and cork industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports -13.385,54 -4.800,6 -9.526,22 -11.173,59 -13.564,14 -21.835,72 DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries .. .. .. .. .. .. DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products .. .. .. .. .. .. DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DM. Manufacture of transport material .. .. .. .. .. .. DN. Various manufacturing industries -11.307,13 -5.544,71 -7.252,09 -12.042,16 -14.573,94 -17.185,44 E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply .. .. .. .. .. .. F. Construction -13.215,29 -6.012 -9.335,59 -12.851,21 -15.904,26 -20.427,66 G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 12.204,69 6.164,42 8.937,91 11.558,84 14.517,94 17.564,72 H. Accommodation 11.108,68 4.644,1 7.560,95 11.526,58 13.763,26 16.498,57 I. Transport, storage and communications -16.655,74 -7.933,68 -9.272,88 -14.353,63 -17.948,83 -27.516,69 J. Financial intermediation -25.899,02 -9.914,04 -16.985,4 -24.239,93 -33.234,67 -42.277,48 K. Real estate and rental activities business services 11.875,9 4.902,94 7.346,59 10.514,49 13.821,09 19.306,54 M. Education 17.789,47 5.767,76 9.698,98 17.934,58 25.204,13 28.678,39 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services 17.990,2 7.265,15 10.592,02 15.447,2 22.256,52 32.364,41 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services -12.204,39 -4.135,56 -6.218,57 -9.970,19 -15.886,45 -22.654,63 Aragón Both sexes All activities 19.134,82 7.613,02 12.058,92 16.514,15 22.953,66 32.472,56 C. Extractive Industries -25.520,12 -12.191,39 -16.972,88 -21.182,54 -30.092,04 -40.961,18 CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products -20.790,86 -10.722,42 -15.123,11 -19.395,38 -23.393,54 -32.195,11 D. Manufacturing industry 21.725,13 10.921,21 14.590,72 19.143,67 26.022,52 34.046,5 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry 17.728,35 7.463,09 11.349,46 15.788,49 21.321,97 28.335,88 DB. Textile and clothing industry -12.722,37 -5.514,72 -10.033,97 -12.111,16 -14.343,14 -17.635,82 DC. Leather and footwear industry -14.851,87 -8.030,28 -10.812,53 -12.694,42 -18.368,87 -24.415,95 DD. Wood and cork industry -16.787,15 -7.877,78 -13.295,28 -15.451,55 -19.880,07 -24.843,51 DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports -26.030,8 -12.595,8 -16.893,45 -22.345,41 -30.226,27 -41.918,66 DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry -26.763,91 -13.541,66 -16.262,65 -22.395,76 -32.931,78 -45.513,26 DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry -17.982,37 -7.582,33 -12.921,53 -16.121,5 -21.349,86 -28.545,16 DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries -23.201,54 -14.249,78 -16.347,02 -20.916,49 -26.439,57 -36.305,65 DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products 20.541,81 12.462,05 14.721,85 18.593,53 22.993,78 30.467,6 DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry 22.719,03 13.649,71 17.055,27 21.345,44 26.573,1 34.046,5 DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry -20.189,38 -11.895,72 -13.971,28 -17.296,96 -23.761,83 -30.458,16 DM. Manufacture of transport material 25.765,16 14.581,61 17.411,69 25.176,39 29.678,05 35.089,03 DN. Various manufacturing industries -20.082,59 -9.736,89 -13.664,16 -17.669,86 -23.359,41 -29.182,58 E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply -29.896,87 -13.101,3 -17.953,39 -25.455,6 -38.988,73 -52.079,57 F. Construction 19.353,02 13.016,46 15.196,8 17.781,37 21.261,81 28.219,43 G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 16.181,17 7.043,45 10.480,52 13.782,05 18.957,16 26.190,88 H. Accommodation 11.732,88 4.428,53 7.864,96 11.699,56 13.198,86 16.817,51 I. Transport, storage and communications 19.698 8.805,58 12.930,21 17.201,54 24.651,06 33.002,28 J. Financial intermediation -39.015,49 -15.766,02 -24.333,93 -35.981,91 -49.138,69 -59.404,64 K. Real estate and rental activities business services 14.564,35 4.814,24 8.224,2 12.420,39 17.478,62 24.320,04 M. Education 16.940,86 6.262,58 9.468,25 16.396,79 23.480,95 28.296,21 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services 22.360,76 9.814,1 13.092,21 18.603,16 27.600,72 38.952,4 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services -15.247,86 -5.775,5 -8.378,37 -12.560,09 -20.116,48 -27.379,56 Males All activities 22.030,14 11.387,3 14.599,13 18.613,81 25.705,47 36.031,84 C. Extractive Industries -26.140,95 -12.683,23 -17.047,12 -21.869,79 -30.251,13 -41.071,32 CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products -21.234,09 -11.802,21 -15.420,58 -19.582,58 -23.510,99 -32.670,61 D. Manufacturing industry 23.597,17 13.351,97 16.361,32 21.060,81 27.697,19 35.089,03 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry -20.774,48 -11.378,45 -14.468,61 -18.177,02 -24.176,02 -33.500,73 DB. Textile and clothing industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DC. Leather and footwear industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DD. Wood and cork industry -17.242,61 -12.580,91 -13.356,01 -15.935,6 -19.880,07 -24.843,51 DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports -27.858,71 -14.754,22 -18.997,13 -23.887,12 -32.347,67 -42.412,79 DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry -28.702,84 -14.516,46 -18.108,21 -25.678,15 -33.926,76 -47.831,68 DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry -21.152,3 -12.528,98 -14.975,72 -18.362,64 -24.076,12 -33.068,96 DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries -23.801,33 -14.707,6 -16.886,24 -21.158,96 -26.919,55 -37.564,1 DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products -21.465,21 -13.450,25 -15.842,9 -19.283,56 -23.603,96 -31.522,89 DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry -23.045,56 -14.115,88 -17.145,94 -21.434,64 -26.926,02 -34.898,81 DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry -22.473,64 -13.038,42 -15.581,41 -20.385,19 -26.943,85 -33.998,44 DM. Manufacture of transport material -27.232,3 -15.373,4 -18.918,81 -26.310,54 -30.564,79 -35.089,03 DN. Various manufacturing industries -21.888,87 -12.495,36 -14.730,57 -19.229,73 -24.169,45 -30.725,87 E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply -30.914,87 -15.013,42 -18.784,15 -25.585,57 -40.682,21 -53.525,56 F. Construction 19.562,33 13.075,21 15.298,37 17.904,41 21.533,92 28.676,07 G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles -19.787,05 -10.480,52 -13.240,73 -17.042,74 -21.851,35 -30.879,48 H. Accommodation -14.590,88 -7.434,41 -11.112,97 -12.923,42 -15.757,56 -21.874,28 I. Transport, storage and communications 20.717,96 9.723,76 13.969,55 18.177,33 25.904,78 34.614,9 J. Financial intermediation -45.260,94 -20.102,25 -30.808,04 -41.633,69 -53.780,51 -64.325,25 K. Real estate and rental activities business services -17.732,58 -7.319,54 -11.053,95 -14.732,7 -20.237,11 -31.025,72 M. Education -18.581,05 -6.987,39 -11.699,35 -17.443,2 -24.283,43 -29.327,23 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services -29.969,48 -12.742,02 -16.815,99 -21.826,58 -38.026,29 -62.018,47 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services -19.443,74 -6.760,48 -11.393,88 -18.540,55 -23.908,6 -29.639,83 Females All activities 14.894,41 5.732,53 9.053,7 12.785,39 17.956,78 26.078,61 C. Extractive Industries .. .. .. .. .. .. CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. D. Manufacturing industry 15.994,46 7.561,74 11.027,29 14.314,37 18.418,02 25.628,6 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry -12.786,53 -5.939,1 -8.228,92 -11.449,55 -15.310,5 -21.225,15 DB. Textile and clothing industry -11.569,06 -5.529,89 -9.608,47 -11.419,88 -13.440,38 -15.758,83 DC. Leather and footwear industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DD. Wood and cork industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports .. .. .. .. .. .. DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry -22.538,29 -12.331,39 -15.342,66 -17.607,91 -24.435,59 -40.015,33 DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry -13.703,44 -6.685,08 -7.834,22 -13.113,09 -15.995,6 -20.980,53 DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries .. .. .. .. .. .. DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products .. .. .. .. .. .. DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry -15.617,5 -10.946,32 -12.896,64 -14.385,56 -16.523,11 -21.803,89 DM. Manufacture of transport material -18.770,17 -9.725,54 -14.581,61 -16.727,39 -20.611,42 -32.668,21 DN. Various manufacturing industries .. .. .. .. .. .. E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply .. .. .. .. .. .. F. Construction .. .. .. .. .. .. G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 12.579,15 5.939,84 8.551,78 11.350,51 14.754,65 20.356,39 H. Accommodation -10.531,63 -3.651,05 -6.662,9 -11.296,3 -13.085,26 -15.104,74 I. Transport, storage and communications -14.951,76 -6.092,71 -9.500,29 -13.620,62 -17.479,78 -23.306,92 J. Financial intermediation -28.093,69 -12.177 -18.671,14 -28.278,17 -35.733,11 -45.808,62 K. Real estate and rental activities business services 12.683,91 4.516,24 6.735,88 11.210,82 15.492,67 21.406,55 M. Education -16.079,28 -6.262,58 -8.819,5 -15.791,64 -22.574,85 -26.933,6 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services 20.257,38 9.599,9 12.160,7 17.810,2 25.040,02 34.626,8 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services -12.243,73 -5.171,4 -8.155,85 -9.880,38 -14.220,58 -21.090,44 Principado de Asturias Both sexes All activities 19.758,43 8.030,19 12.216,26 16.300,76 24.300 35.136,08 C. Extractive Industries -33.278,01 -19.074,9 -24.474,31 -30.074,22 -40.096,37 -51.034,59 CA. Extraction of energy products -33.633,83 -21.517,47 -24.918,34 -30.203,17 -40.551,6 -51.419,34 CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products -32.109,49 -15.051,35 -21.696,12 -29.511,53 -37.252,43 -46.090,47 D. Manufacturing industry 23.340,66 11.647,68 15.261,05 20.301,13 29.344,37 36.615 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry -19.622,42 -8.700,74 -12.177,38 -16.896,81 -25.644,56 -34.064,81 DB. Textile and clothing industry -11.863,36 -5.441,28 -9.440,65 -11.113,83 -13.752,73 -15.743,81 DC. Leather and footwear industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DD. Wood and cork industry -15.718 -12.861,98 -13.669,85 -15.283,85 -16.767,55 -20.696,53 DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports -25.767,88 -7.041,61 -13.387,05 -18.714,66 -31.889,02 -44.273,63 DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry -29.824,08 -12.816,66 -16.217,44 -22.582,16 -38.874,16 -55.623,98 DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries -25.331,99 -13.252,04 -15.831,66 -21.607,8 -28.902,87 -36.724,53 DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products 25.773,51 14.626,31 17.087,78 24.192,06 33.645,51 36.810,88 DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry -23.655,86 -13.770,5 -18.119,83 -23.052,97 -28.284,46 -32.289,14 DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry -19.280,88 -8.430,77 -11.452,96 -16.258,5 -21.719,55 -32.444,87 DM. Manufacture of transport material -24.073,18 -15.328 -18.555,73 -23.363,37 -27.929,26 -32.999,67 DN. Various manufacturing industries -16.230,54 -10.847,39 -13.921,56 -15.733,15 -17.667,47 -20.849,03 E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply -45.578,02 -17.377,17 -30.880,06 -45.127,86 -53.716,62 -67.266,36 F. Construction 20.208,17 12.885,22 14.844,89 17.099,41 22.438,98 32.233,1 G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 16.105,98 7.654,18 10.694,56 13.308,7 17.520,79 26.445,1 H. Accommodation -12.034,16 -4.862,92 -7.254,19 -12.063 -14.031,73 -17.458,87 I. Transport, storage and communications 21.170,41 10.293,79 14.675,4 18.707,15 25.992,58 36.045,38 J. Financial intermediation -36.702,03 -16.449,96 -26.484,25 -35.642,66 -45.084,73 -56.476,07 K. Real estate and rental activities business services 14.839,23 5.477,91 9.403,96 13.396,35 18.360,31 25.415,07 M. Education -19.713,66 -8.709,35 -13.129,7 -20.282,05 -25.174,28 -28.236,41 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services 23.581,04 9.666,15 14.543,1 19.751,94 29.699,68 42.842,49 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services -12.903,58 -4.667,83 -7.574,4 -9.674,54 -16.320,17 -23.051,96 Males All activities 22.781,54 11.483,48 14.672,46 18.818,53 28.029 38.606,77 C. Extractive Industries -33.540,1 -18.845,13 -24.474,31 -30.074,22 -40.116,16 -51.419,34 CA. Extraction of energy products -33.828,33 -21.687,98 -25.243,54 -30.203,17 -40.551,6 -51.419,34 CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products -32.557,15 -15.051,35 -20.000 -29.834,14 -37.252,43 -50.918,06 D. Manufacturing industry 24.629,97 13.198,45 16.023,53 21.890,75 30.401,54 36.810,88 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry -21.607,45 -10.416,44 -13.454,42 -19.024,11 -27.147,59 -34.776,03 DB. Textile and clothing industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DC. Leather and footwear industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DD. Wood and cork industry -15.609,1 -12.861,98 -13.541,54 -15.177,27 -16.615,02 -19.475,56 DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports -30.134,69 -11.106,34 -16.904,97 -23.593,26 -35.739,78 -60.880,51 DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry -31.676,98 -13.470,54 -16.845,92 -23.403,46 -40.103,73 -57.687,17 DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries -26.263,28 -13.879,9 -16.306,82 -22.207,13 -30.116,89 -37.863,59 DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products 26.055,97 14.643,5 17.593,6 24.855,86 33.805,24 36.913,16 DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry -23.758,98 -13.557,4 -18.023,97 -23.266,81 -28.324,98 -32.289,14 DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry -20.951,76 -8.596,31 -13.420,85 -17.165,08 -22.782,44 -34.352,64 DM. Manufacture of transport material -24.923,19 -15.713,63 -19.300,55 -23.862,95 -28.352,8 -33.083,53 DN. Various manufacturing industries -16.899,95 -13.412,32 -15.100,01 -16.111,99 -18.391,68 -20.849,03 E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply -46.488,48 -17.737,45 -32.577,08 -45.174,38 -54.094,08 -67.497,82 F. Construction 20.310,27 13.261,08 15.006,96 17.214,08 22.489,21 31.926,29 G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles -19.306,76 -10.112,08 -12.366,78 -15.718,08 -21.974,81 -34.696,53 H. Accommodation -15.223,78 -5.970,84 -11.751,33 -13.713,53 -15.822,28 -26.637,78 I. Transport, storage and communications -22.850,8 -13.722,65 -15.980,78 -20.769,3 -27.543,49 -37.001,61 J. Financial intermediation -40.421,43 -22.799,75 -31.179,78 -39.302,49 -45.759,12 -59.790,49 K. Real estate and rental activities business services -18.185,59 -9.858,08 -13.191,01 -16.398,15 -20.200,33 -29.098,4 M. Education -19.696,29 -8.066,1 -12.161,2 -20.014,02 -26.044,98 -30.036 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services -31.385,11 -14.543,1 -19.182,64 -29.833,95 -41.453,56 -52.329,51 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services -19.651,19 -8.041,54 -12.395,6 -16.776,25 -22.314,19 -35.624,38 Females All activities 15.356,82 5.879,44 9.100,26 12.880 18.637,55 27.310,17 C. Extractive Industries .. .. .. .. .. .. CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. D. Manufacturing industry 15.983,13 7.097,08 10.438,41 14.319,44 19.578,64 27.318,69 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry -14.644,57 -6.694,65 -9.225,88 -12.598,55 -18.437,03 -24.781,85 DB. Textile and clothing industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DC. Leather and footwear industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DD. Wood and cork industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports .. .. .. .. .. .. DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries .. .. .. .. .. .. DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products .. .. .. .. .. .. DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DM. Manufacture of transport material .. .. .. .. .. .. DN. Various manufacturing industries .. .. .. .. .. .. E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply .. .. .. .. .. .. F. Construction .. .. .. .. .. .. G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles -13.179,32 -6.015,1 -9.932,68 -12.150,27 -14.508,02 -19.523,53 H. Accommodation -10.266,95 -4.694,64 -6.601,32 -10.336,01 -13.374,13 -14.541,5 I. Transport, storage and communications -15.513,07 -7.402,4 -9.010 -13.953,08 -19.521,21 -28.409,2 J. Financial intermediation -31.237,29 -9.736,35 -17.055,16 -29.434,05 -39.412,57 -53.335,59 K. Real estate and rental activities business services 12.374,05 4.611,69 7.441,17 11.404,75 14.822,7 21.873,28 M. Education -19.723,43 -9.043,9 -14.172,34 -20.766,35 -24.678,24 -28.236,39 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services 21.432,78 9.530,32 13.030,39 18.819,64 26.014,11 34.964,22 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services -9.967,49 -4.416,3 -6.989,98 -8.870,05 -10.682,44 -17.672,22 Balears (Illes) Both sexes All activities 18.095,93 9.152,53 12.217,94 14.975,16 20.732,61 30.037 C. Extractive Industries .. .. .. .. .. .. CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. D. Manufacturing industry 17.634,59 9.235,36 12.347,01 15.205,92 19.613,84 28.476,93 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry -17.809,84 -8.788,56 -12.062,88 -14.827,13 -20.931,34 -30.032,51 DB. Textile and clothing industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DC. Leather and footwear industry -13.387,16 -8.805,96 -10.822,5 -12.565,87 -15.002 -18.304,35 DD. Wood and cork industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports -21.648,03 -8.699,97 -13.323,75 -18.410 -25.792,01 -36.996,7 DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries -17.567,55 -10.611,86 -13.724,71 -15.904,61 -18.799,74 -25.452,94 DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products -15.144,69 -9.600 -12.173,12 -13.624,92 -15.992,13 -21.500,3 DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DM. Manufacture of transport material -20.050,67 -11.001,62 -12.952,68 -16.964,57 -24.809,78 -34.274,71 DN. Various manufacturing industries -15.632,67 -9.235,36 -12.863,28 -15.479,46 -17.689,99 -21.702,14 E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply -30.206,8 -18.617,72 -25.028,82 -28.987,2 -36.632,76 -41.829,94 F. Construction 16.666,19 11.357,91 13.212,82 14.789,83 17.612,48 23.147,46 G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 15.254,62 9.761,06 12.007,69 13.255,28 16.979,03 23.238,16 H. Accommodation 16.312,31 9.274,53 12.580,13 14.487,1 17.373,74 24.430,32 I. Transport, storage and communications 23.793,77 9.867,41 14.221,36 19.689,1 28.465,47 40.362,06 J. Financial intermediation -34.729,45 -14.876,62 -24.881,11 -33.294,98 -42.876,26 -53.005,11 K. Real estate and rental activities business services 15.991,77 6.250,93 9.554,95 13.394,16 17.976,77 26.991,87 M. Education -19.878,25 -7.440,32 -12.266,4 -20.068,94 -27.335,52 -29.919,09 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services 23.972,69 11.284,22 15.870,26 20.545,71 29.444,65 39.235,3 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services 15.374,44 6.340,16 8.979,64 12.315,62 18.832,48 25.612,98 Males All activities 20.018,29 10.436,46 13.283,17 16.232,06 22.628,93 33.847,51 C. Extractive Industries .. .. .. .. .. .. CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. D. Manufacturing industry 18.931,2 11.273,7 13.097,5 15.859,4 20.641,68 30.232,81 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry -20.919,34 -11.971,97 -14.028,48 -18.523,81 -24.877,18 -32.712,39 DB. Textile and clothing industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DC. Leather and footwear industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DD. Wood and cork industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports -22.856,99 -6.991,89 -13.339,58 -19.296,95 -28.757,06 -37.968,67 DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries -18.441,96 -12.025,59 -14.567,47 -16.190,81 -19.393,49 -25.499,89 DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products -15.478,68 -11.203,46 -12.235,24 -13.637,31 -16.088,73 -21.500,3 DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DM. Manufacture of transport material -21.511,93 -11.153,68 -13.345,06 -18.179,46 -26.645,54 -35.645,32 DN. Various manufacturing industries -16.453,61 -11.371,89 -13.776,63 -15.954,84 -17.689,99 -21.480,82 E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply -30.777,86 -19.240,49 -25.663,59 -29.440,06 -37.392,67 -43.417,33 F. Construction 16.964,85 11.920,27 13.440,75 15.063,34 17.612,48 23.147,46 G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles -17.710,48 -10.694,69 -12.474,98 -15.725,55 -21.758,86 -27.177,31 H. Accommodation -18.152,21 -9.495,39 -13.496,81 -14.981,36 -19.490,73 -27.053,9 I. Transport, storage and communications -26.490,33 -10.159,14 -15.907,32 -21.112,74 -30.245,6 -43.281,57 J. Financial intermediation -40.511,98 -19.201,2 -29.679,31 -40.110,13 -51.177,92 -60.507,08 K. Real estate and rental activities business services -19.585,74 -8.827,91 -12.768,43 -16.074,49 -21.210,19 -34.703,71 M. Education -19.085,67 -7.461,8 -11.240,64 -16.385,65 -27.168,84 -29.599,52 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services -29.462,85 -11.749,05 -17.159,54 -23.326,03 -37.803,16 -60.109,62 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services -17.952,1 -7.572,72 -9.263,52 -14.325,11 -21.004,92 -31.074,34 Females All activities 15.750 7.845,07 11.285,8 13.554,3 18.009,35 27.335,52 C. Extractive Industries .. .. .. .. .. .. CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. D. Manufacturing industry -14.364,21 -6.796,22 -9.894,86 -12.830,56 -16.106,6 -22.612,19 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry -12.836,54 -7.169,13 -8.788,56 -12.347,01 -14.508,64 -20.019,99 DB. Textile and clothing industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DC. Leather and footwear industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DD. Wood and cork industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports .. .. .. .. .. .. DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries .. .. .. .. .. .. DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products .. .. .. .. .. .. DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DM. Manufacture of transport material .. .. .. .. .. .. DN. Various manufacturing industries .. .. .. .. .. .. E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply .. .. .. .. .. .. F. Construction .. .. .. .. .. .. G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles -13.132,48 -8.357,88 -11.573,22 -12.360,58 -14.219,13 -17.285,88 H. Accommodation -14.651,36 -8.844 -11.997,98 -14.233,18 -16.191,46 -20.326,57 I. Transport, storage and communications -18.731,5 -9.030,76 -12.202,23 -16.416,03 -22.939,04 -31.322,41 J. Financial intermediation -27.909,25 -13.208,81 -20.623,42 -29.723,87 -34.220,38 -39.792,29 K. Real estate and rental activities business services 13.470,88 5.037,77 8.301,77 12.155,71 15.682,48 24.071,3 M. Education -20.225,53 -7.269,48 -13.311,99 -20.591,5 -27.372,57 -30.050,69 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services -21.807,88 -10.937,94 -14.599,18 -20.086,59 -28.088,21 -32.525,17 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services -12.430,48 -4.616,78 -8.290,12 -10.431,84 -15.299,71 -22.400 Canarias Both sexes All activities 16.431,12 7.700,19 10.399,92 13.532,18 18.376,49 28.173,42 C. Extractive Industries .. .. .. .. .. .. CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. D. Manufacturing industry 17.391,21 8.682 11.292,02 14.251,29 21.045,43 30.033,07 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry 17.585,08 8.046,28 9.565,96 14.363,06 23.978,51 30.485,79 DB. Textile and clothing industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DC. Leather and footwear industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DD. Wood and cork industry -13.625,18 -8.936,15 -10.671,64 -13.819,54 -16.030,08 -16.800 DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports -18.900,67 -9.453,94 -11.742,57 -15.570,74 -22.850,92 -33.000,05 DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries -18.242,24 -9.172,15 -12.652,93 -14.994,58 -22.580,79 -30.300,74 DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products -13.292,61 -10.364,81 -11.710,91 -12.784,6 -14.159,58 -17.131,68 DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry -22.433,55 -12.126,71 -14.516,52 -22.840,49 -26.241,55 -34.650,01 DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry -16.948,51 -10.066,96 -12.278,06 -14.821,47 -19.459,45 -28.000 DM. Manufacture of transport material -18.001,92 -10.460,04 -13.174,33 -15.858,28 -21.202,98 -28.545,69 DN. Various manufacturing industries -13.442,8 -7.518,69 -9.959,88 -12.109,89 -14.346,33 -25.685,85 E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply -25.497,64 -12.904,46 -16.548,33 -25.117,91 -33.909,64 -39.923,9 F. Construction 15.016,87 9.886,28 11.839,79 13.241,08 16.032,58 21.164,04 G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 13.891,71 7.574,52 9.323,34 12.202,37 15.600 20.712,16 H. Accommodation 14.652,76 7.839,5 11.161,84 13.812,48 15.873,65 20.205,9 I. Transport, storage and communications 21.059,41 8.113,68 10.095,45 15.518,76 22.539,81 37.324,21 J. Financial intermediation -37.072,77 -13.834,19 -22.469,5 -34.773,08 -47.505,83 -59.321,87 K. Real estate and rental activities business services 14.482,39 4.938,45 8.349,93 11.640,7 17.431,39 27.336,56 M. Education -18.955,25 -8.257,67 -10.399,92 -18.442,07 -23.278,93 -34.211,83 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services 23.147,94 10.474,68 12.927,48 19.551,49 29.432,24 40.796,56 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services 13.430,06 4.915,46 8.253,26 11.664,75 16.482 23.767,22 Males All activities 17.535,2 8.493,45 11.292,71 13.949,4 19.120,45 30.189,95 C. Extractive Industries .. .. .. .. .. .. CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. D. Manufacturing industry 18.363,06 9.476,69 11.959,95 14.792,92 22.705,3 31.901,54 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry -19.870,51 -8.678,44 -11.012,55 -17.042,31 -25.812,59 -32.405,17 DB. Textile and clothing industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DC. Leather and footwear industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DD. Wood and cork industry -14.064,93 -9.254,63 -11.796,68 -14.259 -16.030,08 -16.800 DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports -19.881,3 -9.933,68 -11.742,57 -16.845,54 -24.135,58 -33.367,05 DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries -18.470,83 -9.493,51 -12.618,33 -15.286,76 -22.754,09 -31.263,17 DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products -13.367,01 -10.791,56 -11.729,19 -12.864,14 -14.031,86 -17.179,75 DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry -17.446,88 -10.087,69 -12.573,48 -15.214,14 -20.097,6 -29.439,98 DM. Manufacture of transport material -18.283,96 -11.136,57 -13.263,78 -15.858,28 -22.031,64 -28.545,69 DN. Various manufacturing industries .. .. .. .. .. .. E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply -26.182,22 -13.303,8 -16.806,37 -25.242,36 -34.392,74 -40.327,46 F. Construction 15.035,08 10.155,17 11.977,44 13.241,36 16.012,92 21.158,28 G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 15.125,78 8.019,64 9.777,6 12.798,24 16.696,56 23.592,46 H. Accommodation 15.644,63 7.125,46 11.161,84 14.009,5 16.752,47 22.985,02 I. Transport, storage and communications 21.517,47 8.113,68 10.092,48 15.953,04 23.549,59 38.025,69 J. Financial intermediation -44.930,55 -21.378,12 -30.878,11 -42.662,45 -54.666,22 -69.863,5 K. Real estate and rental activities business services 17.868,07 7.658,29 10.517,28 14.364,95 21.632,76 30.296,8 M. Education -20.019,07 -7.672,58 -10.588,42 -18.442,07 -27.231,62 -36.188,11 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services -29.135,34 -12.264,58 -17.544,51 -22.986,37 -38.599,57 -52.837,6 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services -16.351,62 -7.572,6 -10.288,13 -14.608,66 -19.198,56 -27.520,41 Females All activities 14.840,03 6.311,5 9.452,34 12.639,24 17.341,97 25.623,59 C. Extractive Industries .. .. .. .. .. .. CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. D. Manufacturing industry -13.654,71 -7.365,55 -8.920,22 -11.868,12 -17.092,94 -23.978,51 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry -12.446,86 -7.056,46 -8.280,18 -10.154,63 -14.991,08 -21.547,75 DB. Textile and clothing industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DC. Leather and footwear industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DD. Wood and cork industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports .. .. .. .. .. .. DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries .. .. .. .. .. .. DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products .. .. .. .. .. .. DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DM. Manufacture of transport material .. .. .. .. .. .. DN. Various manufacturing industries .. .. .. .. .. .. E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply .. .. .. .. .. .. F. Construction .. .. .. .. .. .. G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 12.162,5 6.384,42 9.064,7 11.357,4 14.159,68 18.050 H. Accommodation 13.564,01 9.022,05 11.027,38 13.568,09 15.315,79 17.974,82 I. Transport, storage and communications -19.642,58 -6.732,57 -10.464,44 -14.302,49 -19.575,61 -30.712,66 J. Financial intermediation -29.789,8 -11.590 -19.011 -28.428,36 -39.453,57 -50.498,46 K. Real estate and rental activities business services 11.900,67 4.517,23 6.626,87 9.869,8 14.507,05 22.362,81 M. Education -18.477,63 -8.594,94 -10.399,92 -18.324,48 -22.701,84 -30.835,29 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services 21.022,14 10.091,04 12.872,52 18.400,65 25.887,62 35.410,52 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services -10.894,04 -4.208,33 -6.914,8 -9.424,22 -13.855,86 -18.477,1 Cantabria Both sexes All activities 17.999,21 7.882,28 11.469,12 15.211,13 22.381,91 30.576,65 C. Extractive Industries .. .. .. .. .. .. CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. D. Manufacturing industry 22.319,07 10.819,42 13.833,82 19.784,89 28.500,28 35.810,86 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry -16.806,24 -9.740,53 -10.803,14 -12.921,97 -21.774,31 -30.757,17 DB. Textile and clothing industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DC. Leather and footwear industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DD. Wood and cork industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports -19.025,7 -10.200 -12.203,13 -16.049,52 -21.744,93 -31.176,77 DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry -32.760,47 -14.896,37 -20.622,35 -30.497,93 -39.980,13 -53.486,33 DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry -25.300,12 -13.688,03 -17.360,26 -25.491,86 -31.000,53 -37.875,75 DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries -22.343,56 -12.621,48 -15.929,46 -20.052,76 -25.950,51 -35.126,85 DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products 22.544,8 13.337,14 15.562,26 20.757,76 26.788,68 32.835,86 DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry -21.585,58 -10.017,46 -14.319,16 -19.053,23 -27.223,96 -32.198,74 DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry -27.503,06 -14.844,87 -20.817,55 -28.226,64 -32.287,82 -36.603,43 DM. Manufacture of transport material -27.327,31 -15.115,98 -19.426,9 -28.393,77 -33.369,87 -39.990,34 DN. Various manufacturing industries .. .. .. .. .. .. E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply -26.755,45 -14.007,72 -19.782,63 -23.977,06 -33.011,91 -43.566,84 F. Construction 17.694,67 11.477,83 13.984,32 15.573,11 19.655,69 25.621,71 G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 15.340,39 7.572,6 10.354,24 13.270,84 18.272,18 25.713,3 H. Accommodation -12.272,13 -6.124,98 -9.504,77 -11.912,69 -13.847,42 -16.376,77 I. Transport, storage and communications -18.013,37 -6.796,9 -12.214,3 -15.454,33 -23.374,25 -30.992,52 J. Financial intermediation -34.436,51 -12.272,45 -24.100,71 -34.515,13 -42.129,36 -51.874,97 K. Real estate and rental activities business services 14.062,69 5.449,63 8.751,59 12.268,7 17.696,06 24.409,82 M. Education -18.924,33 -8.071,18 -12.016,18 -18.214,01 -25.719,24 -28.720,64 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services -20.457,56 -7.978,71 -12.032,41 -18.009,41 -26.685,9 -39.813,14 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services -14.492,02 -5.112,72 -8.952,69 -11.771,9 -16.548,57 -25.196,27 Males All activities 20.536,86 10.524,6 13.611,88 17.138,36 24.934,79 35.094,16 C. Extractive Industries .. .. .. .. .. .. CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. D. Manufacturing industry 23.736,26 12.160,62 15.444,02 21.624,93 29.289,71 36.877,99 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry -21.422,34 -11.517,72 -13.587,9 -20.182,11 -27.350,91 -33.180,62 DB. Textile and clothing industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DC. Leather and footwear industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DD. Wood and cork industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports -19.360,6 -10.209,08 -12.502,9 -16.737,16 -21.488,09 -31.176,77 DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry -33.400,13 -15.919,23 -20.981,41 -32.111,47 -39.980,13 -58.160,16 DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry -25.658,68 -14.002,84 -17.360,26 -26.220,51 -31.049,35 -37.875,75 DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries -22.105,57 -12.621,48 -16.275,89 -20.153,33 -25.631,76 -34.587,12 DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products -22.624,72 -13.347,23 -15.633,31 -20.757,76 -27.257,05 -33.000,15 DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry -22.853,5 -12.778,42 -15.227,53 -20.510,87 -27.341,26 -32.325,28 DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry -28.120,56 -15.507,22 -21.692,96 -28.314,63 -32.540,98 -37.488,44 DM. Manufacture of transport material -27.895,7 -15.485,58 -19.628,01 -28.994,51 -33.518,72 -39.990,34 DN. Various manufacturing industries .. .. .. .. .. .. E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply .. .. .. .. .. .. F. Construction 17.860,01 11.764,22 14.070,09 15.637,62 19.731,21 25.486,56 G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles -18.540,57 -9.253,16 -12.132,12 -15.965,74 -22.710,81 -31.275,54 H. Accommodation -13.738,84 -5.936,13 -10.454,27 -13.027,41 -14.863,86 -18.183,22 I. Transport, storage and communications -18.884,35 -9.759,97 -12.635,31 -16.273,44 -24.448,53 -32.429,76 J. Financial intermediation -40.070,74 -22.436,37 -31.489,92 -39.749,77 -47.083,62 -60.551,08 K. Real estate and rental activities business services -17.563,11 -9.436,4 -12.016 -15.427,16 -21.068,12 -29.727,86 M. Education -18.912,2 -8.297,22 -12.177,17 -16.754,74 -25.327,84 -29.032,33 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services .. .. .. .. .. .. O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services -19.984,43 -8.333,61 -12.186,5 -15.496,86 -22.335,6 -36.433,85 Females All activities 14.419,18 6.386,75 9.305,66 12.113,68 17.471,96 26.169,31 C. Extractive Industries .. .. .. .. .. .. CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. D. Manufacturing industry 16.731,26 9.660,24 10.719,38 12.727,41 20.596,99 30.096,6 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry -13.749,87 -9.187,48 -10.245,15 -11.266,64 -13.587,98 -24.293,13 DB. Textile and clothing industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DC. Leather and footwear industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DD. Wood and cork industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports .. .. .. .. .. .. DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries .. .. .. .. .. .. DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products .. .. .. .. .. .. DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DM. Manufacture of transport material .. .. .. .. .. .. DN. Various manufacturing industries .. .. .. .. .. .. E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply .. .. .. .. .. .. F. Construction .. .. .. .. .. .. G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles -12.567,9 -7.065,41 -8.646,92 -11.829,16 -14.687,39 -20.888,49 H. Accommodation -11.480,44 -6.124,98 -8.616,84 -11.821,23 -12.860,58 -15.571,86 I. Transport, storage and communications .. .. .. .. .. .. J. Financial intermediation .. .. .. .. .. .. K. Real estate and rental activities business services -11.535,23 -4.906,68 -6.894,27 -10.225,75 -14.191,07 -21.442,18 M. Education -18.931,12 -7.836,69 -12.016,18 -20.158,04 -25.719,24 -28.720,64 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services -18.361,99 -7.921,2 -11.481,24 -17.358,57 -23.291,96 -29.013,87 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services -10.979,9 -4.878,53 -7.859,26 -9.395,64 -12.791,54 -17.730,93 Castilla-La Mancha Both sexes All activities 17.694,98 7.811,88 11.595,21 14.849,85 20.986,68 30.907,93 C. Extractive Industries 23.328,39 14.184,41 16.511,03 21.064,27 27.667,45 34.168,18 CA. Extraction of energy products -27.044,92 -18.030,88 -21.016,84 -26.136,19 -31.938,44 -34.542,83 CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products -20.307,59 -13.197,65 -15.234,16 -18.157,86 -22.654,06 -29.284,54 D. Manufacturing industry 21.315,95 11.691,75 13.861,75 18.266,54 26.168,35 34.502,18 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry 19.589,95 11.242,44 12.906,36 17.225,53 24.282,98 30.706,62 DB. Textile and clothing industry -15.926,62 -9.099,58 -10.699,45 -13.460,95 -17.510,35 -24.455,59 DC. Leather and footwear industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DD. Wood and cork industry -16.042,42 -10.721,4 -12.272,33 -15.752,1 -17.918,31 -22.461,42 DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports -20.523,88 -10.483,64 -12.845,39 -18.328,01 -24.428,1 -33.815,88 DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry -26.234,4 -12.913,21 -16.183,16 -23.190,96 -32.901,59 -43.873,65 DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry -28.072,7 -13.739,92 -17.060,88 -29.895,04 -35.221,94 -42.180,12 DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries 20.291,83 12.982,53 14.122,78 17.748,72 23.389,95 29.600 DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products 19.490,96 12.235,85 13.686,29 16.657,14 22.437,68 32.592,1 DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry -21.026,06 -13.293,56 -14.897,11 -19.145,13 -25.768 -32.426,98 DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry -19.681,98 -12.460,21 -13.610,24 -16.820,3 -22.652,17 -30.832,14 DM. Manufacture of transport material -27.625,71 -15.093,15 -21.682,15 -26.044,51 -31.201,98 -38.691,33 DN. Various manufacturing industries -15.272,26 -10.574,11 -12.197,73 -14.015,06 -17.001,98 -20.667,41 E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply -30.485,51 -11.092 -16.823,21 -29.793,39 -42.337,43 -51.148,51 F. Construction 16.150,47 11.593,56 12.760,51 14.468,5 16.881,04 21.652,85 G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 15.650,29 7.876,3 11.329,97 14.179,32 17.662,91 23.600,16 H. Accommodation 11.029,4 4.263,87 7.946,98 10.982,04 14.037,56 16.308,23 I. Transport, storage and communications 19.035,67 9.293,34 12.306,15 15.121,67 22.469,7 36.638,01 J. Financial intermediation 34.687,81 14.796,25 23.171,85 34.257,23 43.159,02 51.707,29 K. Real estate and rental activities business services 13.753,04 4.827,56 8.375,03 12.044,24 16.890 23.136,29 M. Education 17.005,99 6.086,03 9.617,07 15.412,89 23.810,81 28.046,45 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services 19.365,95 7.146,5 10.740,69 16.006,08 23.012,39 36.822,68 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services 14.564,53 4.567,49 8.664,53 12.809,52 18.810,48 25.018,79 Males All activities 19.873,44 10.919,49 13.177,2 16.142,42 22.998,58 34.353,38 C. Extractive Industries 23.994,86 14.861,89 17.520,82 21.842,07 28.202,44 34.336,21 CA. Extraction of energy products -27.297,71 -18.030,88 -21.171,84 -26.565,79 -32.046,48 -34.827,56 CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products -20.993,76 -13.492,29 -15.579,12 -18.843,34 -23.055,03 -31.073,35 D. Manufacturing industry 22.622,5 12.411,33 14.555,78 19.546,23 27.912,53 35.946,7 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry 21.117,36 12.162,18 13.749,96 18.057,11 25.984,97 32.964,02 DB. Textile and clothing industry -19.842,43 -9.636,7 -11.547,88 -16.035,44 -21.654,12 -32.185,49 DC. Leather and footwear industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DD. Wood and cork industry -16.262,26 -10.721,4 -12.337,36 -15.778,28 -18.248,59 -22.774,95 DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports -22.387,69 -11.478,15 -14.233,59 -20.045,52 -26.523,71 -35.865 DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry -28.763,4 -13.277,55 -16.689,14 -27.430,89 -35.334,89 -49.121,11 DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry -29.478,92 -14.849,85 -18.604,03 -31.543,5 -35.538,42 -43.493,7 DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries -20.755,11 -13.011,67 -14.389,07 -18.056,87 -23.819,65 -30.307,03 DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products 19.902,9 12.494,04 14.013,53 16.806,31 22.737,75 32.774,81 DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry -21.632,66 -13.294,45 -14.989,03 -19.884,46 -26.046,58 -33.848,25 DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry -21.243,3 -13.018,86 -14.154,3 -17.657,2 -24.990,28 -32.954,45 DM. Manufacture of transport material -28.607,48 -16.434,11 -23.006,64 -27.082,15 -32.133,49 -40.279,49 DN. Various manufacturing industries -15.922,82 -11.491,63 -12.354,99 -14.518,91 -17.651,82 -21.852,86 E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply -33.348,74 -14.013,39 -19.907,34 -33.524,4 -44.385,68 -51.710,98 F. Construction 16.199,93 11.676,92 12.832,72 14.468,5 16.867,59 21.533,99 G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 17.570,76 10.748,44 13.016,77 15.493,28 20.262,94 25.693,81 H. Accommodation -13.038,21 -7.314,26 -9.227,11 -12.740,57 -14.090,12 -18.786,51 I. Transport, storage and communications 20.131,28 10.488,19 12.971,45 15.737,9 24.743,98 38.435,13 J. Financial intermediation -38.795,59 -20.598,26 -30.225,64 -38.521,5 -46.696,08 -54.027,64 K. Real estate and rental activities business services -17.813,5 -8.738,37 -12.021,36 -15.393,58 -20.477,77 -27.636,67 M. Education -16.543,91 -5.662,96 -8.501,83 -15.085,71 -23.113,15 -29.070,24 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services -25.858,61 -10.786,92 -14.497,59 -18.494 -33.604,23 -53.645,24 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services -18.290,61 -7.699,38 -12.333,86 -16.367,72 -22.243,8 -29.913,86 Females All activities 14.250,15 5.488,73 8.643,44 12.438,63 17.435,11 24.853,32 C. Extractive Industries .. .. .. .. .. .. CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. D. Manufacturing industry 15.513,52 9.242,76 11.848,91 14.153,45 19.316,9 22.783,04 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry -15.292,98 -9.410,4 -11.657,65 -13.586,21 -18.994,21 -22.783,04 DB. Textile and clothing industry -12.705,34 -8.247,57 -10.492,67 -12.474,57 -14.319,49 -18.641,01 DC. Leather and footwear industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DD. Wood and cork industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports -15.711 -7.972,68 -11.622,84 -13.314,89 -19.608,14 -25.868,72 DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries .. .. .. .. .. .. DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products .. .. .. .. .. .. DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DM. Manufacture of transport material .. .. .. .. .. .. DN. Various manufacturing industries .. .. .. .. .. .. E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply .. .. .. .. .. .. F. Construction .. .. .. .. .. .. G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 13.177,27 6.564,48 9.000 12.599,95 15.520,01 20.770 H. Accommodation -10.035,79 -3.551,52 -6.566,62 -10.473,82 -13.144,99 -15.647,11 I. Transport, storage and communications -15.580,59 -6.258,65 -10.015,72 -14.292,06 -18.906,78 -24.636,48 J. Financial intermediation -27.661,08 -11.854,72 -16.458,46 -25.085,89 -35.809,17 -45.423,4 K. Real estate and rental activities business services 11.380,16 3.994,2 6.632,97 10.313,42 13.947,24 20.673,07 M. Education -17.334,21 -6.517,2 -10.303,62 -15.821,04 -24.211,12 -27.580,23 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services 17.496,92 6.298,14 9.748,43 14.849,83 21.646,09 32.300,22 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services -11.407,12 -3.437,42 -7.284 -10.059,23 -14.018,24 -20.640,89 Castilla y León Both sexes All activities 17.157,76 8.059,59 11.615,15 14.125,27 18.784,26 29.640,44 C. Extractive Industries -23.209,1 -12.826,94 -14.843,62 -22.427 -29.184,01 -34.596,9 CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products -22.239,71 -12.807 -14.503,52 -21.375,82 -28.308,73 -33.569,82 D. Manufacturing industry 17.778,69 9.970,79 12.326,16 14.908,93 19.948,7 29.530,78 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry 19.216,08 9.920,13 12.355,09 16.007,94 22.040,62 35.152,02 DB. Textile and clothing industry -12.870,02 -6.406,09 -9.235,94 -10.414,49 -11.646,13 -15.507,45 DC. Leather and footwear industry -12.046,15 -8.639,86 -11.303,8 -12.026,87 -12.909,63 -14.484,03 DD. Wood and cork industry -16.809,19 -11.468,25 -13.433 -15.289,87 -18.297,69 -23.343,55 DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports -18.934,85 -8.368,99 -11.099,76 -15.074,79 -23.549,93 -35.688,58 DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry -25.655,44 -11.548,54 -15.432,69 -23.039,05 -33.449,63 -40.531,06 DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry -18.966,05 -10.911,79 -13.332,64 -17.036,92 -22.045,14 -30.475,39 DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries 19.509,54 11.906,27 13.686,33 17.068,44 23.074,92 29.704,68 DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products 16.055,74 10.579,4 13.129,45 14.416,92 17.670,97 23.042,86 DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry -17.100,67 -11.429,63 -13.187 -15.047,19 -18.918,04 -25.512,48 DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry -19.246,69 -11.556,82 -13.675,33 -16.755,84 -22.275,85 -27.796,95 DM. Manufacture of transport material -21.052,93 -12.088,65 -14.222,13 -16.490,59 -27.577,76 -34.065,53 DN. Various manufacturing industries -14.231,23 -10.739,53 -12.677,92 -13.650,31 -15.505,42 -17.243,43 E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply -25.831,9 -11.683,01 -16.634,23 -22.485,21 -36.633,61 -43.122,48 F. Construction 15.697,62 11.342,67 12.632,18 13.986,43 16.581,92 21.888,62 G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 13.696,51 7.045,29 10.793,38 13.037,98 15.339,7 19.263,77 H. Accommodation -11.604,99 -4.935,36 -7.451,53 -11.615,15 -13.325,27 -18.316,25 I. Transport, storage and communications 16.383,26 8.172,97 12.019,4 14.720,72 18.415,05 26.938,83 J. Financial intermediation 36.816,2 17.121,58 24.592,39 34.929,42 47.092,64 57.596,16 K. Real estate and rental activities business services 14.267,9 4.488,8 7.693,18 12.334,15 16.486,24 22.021,9 M. Education 24.395,16 9.086,18 15.099,8 24.858,88 29.005,97 46.333,66 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services 23.210,33 8.150,2 11.645,42 18.092,1 29.694,6 45.628,66 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services 16.100,91 5.310,96 8.468,85 13.016 19.087,45 29.146,78 Males All activities 18.509 10.973,59 12.841,56 14.837,47 19.681,91 31.818 C. Extractive Industries -23.565,29 -12.871,71 -15.238,02 -22.545,36 -29.939,69 -36.503,19 CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products -22.601,41 -12.842,72 -14.881,3 -21.892,04 -28.605,39 -34.160,2 D. Manufacturing industry 19.326,11 11.731,32 13.557,88 15.900,38 21.806,71 32.214,71 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry -22.199,37 -11.920,79 -14.669,53 -17.628,98 -26.952,82 -38.326,25 DB. Textile and clothing industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DC. Leather and footwear industry -13.455,51 -10.329,7 -12.000,37 -12.907,92 -13.877,78 -16.324,72 DD. Wood and cork industry -17.592,12 -12.624 -13.821 -15.885,22 -18.624,3 -26.249,99 DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports -21.212,11 -10.032,34 -13.328,94 -18.020,58 -27.487,92 -39.501,28 DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry -28.480,3 -13.554,24 -17.683,98 -25.716,93 -36.047,42 -43.305,15 DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry -20.481,94 -12.856,77 -14.845,42 -19.273,92 -23.665,62 -32.443,85 DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries -19.573,7 -11.906,27 -13.778,44 -17.235,71 -23.074,92 -29.645,17 DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products -16.321,28 -10.724,8 -13.253,72 -14.483,65 -17.779,28 -23.447,16 DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry -17.511,81 -11.437,08 -13.243,18 -15.584,15 -19.201,78 -25.894,98 DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry -20.469,12 -12.376,93 -14.356,47 -18.168,53 -23.017,16 -30.084,66 DM. Manufacture of transport material -21.958,25 -12.746,98 -14.315,94 -17.616,7 -29.608,24 -34.163,05 DN. Various manufacturing industries -14.838,42 -11.779,8 -13.023 -13.918,12 -15.691,34 -18.260,98 E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply -27.201,5 -13.654,86 -17.649,08 -23.797,9 -38.585,54 -43.194,68 F. Construction 15.950,88 11.652,8 12.717,92 14.065,94 16.879,73 22.316,7 G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 15.096,37 9.647,45 12.166,12 13.644,43 16.700,09 21.369,64 H. Accommodation -13.083,2 -6.659,08 -10.151,05 -12.507,11 -15.596,45 -20.237,42 I. Transport, storage and communications 16.975,05 9.595,48 12.195 15.204,21 18.967,08 27.783,62 J. Financial intermediation -41.554,22 -21.495,63 -30.174,17 -40.291,59 -50.467,58 -61.270,14 K. Real estate and rental activities business services -18.119,54 -9.346,01 -12.403,06 -15.006,67 -19.157,52 -28.893,67 M. Education -26.062,75 -9.479,88 -15.099,8 -25.279,52 -32.203,19 -47.231,96 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services -32.280,38 -10.794,86 -16.420,3 -23.573,75 -44.954,92 -65.076 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services -20.950,29 -6.225,11 -10.718,42 -16.430,76 -26.743,7 -36.193,18 Females All activities 14.853,4 5.395,2 8.989,56 12.334,15 16.909,2 26.685,79 C. Extractive Industries .. .. .. .. .. .. CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. D. Manufacturing industry 13.414,24 6.905,49 9.837,25 11.866,25 14.847,23 20.069,73 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry -13.714,84 -6.923,29 -10.243,48 -12.203,57 -15.781,19 -21.111,78 DB. Textile and clothing industry -11.217,28 -5.717,06 -8.118,98 -10.104,94 -10.793,52 -12.283,51 DC. Leather and footwear industry -11.016,64 -6.314,74 -10.065,59 -11.639,23 -12.466,24 -13.152,96 DD. Wood and cork industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports .. .. .. .. .. .. DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries .. .. .. .. .. .. DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products .. .. .. .. .. .. DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DM. Manufacture of transport material .. .. .. .. .. .. DN. Various manufacturing industries .. .. .. .. .. .. E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply .. .. .. .. .. .. F. Construction .. .. .. .. .. .. G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 12.007,06 5.395,2 8.856,93 11.950,78 14.013,62 17.285,88 H. Accommodation -10.729,34 -4.653,99 -6.696,08 -11.366,37 -12.536,5 -15.088,23 I. Transport, storage and communications -14.209,73 -7.182 -10.979,65 -13.002,51 -16.632,76 -22.808,16 J. Financial intermediation -27.945,75 -11.912,34 -18.045,33 -27.500,85 -35.759,43 -47.150,49 K. Real estate and rental activities business services 10.817,08 3.890,06 4.911,44 9.015,98 12.706,59 16.925,19 M. Education -23.669,11 -9.043,9 -15.030,82 -23.933,86 -28.245,22 -37.144,55 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services 20.585,9 8.123,84 11.178,25 17.136,44 25.834,64 36.465,49 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services -12.402,66 -5.020,54 -7.583,66 -10.315,92 -14.823,78 -21.556,46 Cataluña Both sexes All activities 21.210,04 8.559,15 12.740,01 17.575,95 25.739,76 37.149,96 C. Extractive Industries -28.448,44 -14.153,49 -19.034,24 -26.595,02 -36.416,42 -41.638,11 CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products -28.499,27 -14.153,49 -19.034,24 -26.879,44 -36.455,26 -41.907,26 D. Manufacturing industry 24.392,05 11.739,38 15.443,61 20.830,87 28.483,74 39.480,98 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry 23.249,48 10.381,75 13.275,51 19.426,06 27.407,91 38.376 DB. Textile and clothing industry 17.562,65 9.224,64 11.466,93 15.594,03 20.800,2 27.103,19 DC. Leather and footwear industry -19.373,15 -10.921,05 -13.996,34 -17.362,58 -21.530,58 -27.245,87 DD. Wood and cork industry -16.622,22 -10.332,86 -13.602,43 -15.813,14 -19.344,75 -22.180,91 DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports 26.174,15 11.442,72 15.129,38 20.967,27 30.370,35 44.915,27 DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry 33.906,34 15.400,11 21.229,43 27.918,98 38.934,97 56.645,81 DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry 22.145,5 11.408,8 14.845,5 19.381,91 26.003,49 34.822,52 DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries 26.425,32 14.828,5 18.106,71 22.141,85 29.439,93 39.773,71 DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products 22.686,99 13.227,24 15.861,87 19.628,61 25.850,62 35.161,18 DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry 24.411,12 13.866,93 17.169,8 21.129,13 28.758,19 35.905,38 DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry 26.247,73 13.346,52 17.234,14 22.924,32 31.085,8 41.400 DM. Manufacture of transport material 26.063,4 14.556,3 18.867,29 23.945,88 31.424,21 39.328,42 DN. Various manufacturing industries 18.982,41 9.792,72 13.514,16 16.985,58 21.748,89 28.620 E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply 37.044,41 17.477,79 24.884,49 32.743,62 42.373,8 60.340,11 F. Construction 19.838,43 12.178,2 14.926,86 17.581,32 22.598,44 30.882,83 G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 19.386,89 7.994 11.795,94 15.919,93 22.633,9 34.011,8 H. Accommodation 14.206,5 6.087,01 10.526,37 13.875,03 17.670,77 20.368,88 I. Transport, storage and communications 22.334,84 9.204,99 15.271,11 19.984,04 28.119,59 37.170,12 J. Financial intermediation 38.897,16 16.496,3 23.826,93 34.583,51 49.447,7 68.051,39 K. Real estate and rental activities business services 18.818,33 7.270,78 10.613,78 15.224,93 22.942,65 34.555,07 M. Education 20.493,02 6.690,24 10.830,08 19.171,18 28.886,9 33.932,58 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services 22.714,59 8.787,23 12.579,8 18.406,35 29.718,48 41.896,79 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services 17.440,81 4.904,56 8.614,01 13.853,84 21.345,26 34.279,08 Males All activities 24.287 11.288,41 15.108,6 19.867,65 28.902,58 42.036,18 C. Extractive Industries -28.850,99 -14.725,22 -19.236,53 -27.189,95 -36.455,26 -41.135,3 CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products -28.900,9 -14.725,22 -19.236,53 -27.650,95 -36.455,26 -41.135,3 D. Manufacturing industry 26.861,18 13.509,82 17.057,88 22.320 30.740,97 43.222,9 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry 27.038,36 12.724 15.094,91 21.978,25 30.704,25 45.633,47 DB. Textile and clothing industry -22.008,56 -12.113,59 -15.531,32 -19.583,73 -24.571,18 -34.619,73 DC. Leather and footwear industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DD. Wood and cork industry -17.062,4 -10.344,61 -14.221,35 -16.373,08 -19.462,42 -22.841,28 DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports 29.021,11 12.678,51 16.921,06 21.833,17 32.779,48 49.976,38 DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry 37.679,54 16.448,5 22.710,6 29.849,24 44.436 65.815,95 DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry 25.300,54 13.318,44 17.698,22 22.201,38 29.286,2 39.737,36 DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries 27.488,35 15.830,08 18.654,38 22.968,15 30.163,51 41.064,88 DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products 23.487,99 13.666,54 16.141,14 20.368,26 26.841,18 35.439,9 DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry 25.359,75 14.226,45 17.677,86 22.181,33 29.708,95 37.325,9 DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry 29.099,9 15.375,39 19.209,42 25.307,76 33.674,58 46.294,84 DM. Manufacture of transport material 27.552,81 15.338,35 20.765,76 25.778,99 33.055,96 39.528,37 DN. Various manufacturing industries 20.965,79 12.628 14.969,04 18.080,87 23.464,54 31.551,34 E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply -39.655,71 -18.240,82 -25.937,36 -34.992,13 -45.290,96 -67.668,14 F. Construction 20.175,73 12.847,68 15.300,95 17.733,71 22.850,11 31.451,38 G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 23.184,59 10.650,84 14.352,93 18.869,44 27.240,04 42.443,7 H. Accommodation 15.193,64 5.996,39 11.165,42 14.868,01 18.101,23 20.970,85 I. Transport, storage and communications 24.032,37 11.140,26 16.225 22.004,65 30.223,37 39.072,36 J. Financial intermediation 46.791,49 21.383,05 31.228,82 43.191,09 60.354,7 76.957,11 K. Real estate and rental activities business services 23.125,38 8.965,21 13.508,46 18.657,55 27.837,19 41.550,75 M. Education -21.087,69 -6.954,17 -11.025,88 -17.640,5 -30.219,92 -37.149,96 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services 31.321,95 12.299,9 17.178,09 25.334,12 41.896,79 60.823,95 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services 22.606 7.326,1 12.250,85 18.558,38 28.179,76 42.418,34 Females All activities 17.177,6 6.809,37 10.313,88 14.611,61 21.409,9 30.916,44 C. Extractive Industries .. .. .. .. .. .. CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. D. Manufacturing industry 18.773,02 9.440,1 12.251,05 16.436,12 22.900 31.427,02 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry -16.974,54 -7.270,86 -10.829,66 -14.390,89 -20.940,46 -30.407,28 DB. Textile and clothing industry -13.445,89 -8.254,29 -10.383,05 -12.018,68 -15.830,07 -19.620,88 DC. Leather and footwear industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DD. Wood and cork industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports -20.969,33 -10.066,96 -12.584,58 -18.048,34 -26.144,06 -36.767,37 DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry -26.580,61 -14.214,78 -18.460,01 -24.891,34 -32.425,79 -40.264,05 DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry -16.780,98 -7.170,13 -11.915,93 -15.751,58 -19.764,88 -27.808,49 DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries -20.344,89 -10.680,21 -13.750,79 -19.556,11 -24.002,4 -30.895,84 DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products -18.756,22 -9.939,52 -14.645,57 -17.204,65 -21.651,37 -26.724,65 DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry -19.729,04 -13.003,92 -15.343,05 -18.676,06 -21.950,33 -28.374,83 DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry -19.620,26 -10.712,55 -14.695,62 -18.108,24 -23.479,32 -29.077,82 DM. Manufacture of transport material -21.842,06 -13.022,09 -16.271,28 -19.610,01 -26.386,82 -33.523,74 DN. Various manufacturing industries -14.560,04 -6.926,55 -10.242,12 -14.311,25 -17.994,98 -21.748,89 E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply -26.585,87 -14.523,61 -20.122,05 -27.616,84 -32.791,95 -39.538,96 F. Construction -16.620,99 -8.809,92 -10.421,34 -14.836,14 -20.975,14 -27.553 G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 15.128,81 6.441,48 9.838,68 13.343,94 17.359,36 25.404,04 H. Accommodation 13.199,93 6.312,12 9.263,31 12.933,08 15.978,32 18.633,06 I. Transport, storage and communications 18.092,12 7.105,48 11.336,76 16.803,61 22.043,3 31.633,51 J. Financial intermediation 29.528,66 13.721,01 19.359 27.151,15 36.767,53 47.113,22 K. Real estate and rental activities business services 15.267,03 6.004,5 9.185,37 12.994,97 18.231,42 26.737,23 M. Education 20.160,84 6.343,03 10.433,24 19.782,48 28.510,42 32.785,24 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services 20.087,41 8.137,14 11.795,12 16.712,56 25.162,48 36.374,5 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services 13.936,48 4.548,39 7.734,66 11.312,56 17.675,38 26.337,3 Comunidad Valenciana Both sexes All activities 18.064,77 8.344,59 12.088,04 15.262,28 20.877,06 30.377,89 C. Extractive Industries -23.942,01 -14.026,81 -17.308,74 -20.941,88 -27.542,67 -33.673,92 CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products -23.833,6 -13.779,37 -17.266,11 -20.793,56 -27.542,67 -33.597,46 D. Manufacturing industry 19.493,12 10.933,99 13.227,06 16.187,95 22.531,57 31.589,14 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry 19.572,27 9.841,26 12.488,25 16.070,97 22.178,75 32.759,89 DB. Textile and clothing industry 15.585,38 9.788,6 11.769,93 14.146,54 17.185,34 22.532,26 DC. Leather and footwear industry -13.486,89 -9.332,88 -11.271,31 -12.486,16 -14.888,42 -19.150,33 DD. Wood and cork industry 15.480,02 11.293,82 12.803,7 14.630,88 16.800 20.438,93 DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports 17.806,94 10.191,54 11.816,64 15.279,24 21.041,51 28.701,61 DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry 28.135,14 12.749,68 15.568,45 21.711,6 33.557,07 58.172,96 DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry 18.022,28 10.552,08 12.901,57 15.865,75 20.646,26 27.786,54 DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries 22.054,89 12.519,83 15.491,31 20.141,99 25.354,33 33.626,52 DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products 17.675,78 11.757,34 13.499,7 15.760,55 19.623,33 27.196,65 DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry -20.982,65 -12.979,55 -14.588,61 -18.694,47 -25.233,99 -31.476,57 DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry 20.013,43 11.276,5 13.758,34 17.390,29 23.173,43 32.778,92 DM. Manufacture of transport material 28.376,5 13.438,75 18.380,81 27.022,1 35.945,71 44.634,79 DN. Various manufacturing industries 16.054,39 11.660,64 13.112 14.436,96 16.764,48 23.572,19 E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply -27.074,93 -12.578 -16.490,45 -22.273,86 -36.445,45 -47.857,99 F. Construction 16.303,6 11.777,89 13.511,96 15.018,76 18.453,16 21.382,57 G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 16.220,18 7.804,01 11.247,65 14.232,83 18.518,26 26.335,07 H. Accommodation 12.380,85 5.914,92 7.808,84 12.205,79 14.408,72 19.085,26 I. Transport, storage and communications 20.123,52 10.593,16 13.382,81 16.261,06 23.462,44 34.354,62 J. Financial intermediation 35.114,49 17.547,19 24.644,28 33.416,8 44.152,85 54.831,3 K. Real estate and rental activities business services 16.579,2 6.481,17 10.123,5 13.898,56 19.608,24 29.753,54 M. Education 18.930,76 5.637,42 11.384,33 18.993,37 26.533,86 29.963,89 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services 22.108,88 8.300,36 13.314,7 19.392,21 27.044,79 38.605,61 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services 17.717,96 5.388,45 9.104,36 13.593,88 21.547,53 33.081,86 Males All activities 20.067,22 11.327,92 13.548,52 16.241,15 22.552,44 33.784,77 C. Extractive Industries -24.531,39 -14.061,09 -17.626 -21.619,57 -27.777,08 -34.457,13 CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products -24.420,7 -14.061,09 -17.609,24 -21.604,51 -28.032,8 -33.728,95 D. Manufacturing industry 21.162,42 12.006,2 14.004,97 17.387,92 24.540,96 34.956,68 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry 23.893,42 12.203,33 14.682,59 19.596,73 28.069,75 38.564,63 DB. Textile and clothing industry -17.760,21 -12.128,63 -13.473,54 -15.859,25 -19.030,36 -25.897,17 DC. Leather and footwear industry -14.831,75 -10.783,07 -11.920,5 -13.418,6 -15.898,41 -20.921,86 DD. Wood and cork industry -16.003,91 -11.965,29 -13.338,02 -15.008,41 -16.907,72 -20.661,42 DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports -19.418,1 -10.954,42 -12.822,86 -16.583,83 -22.914,04 -31.577,59 DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry -31.181,59 -13.618,64 -17.704,05 -24.023,83 -43.104,58 -58.848,45 DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry -19.103,36 -11.627,59 -13.430 -16.111,33 -21.949,73 -30.401,66 DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries 23.296,73 13.667,69 16.015,56 21.294,14 26.118,92 35.864,06 DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products 18.078,84 11.894,49 13.576,91 15.920,46 20.055,08 27.967,28 DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry -21.680,39 -13.159,52 -15.230,23 -19.178,35 -25.373,89 -32.892,8 DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry -21.475,86 -12.442,36 -14.286,78 -18.701,66 -24.996,93 -34.127,34 DM. Manufacture of transport material 29.469,69 13.783,58 19.535,3 29.030,4 36.129,7 45.066,03 DN. Various manufacturing industries 16.491,01 11.903,6 13.329,49 14.493,12 17.249,03 23.915,92 E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply -28.758,36 -13.295,91 -17.381,16 -24.222,29 -38.763,76 -48.444,49 F. Construction 16.521,83 12.035,82 13.628,75 15.100,26 18.788,71 21.376,19 G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 18.815,63 10.561,9 13.013,64 16.213,7 21.359,21 29.439,91 H. Accommodation -14.527,84 -7.225,08 -11.472,43 -13.121,28 -15.845,6 -19.924,44 I. Transport, storage and communications 20.918,7 11.310,32 13.931,76 16.402,09 24.080,44 35.546,51 J. Financial intermediation 40.204,59 22.200,29 30.260,66 38.766,46 47.433,93 60.715,51 K. Real estate and rental activities business services 20.576,47 9.163,91 12.739,73 17.099,76 24.441,48 35.174,8 M. Education -20.119,48 -6.327,84 -12.360 -20.250,7 -27.431,97 -32.401,49 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services -30.195,63 -14.534,42 -18.239,89 -23.604,39 -38.886,64 -51.139,31 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services 23.043,79 8.244,23 13.068,71 17.852,63 27.418,14 42.705,83 Females All activities 14.824,63 6.015,38 9.423,36 13.036,11 17.952,49 25.848,52 C. Extractive Industries .. .. .. .. .. .. CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. D. Manufacturing industry 14.542,77 8.310,49 11.091,96 13.510,74 17.047,37 22.103,45 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry -14.244,48 -8.422,69 -10.955,66 -13.244,12 -16.727,95 -21.045,54 DB. Textile and clothing industry -12.472,28 -8.004,52 -10.168,71 -11.786,85 -14.280,64 -17.620,33 DC. Leather and footwear industry -11.309,16 -6.137,43 -9.824,19 -11.534,85 -12.616,06 -14.888,42 DD. Wood and cork industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports -13.959,28 -9.091,77 -10.548,24 -12.562,38 -16.044,01 -22.510,46 DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry -17.332,34 -9.346,48 -13.241,7 -16.736,72 -20.816,34 -25.145,1 DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry -13.954 -6.843,78 -10.524,6 -14.741,14 -17.037,91 -19.613,01 DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries -16.687,33 -9.632,2 -12.720,42 -15.883,54 -20.093,51 -24.581,15 DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products -15.336,78 -7.665,93 -13.004,28 -14.679,15 -17.295,13 -21.169,36 DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry -16.522,33 -9.213,45 -13.013,84 -14.824,08 -20.363,31 -24.847,89 DM. Manufacture of transport material .. .. .. .. .. .. DN. Various manufacturing industries -14.421,2 -8.115,55 -12.592,92 -13.503,45 -15.824,46 -22.507,34 E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply .. .. .. .. .. .. F. Construction -14.080,21 -6.921,12 -10.119,44 -13.966,44 -16.318,56 -21.508,89 G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 13.101,52 5.818,18 9.542,48 12.499,36 15.662,34 19.511,88 H. Accommodation 10.958,56 5.844,77 6.705,93 10.731,32 12.957,41 15.906,45 I. Transport, storage and communications -16.930,48 -7.608,91 -11.222,71 -15.238,07 -21.268,26 -30.518,65 J. Financial intermediation -28.539,27 -13.300 -19.810,3 -27.610,3 -35.167,35 -44.682,24 K. Real estate and rental activities business services 13.134,36 5.090,11 8.387,91 11.773,04 15.680,52 21.919,33 M. Education 18.322,42 4.753,9 11.329,44 18.077,08 26.283,62 29.707,97 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services 19.453,36 7.572,6 11.624,52 18.470,08 23.499,01 31.308,94 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services -12.485,39 -4.433,18 -7.777,63 -9.816,13 -14.976,98 -23.632,79 Extremadura Both sexes All activities 15.570,35 7.101,01 10.556,2 12.809,44 17.156,89 27.116,1 C. Extractive Industries -14.306,04 -11.555,72 -12.326,04 -13.891,41 -15.583,26 -17.567,63 CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products -14.297,09 -11.555,72 -12.326,04 -13.891,41 -15.583,26 -17.518,41 D. Manufacturing industry 15.854,62 9.878,31 11.719,45 13.675,6 17.064,06 22.953,14 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry -15.264,17 -8.772,75 -11.307,94 -13.673,66 -16.766,5 -22.516,44 DB. Textile and clothing industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DC. Leather and footwear industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DD. Wood and cork industry -12.535,06 -9.424,95 -10.676,65 -12.112,55 -13.289,34 -14.671,24 DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports .. .. .. .. .. .. DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries -17.734,14 -11.098,14 -11.980,99 -15.515,36 -18.248,6 -21.704,28 DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products -15.676,76 -11.881,41 -12.909,97 -14.040,57 -16.911,07 -22.767,91 DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DM. Manufacture of transport material .. .. .. .. .. .. DN. Various manufacturing industries -12.579,34 -10.318,64 -11.157,35 -12.332,65 -12.988,27 -15.737,65 E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply -24.798,54 -14.315,9 -16.817,25 -20.579,65 -30.293,2 -42.916,1 F. Construction 13.299,66 10.783,44 11.764,26 12.624,48 13.763,74 15.840,86 G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 12.776,34 5.994,48 9.326 11.903,6 14.205,19 18.331,66 H. Accommodation -10.999,96 -5.848,44 -7.112,33 -10.948,88 -12.258,47 -15.512,99 I. Transport, storage and communications -15.053,15 -8.581,35 -10.350 -11.512,26 -17.930,24 -24.157,5 J. Financial intermediation -33.938,73 -14.710,5 -23.620,4 -33.535,19 -44.574,95 -50.182,34 K. Real estate and rental activities business services 12.135,54 4.510,3 8.021,1 10.960,14 14.573,61 20.631,93 M. Education -17.586,86 -6.867,57 -10.602,96 -17.595,55 -23.156,03 -26.470,09 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services 23.307,21 9.109,49 13.598,72 18.957,29 31.365,14 43.070,76 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services -14.097,52 -4.697,4 -8.181,45 -12.000 -18.098,9 -25.195,36 Males All activities 16.646,19 9.808,34 11.623,25 13.179,85 17.567,09 28.486,75 C. Extractive Industries -14.352,55 -11.555,72 -12.308,26 -13.919,87 -15.583,26 -17.567,63 CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products -14.340,4 -11.555,72 -12.308,26 -13.919,87 -15.583,26 -17.567,63 D. Manufacturing industry 16.841,45 11.128,86 12.382,33 13.999,68 18.131,22 23.547,38 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry -16.782,22 -11.035,65 -12.481,33 -14.199,84 -18.759,92 -23.879,53 DB. Textile and clothing industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DC. Leather and footwear industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DD. Wood and cork industry -12.742,97 -9.951,14 -10.972,3 -12.123,88 -13.289,34 -14.671,24 DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports .. .. .. .. .. .. DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries -18.089,04 -11.184,24 -12.044,88 -15.515,36 -18.293,19 -22.985,27 DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products -15.981,85 -12.073,32 -12.912,29 -14.058,7 -17.785,72 -22.941,02 DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DM. Manufacture of transport material .. .. .. .. .. .. DN. Various manufacturing industries .. .. .. .. .. .. E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply -25.104,51 -14.401,34 -17.181,54 -20.734,93 -30.382 -42.916,1 F. Construction 13.415,89 10.956,63 11.797,15 12.655,14 13.763,74 15.789,54 G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles -14.535,29 -7.685,07 -10.378,8 -12.819,72 -16.396,15 -21.163,6 H. Accommodation -12.324,45 -5.602,62 -10.251,46 -11.666,1 -13.027,94 -17.464,8 I. Transport, storage and communications -14.967,27 -8.911 -10.556,47 -11.450,76 -17.805,32 -23.330,89 J. Financial intermediation -37.620,35 -18.279,35 -27.676,63 -38.897,64 -46.825,47 -52.641,96 K. Real estate and rental activities business services -15.387,15 -8.113,56 -10.500 -13.388,08 -17.675,2 -23.833,18 M. Education -18.293,01 -8.458,75 -10.831,73 -17.771,01 -23.606,58 -27.278,13 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services -30.007,61 -10.994,78 -16.669,12 -27.865,42 -42.033,12 -56.425,41 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services -17.387,67 -8.054,18 -11.113,57 -14.629,41 -21.548,39 -28.763,1 Females All activities 13.806,01 5.193,44 8.324,36 11.348,34 16.503,96 26.168,53 C. Extractive Industries .. .. .. .. .. .. CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. D. Manufacturing industry -11.649,72 -5.407,29 -8.324,36 -11.170,88 -13.720,14 -17.211,76 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry -10.998,86 -5.266,83 -8.666,27 -10.490,77 -13.474,32 -15.641,21 DB. Textile and clothing industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DC. Leather and footwear industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DD. Wood and cork industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports .. .. .. .. .. .. DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries .. .. .. .. .. .. DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products .. .. .. .. .. .. DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DM. Manufacture of transport material .. .. .. .. .. .. DN. Various manufacturing industries .. .. .. .. .. .. E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply .. .. .. .. .. .. F. Construction .. .. .. .. .. .. G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles -10.576,04 -5.062,2 -8.046,28 -10.480,19 -12.494,97 -14.404,65 H. Accommodation -9.615,1 -5.926,04 -6.995,14 -10.271,42 -11.405,55 -13.342,28 I. Transport, storage and communications .. .. .. .. .. .. J. Financial intermediation -26.877,57 -11.266,36 -19.279,42 -26.922,16 -34.146,58 -41.410,88 K. Real estate and rental activities business services -9.928,59 -4.038,01 -5.734,54 -9.619,93 -12.072,06 -16.652,25 M. Education -17.110,33 -5.318,53 -10.272,45 -17.595,55 -22.898,37 -26.355,76 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services -20.537,84 -9.086,88 -12.321,84 -17.521,76 -27.847,44 -36.112,6 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services -11.007,11 -4.483,97 -6.692,44 -9.122,25 -13.278,72 -21.142,8 Galicia Both sexes All activities 17.010,95 7.950,42 11.082,32 14.068,8 19.599,25 29.941,9 C. Extractive Industries -20.475,62 -12.791,44 -14.046,92 -17.127,89 -21.412,49 -29.045,18 CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products -19.976,34 -12.764,68 -14.046,92 -17.000,72 -21.169,65 -28.591,12 D. Manufacturing industry 18.330,83 9.810,99 12.146,02 15.248,42 21.613,66 30.375,35 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry 15.548,32 8.353,83 10.615,53 12.714,31 17.216,59 23.679,35 DB. Textile and clothing industry 12.713,53 7.722,1 10.005,94 10.771,36 13.169,66 18.708,77 DC. Leather and footwear industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DD. Wood and cork industry 15.800,49 9.513,7 11.240,65 13.557,31 16.317,17 23.406,06 DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports -19.634,81 -9.810,99 -12.020,46 -15.462,89 -24.384,84 -34.739,76 DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry -27.777,04 -10.750,42 -16.355,08 -24.574,68 -37.552,84 -46.038,67 DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry -19.762,42 -11.141,78 -13.948,58 -16.802,19 -21.463,21 -28.017,54 DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries -18.835,09 -12.829,32 -13.659,69 -14.984,79 -20.000,87 -30.858,44 DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products 18.334,13 11.985,45 13.722,81 15.871,56 20.886,81 29.161,46 DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry -19.824,5 -12.404,41 -14.480,64 -17.015,31 -22.019,02 -28.143,75 DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry -18.464,18 -11.151,87 -13.551,25 -16.703,64 -20.548,18 -26.425,62 DM. Manufacture of transport material 22.993,64 12.164,96 15.965,1 21.759,45 27.946,36 35.206,47 DN. Various manufacturing industries -14.264,2 -10.005,64 -11.874,24 -13.560,44 -15.386,1 -17.656,88 E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply -31.673,58 -13.440,16 -20.083,72 -33.601,21 -39.064,72 -46.098,71 F. Construction 15.949,58 11.885,88 12.944,2 14.101,1 15.982,46 22.167,1 G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 14.557,65 7.567,05 10.395,85 12.673,24 15.539,1 22.397,92 H. Accommodation 10.882,55 5.125,61 7.402,09 10.971,24 12.968,31 14.805,85 I. Transport, storage and communications 16.197,67 7.479,02 11.272,92 14.110,89 18.908,06 28.170,34 J. Financial intermediation 33.916,25 14.023,76 24.999,52 34.638,24 42.402,6 50.828,1 K. Real estate and rental activities business services 15.132,09 5.633,16 9.588,05 13.300,05 18.000,5 26.265,58 M. Education 19.281,33 7.908,8 11.650,94 21.264,74 25.815,34 28.347,12 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services 22.395,21 8.165,59 12.213,58 18.368,55 28.531,84 45.040,02 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services 13.285,6 5.719,08 8.261,98 10.902,45 15.991,71 23.109,34 Males All activities 19.021,5 10.614,18 12.790,25 15.096,48 21.290,93 33.560,05 C. Extractive Industries -21.015,65 -13.085,2 -14.124,69 -17.899,8 -22.005,73 -29.173,96 CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products -20.464,08 -13.085,2 -14.048,17 -17.814,19 -21.549,17 -28.884,06 D. Manufacturing industry 20.228,36 11.132,28 13.424,57 16.608,75 23.676,21 33.075,96 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry -19.244,6 -10.313,87 -12.249,96 -15.563,08 -21.387,62 -31.930,32 DB. Textile and clothing industry -20.196,36 -9.581,79 -11.814,61 -15.150,51 -22.728,72 -37.200,04 DC. Leather and footwear industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DD. Wood and cork industry -16.444,56 -10.124,25 -11.588,61 -14.285,96 -16.887,51 -24.027,03 DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports -20.481,07 -9.810,99 -12.348,04 -16.000 -24.663,44 -37.348,49 DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry -29.938,07 -12.247,62 -17.272,35 -26.275,04 -42.148,52 -46.038,67 DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry -20.965,77 -11.449,37 -14.522,87 -18.022,03 -22.659,46 -30.050,31 DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries -19.067,51 -12.870,08 -13.627,72 -14.965,58 -20.555,5 -32.099,98 DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products 18.597,93 11.981,73 13.810,5 15.891,16 21.063,14 29.510,75 DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry -20.413,95 -12.822,6 -14.663,52 -17.445,76 -22.166,63 -29.217,48 DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry -18.808,17 -11.773,93 -13.994,1 -16.860,36 -21.274,23 -26.662,77 DM. Manufacture of transport material -23.546,29 -12.420,09 -16.560,77 -21.996,61 -28.668,84 -35.467,58 DN. Various manufacturing industries -14.903,65 -10.661,56 -12.434,83 -14.205,8 -15.488,96 -18.152,49 E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply -33.270,87 -15.580,54 -22.055,71 -34.815,66 -39.692,42 -48.381,04 F. Construction 15.964,28 12.054,19 12.981,58 14.114,56 15.774,78 21.781,62 G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 17.256,24 9.840,4 11.702,89 14.282,43 18.095 28.788,48 H. Accommodation -12.856,13 -4.531,89 -9.775,62 -12.852,63 -14.536,78 -18.174,42 I. Transport, storage and communications 16.694,01 7.572,6 11.319 14.406,16 19.591 29.116,29 J. Financial intermediation -39.028,9 -20.995,78 -30.929,44 -38.624,54 -46.204,21 -56.737,63 K. Real estate and rental activities business services 18.112,94 10.018,18 12.427,27 15.243,75 20.483,79 30.050,72 M. Education -21.213,5 -9.561,69 -13.981,93 -21.927 -27.330,48 -31.486,05 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services -30.452,76 -11.654,08 -16.104,22 -21.088,09 -48.095,34 -59.660,05 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services -16.892,58 -6.823,66 -10.502,49 -15.037,08 -20.547,67 -29.154,35 Females All activities 14.243,82 5.823,15 9.102,29 12.160,1 17.008,85 26.032,6 C. Extractive Industries .. .. .. .. .. .. CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. D. Manufacturing industry 13.593,88 7.758,74 10.082,67 11.960,75 15.423,38 21.316,15 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry -11.999,97 -7.389,89 -9.360,92 -11.146,65 -13.341,99 -16.939,9 DB. Textile and clothing industry 11.410,99 7.367,35 9.898,92 10.533,45 12.328,43 15.164,25 DC. Leather and footwear industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DD. Wood and cork industry -12.901,89 -5.784,96 -9.618,97 -12.028,52 -13.438,41 -20.607,45 DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports -17.350,92 -9.540,51 -11.444,51 -14.289,91 -24.222,51 -29.818,16 DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries .. .. .. .. .. .. DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products .. .. .. .. .. .. DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DM. Manufacture of transport material .. .. .. .. .. .. DN. Various manufacturing industries .. .. .. .. .. .. E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply .. .. .. .. .. .. F. Construction .. .. .. .. .. .. G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 12.185,03 5.838,44 9.117,95 11.420,51 13.895,22 18.218,76 H. Accommodation -9.970,67 -5.349,8 -6.823,15 -10.219,01 -12.557,04 -13.453,23 I. Transport, storage and communications -14.491,26 -5.165,21 -9.648,54 -13.562,27 -17.613,63 -23.209,76 J. Financial intermediation -26.540,58 -10.501,95 -15.847,02 -28.497,29 -36.075,22 -41.902,88 K. Real estate and rental activities business services 12.440,34 4.427,16 7.237,38 10.852,84 15.270,24 22.198,03 M. Education -18.396,53 -7.034,4 -10.802,85 -20.109,75 -25.122,2 -28.256,75 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services 19.629,27 7.782,67 10.637,62 17.749,16 25.904,19 34.525,36 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services -11.237,65 -5.129,86 -7.924,97 -9.471,75 -13.272,54 -17.699,25 Comunidad de Madrid Both sexes All activities 23.622,11 8.852,6 12.440,84 17.694,41 28.085,05 43.745,73 C. Extractive Industries -37.100,1 -14.924,04 -19.069,04 -27.040,77 -48.466,43 -69.299,82 CA. Extraction of energy products -54.564,64 -19.872,7 -33.286,77 -50.255,04 -67.575,86 -95.322,16 CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products -22.998,67 -13.384,18 -15.901,85 -20.772,79 -26.568,43 -35.800,28 D. Manufacturing industry 27.440,2 11.836,62 15.092,45 21.677,62 32.713,88 47.486,74 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry 29.346,73 10.753,82 14.054,56 20.400 36.636,55 55.124,86 DB. Textile and clothing industry -18.739,2 -7.517,04 -10.768,64 -14.302,56 -22.525,1 -34.151,81 DC. Leather and footwear industry -18.751 -10.839,37 -12.623,98 -15.978,91 -20.954,26 -28.954,59 DD. Wood and cork industry -17.300,47 -10.735,15 -14.018,2 -15.605,54 -18.319,81 -24.150,38 DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports 26.929,06 11.547,87 15.310,83 21.428,35 31.646,47 46.524,76 DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels -61.335,38 -29.590,96 -37.614,21 -51.907,24 -67.038,98 -105.588,9 DG. Chemical industry 37.267,73 15.528,75 20.999,64 30.499,65 43.934 64.465,42 DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry -20.676,05 -10.563,88 -13.619,81 -18.377,93 -23.643,48 -31.493,8 DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries 29.730,78 12.347,51 14.575,21 22.168,88 32.713,88 52.682,73 DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products 19.754,11 11.628,35 13.654,95 16.987,04 22.691,78 31.039,16 DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry 28.053,03 13.228,25 16.949,87 23.337,72 31.890,7 44.523,48 DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry 30.710,25 13.512,59 18.203,9 25.390,18 36.892,34 49.843,49 DM. Manufacture of transport material 31.633,17 16.035,35 21.197,66 28.154,76 35.428,88 49.836,86 DN. Various manufacturing industries 19.188,51 10.400,16 13.316,32 16.120,55 19.753,09 29.214,33 E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply -48.987,13 -21.413,06 -32.368,83 -40.799,51 -55.671,29 -74.313,72 F. Construction 21.026,19 11.787,01 13.590,14 15.649,7 22.809,98 35.135,34 G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 22.248,01 9.048,46 12.095,61 16.454,44 25.146,67 42.524,3 H. Accommodation 14.281,66 5.932,04 9.150,16 12.280,07 18.495 23.276,87 I. Transport, storage and communications 27.389,27 10.183,26 14.949,94 22.256,68 33.939,12 47.515,32 J. Financial intermediation 43.840,95 16.717,69 24.225,26 35.635,42 49.606,82 77.383,52 K. Real estate and rental activities business services 21.845,89 7.629,98 10.800 15.630,9 25.437,39 42.215,22 M. Education 20.395,13 6.794,07 11.395,16 20.349,98 26.600,65 31.954,65 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services 21.636,89 9.216,06 12.591,8 17.926,63 26.085,59 38.446,2 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services 22.709,28 6.965,98 10.094,73 17.579,33 29.141,98 42.943 Males All activities 27.041,88 10.651,17 13.999,44 19.652,16 31.837,67 49.464,23 C. Extractive Industries -37.949,56 -15.646,14 -19.799,29 -27.518,9 -47.936,81 -72.925,38 CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products -23.468,65 -14.844,59 -16.926,59 -21.176,15 -26.578,83 -35.800,28 D. Manufacturing industry 28.975,4 12.821,35 15.968,69 22.545,45 33.499,09 50.729,12 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry -33.560,25 -13.019 -16.144,27 -23.800 -41.604,92 -64.425,2 DB. Textile and clothing industry -24.156,78 -10.654,95 -12.805,44 -16.724,83 -22.501,05 -55.465,35 DC. Leather and footwear industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DD. Wood and cork industry -17.464,16 -11.326,73 -14.186,85 -15.735,56 -17.779,05 -24.150,38 DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports 28.513,72 12.143,7 17.398,75 22.930,78 32.741,86 49.839,43 DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry -41.669,29 -16.151,28 -21.854,74 -32.381,09 -48.450,88 -78.624,1 DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry -22.798,38 -12.654,01 -16.917,86 -20.076,14 -25.623,62 -33.529,04 DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries -30.948,42 -12.940,98 -14.974,02 -23.001,19 -33.713,75 -52.682,73 DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products 19.799,69 11.644,15 13.667,34 17.255,09 22.478,54 31.039,16 DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry 28.940,87 13.405,34 16.949,87 24.267,48 33.018,14 45.499,84 DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry 32.943,14 13.810,96 19.013,74 27.439,95 38.154,98 55.852,36 DM. Manufacture of transport material 32.386,13 17.028,61 21.988,97 28.218,56 35.475,3 50.613,81 DN. Various manufacturing industries -20.178,24 -11.872,2 -14.149,3 -16.371,04 -20.310,05 -29.850,64 E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply -54.076,58 -21.968,3 -34.433,41 -43.890,87 -60.202,31 -94.074,64 F. Construction 21.238,28 11.790,33 13.610,38 15.523,99 23.035,18 35.712,12 G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 26.225,35 10.332,91 13.659,88 19.075,82 30.934,8 49.066,13 H. Accommodation 15.923,98 6.055,57 10.501,52 13.037,44 20.178,56 24.405,19 I. Transport, storage and communications 28.871,54 10.948,71 15.466,22 23.492,04 35.133,43 49.157,53 J. Financial intermediation 53.114,65 19.320,04 30.438,75 41.658,73 61.000,41 97.178,57 K. Real estate and rental activities business services 26.990,42 9.096,45 12.804,87 18.847,78 31.837,67 50.547,22 M. Education 23.462,84 8.961,16 14.585,6 23.478,51 28.620,04 34.665,77 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services -30.120,66 -14.052,5 -17.398,8 -23.030,62 -38.939,14 -56.704,35 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services 27.026,47 8.694,3 13.899,82 21.522,49 34.397,32 48.486,52 Females All activities 19.240,29 7.367,32 10.675,62 15.378,7 23.838,46 35.806,49 C. Extractive Industries .. .. .. .. .. .. CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. D. Manufacturing industry 23.535,43 10.080 13.222,35 19.627,81 30.043,57 42.359,21 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry -20.793,05 -9.091,86 -11.369,45 -15.496,2 -28.374,49 -41.622,17 DB. Textile and clothing industry -16.648,66 -5.094 -10.501,68 -12.681,42 -22.525,1 -30.901,36 DC. Leather and footwear industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DD. Wood and cork industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports -23.799,36 -10.978,45 -13.097,85 -19.237,6 -28.489,65 -42.671,92 DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry -31.703,84 -15.167,89 -20.133,24 -28.541,86 -38.014,07 -52.549,89 DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry -16.231,14 -9.190,74 -10.844,2 -13.352,37 -18.356,49 -26.222,17 DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries -24.938,03 -9.007,13 -13.159,58 -16.916,05 -29.650 -52.591,9 DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products -19.357,92 -11.006,26 -13.554,84 -16.434,64 -23.648,54 -31.687,42 DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry -24.979,95 -13.010,35 -15.823,99 -21.818,96 -30.744,1 -42.287,24 DM. Manufacture of transport material .. .. .. .. .. .. DN. Various manufacturing industries -15.114,79 -6.740,46 -8.759,83 -12.390,8 -17.705,46 -26.350,34 E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply -37.370,2 -18.663,48 -29.022,21 -37.215,37 -45.696,09 -55.671,29 F. Construction -19.020,13 -10.047,2 -13.367,86 -16.874,91 -22.017,87 -32.048,16 G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 17.295,44 7.926,01 10.519,49 13.896,32 19.753,63 29.745,03 H. Accommodation 12.670,13 5.185,64 8.429,12 11.818,05 15.023,16 20.905,62 I. Transport, storage and communications 24.077,96 9.051,24 13.814,6 19.627,29 30.510,59 44.405,68 J. Financial intermediation 33.286,21 14.839,09 19.998,76 30.806,87 40.598,67 54.822,85 K. Real estate and rental activities business services 17.311,82 6.462,33 9.590,64 13.437,83 20.748 33.468,54 M. Education 18.951,49 5.882,02 10.746,03 18.399,2 25.182,67 29.276,06 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services 19.464,93 8.948,07 11.870,5 16.976,4 24.548,15 32.758,42 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services 19.023,92 6.217,21 9.200 14.447,25 24.380,01 37.363,24 Región de Murcia Both sexes All activities 16.585,78 7.629,94 11.206,38 14.391,17 18.565,22 27.604,86 C. Extractive Industries -23.194,45 -13.232,14 -15.259,77 -20.447,89 -24.500,42 -29.629,79 CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products -23.194,45 -13.232,14 -15.259,77 -20.447,89 -24.500,42 -29.629,79 D. Manufacturing industry 17.620,66 9.159,14 12.348,67 15.106,37 20.257,11 28.992,02 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry 17.269,03 6.877,26 11.344,99 16.071,96 21.147,55 26.789 DB. Textile and clothing industry -12.270,42 -7.048,92 -9.536,9 -10.967,95 -13.911,72 -17.480,96 DC. Leather and footwear industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DD. Wood and cork industry -13.186,81 -8.150,53 -11.207,9 -12.476,88 -13.854,44 -17.086,41 DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports -17.827,04 -10.213,5 -11.765,27 -15.116,1 -18.413,98 -26.662,38 DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry -27.455,26 -13.545,78 -16.908,82 -23.626,57 -34.361,51 -45.482,68 DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry -17.489,48 -11.125,88 -12.696,48 -15.532,5 -19.058,06 -26.018,88 DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries -16.799,25 -12.202,44 -14.236,15 -15.634,12 -17.642,55 -21.639,04 DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products -17.698,82 -12.055,42 -14.177,11 -15.939,5 -19.566,23 -26.103,71 DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry -19.244,92 -12.219,36 -14.122,75 -17.614,39 -21.657,96 -29.502,9 DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry -16.746,65 -10.291,9 -13.768,04 -15.546,55 -17.847,31 -23.102,52 DM. Manufacture of transport material -24.772,89 -12.849,34 -14.765,51 -23.395,23 -34.684,44 -39.150,72 DN. Various manufacturing industries -12.906,43 -7.575,19 -11.755,53 -12.465,07 -13.772,72 -16.198,11 E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply -28.590,84 -14.033,42 -18.076,56 -25.424,97 -37.383,25 -46.496,57 F. Construction 15.592,91 12.243,88 13.657,74 14.536,65 15.742,8 19.910,4 G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 13.949,98 7.217,14 10.443,96 12.601,91 15.594,23 20.865,7 H. Accommodation 10.983,47 5.514,89 6.880,52 10.707,44 12.355,46 16.411,02 I. Transport, storage and communications 17.614,07 8.945,15 13.827,9 15.113,22 18.909 28.085,63 J. Financial intermediation -33.568,44 -13.313,46 -21.991,44 -30.040,56 -41.473,33 -53.653,33 K. Real estate and rental activities business services 14.475,05 5.531,88 8.200 12.313,19 17.520,36 25.581,55 M. Education 18.902,59 6.720 11.458,04 20.099,3 25.420,84 28.855,39 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services 23.336,24 8.048,68 14.055,34 19.205,56 29.393,58 43.626,12 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services 15.059 5.253,56 8.704,34 13.177,44 18.410,32 27.245,53 Males All activities 18.206,44 10.707,42 12.864,48 15.033,41 19.630,54 29.595,81 C. Extractive Industries -24.307,93 -14.185,99 -15.991,9 -20.723,88 -24.766,17 -30.650,67 CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products -24.307,93 -14.185,99 -15.991,9 -20.723,88 -24.766,17 -30.650,67 D. Manufacturing industry 19.424,56 11.941,28 13.649,57 16.113,39 21.459,24 32.445,6 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry -20.708,24 -11.967,23 -14.041 -18.373,78 -22.967,7 -34.029,04 DB. Textile and clothing industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DC. Leather and footwear industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DD. Wood and cork industry -13.851,81 -9.330,57 -11.622,76 -12.477,99 -14.139,08 -18.037,19 DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports -19.664,73 -10.592,25 -12.957,56 -16.345,12 -20.143,89 -28.222,51 DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry -28.449,61 -14.353,75 -17.583,04 -24.519,9 -35.162,82 -49.014,09 DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry -18.491,24 -11.902,97 -13.327,22 -15.945,66 -20.018,08 -27.265,2 DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries -17.130,26 -12.908,89 -14.391,45 -15.715,05 -17.812,12 -21.768,83 DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products -17.948,21 -12.227,61 -14.231,58 -15.962,39 -19.994,19 -26.909,9 DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry -19.626,88 -12.714,96 -14.264,59 -17.669,99 -21.940,82 -29.502,9 DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry -17.492,83 -12.089,26 -13.969,75 -15.758,52 -19.157,03 -24.578,51 DM. Manufacture of transport material -25.777,9 -13.322,08 -14.920,2 -26.866,92 -34.984,35 -39.356,9 DN. Various manufacturing industries -14.037,47 -11.229 -12.283,42 -13.145,1 -14.047,92 -16.789,59 E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply -30.028,79 -14.601,47 -19.279,4 -27.455,12 -37.701,99 -47.022,56 F. Construction 15.724,66 12.411,91 13.755,06 14.555,59 15.745,97 20.021,3 G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 16.084,52 10.224 11.280,28 14.059,5 17.605,99 24.899,43 H. Accommodation -12.327,2 -5.580 -7.998,75 -11.152,92 -12.606,56 -18.282,45 I. Transport, storage and communications -18.141,64 -11.299,33 -14.076,4 -15.338,8 -18.939,09 -28.175,48 J. Financial intermediation -42.053,18 -22.593,68 -28.645,83 -38.696,21 -50.220,77 -60.207,42 K. Real estate and rental activities business services -17.874,71 -7.648,79 -11.424,59 -15.065,73 -20.801,41 -30.800 M. Education -18.149,63 -6.381,88 -10.199,52 -19.107,84 -24.742,14 -27.715,28 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services -32.961,6 -13.182,19 -17.898,12 -27.695,23 -44.875,26 -62.272,98 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services -18.388,14 -8.066,66 -12.454,86 -15.592,33 -24.008,97 -30.823,03 Females All activities 13.924,25 5.630,75 8.515,03 12.024,29 16.934,29 24.823,13 C. Extractive Industries .. .. .. .. .. .. CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. D. Manufacturing industry 13.463,21 5.944,7 9.025,14 12.372,12 16.481,47 21.167,78 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry -13.265,04 -4.182,19 -7.846,08 -12.596,76 -17.335,09 -21.613,61 DB. Textile and clothing industry -10.855,74 -6.809,1 -8.863,07 -10.327,74 -11.976,57 -15.912,53 DC. Leather and footwear industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DD. Wood and cork industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports .. .. .. .. .. .. DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries .. .. .. .. .. .. DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products .. .. .. .. .. .. DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DM. Manufacture of transport material .. .. .. .. .. .. DN. Various manufacturing industries -10.809,72 -5.990,82 -7.199,94 -11.924,69 -12.469,44 -14.568,28 E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply .. .. .. .. .. .. F. Construction .. .. .. .. .. .. G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 11.360,56 5.543,32 8.811,98 10.991,11 13.710,86 16.010 H. Accommodation -9.531,27 -5.297,07 -6.264,15 -9.548,26 -11.628,62 -13.833,14 I. Transport, storage and communications .. .. .. .. .. .. J. Financial intermediation -22.881,17 -9.333,36 -15.277,32 -22.468,03 -29.934,61 -36.300,64 K. Real estate and rental activities business services 11.843,15 4.674,19 6.885,12 10.362,28 14.946,83 20.115,13 M. Education -19.355,79 -7.035,28 -12.670,54 -20.503,07 -25.583,84 -29.284,26 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services 19.856,57 7.808,9 12.724,01 17.917,91 25.675 33.426,18 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services -11.842,03 -4.588,32 -7.933,68 -10.147,72 -14.936,3 -19.304,93 Comunidad Foral de Navarra Both sexes All activities 21.660,5 8.912,26 14.208,93 19.090,02 27.113,46 35.431,35 C. Extractive Industries .. .. .. .. .. .. CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. D. Manufacturing industry 24.347,03 12.808 16.602,31 22.568,59 29.304,92 36.571,74 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry 18.233,46 10.337,06 13.267,76 15.577 20.870,33 29.459,16 DB. Textile and clothing industry -17.148,33 -11.425,44 -12.172,67 -15.728,92 -21.758,38 -25.131,46 DC. Leather and footwear industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DD. Wood and cork industry -17.768,99 -8.544,41 -15.084 -17.317,92 -20.358,42 -22.816,37 DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports -26.994,83 -13.298,96 -19.387,99 -25.979,19 -32.532,47 -38.986,38 DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry -31.015,89 -14.141 -18.868,77 -25.539,96 -35.592,67 -60.973,64 DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry -24.088,61 -14.213,65 -17.091,7 -20.678,68 -28.130,47 -36.386,56 DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries -24.472,57 -14.974,72 -17.695,33 -22.354,89 -27.078,02 -38.438,8 DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products 25.235,82 15.234,38 17.782,82 24.352,28 29.410,25 35.716,43 DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry -28.613,19 -16.788,94 -20.761,54 -27.173,92 -32.931,61 -40.292 DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry -27.212,36 -14.487,44 -17.848,44 -24.015,99 -32.785,3 -41.779,64 DM. Manufacture of transport material -27.102,36 -17.101,65 -23.151,96 -27.356,6 -30.908,66 -35.714,64 DN. Various manufacturing industries -20.955,69 -13.573,34 -15.877,73 -17.968,26 -23.707,8 -32.624,42 E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply -30.348,66 -16.746,3 -19.569,23 -27.083,21 -38.084,13 -49.052,52 F. Construction 21.602,1 14.424,78 16.909,84 19.402,34 24.726,15 32.361,84 G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 17.988,59 8.173,52 12.451,96 16.239,16 21.461,85 28.425,68 H. Accommodation -13.331,64 -5.067,88 -8.558,55 -14.317,72 -15.918,48 -19.495,33 I. Transport, storage and communications -21.522,17 -8.569,48 -15.780,3 -19.767,6 -26.535,08 -32.564,08 J. Financial intermediation -34.667,4 -17.100,56 -23.948,02 -32.508,77 -41.275,02 -56.497,91 K. Real estate and rental activities business services 17.718,64 6.710,53 10.125,44 15.530,61 21.790,44 29.696,95 M. Education -23.127,05 -8.870,1 -15.572,18 -25.013,59 -29.716,07 -35.132,11 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services 24.513,52 9.233,68 12.461,67 20.894,1 30.130,78 45.713,73 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services -15.525,69 -6.013,88 -8.912,26 -12.867,99 -20.423,35 -29.340,08 Males All activities 24.459,8 13.085,02 16.911,73 21.749,73 29.264,45 37.757,58 C. Extractive Industries .. .. .. .. .. .. CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. D. Manufacturing industry 26.386,72 15.109,38 18.495,51 25.142,72 30.648,18 38.438,8 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry -22.235,16 -12.909,6 -15.148,67 -19.281,82 -27.339,41 -36.283,82 DB. Textile and clothing industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DC. Leather and footwear industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DD. Wood and cork industry -18.609,06 -14.097,43 -15.385,85 -17.882,98 -20.905,59 -24.015,04 DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports -28.499,17 -17.854,96 -21.864,52 -26.999,41 -32.812,3 -40.967,7 DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry -34.585,61 -16.336,26 -19.861,65 -28.779,21 -39.501,16 -74.608,96 DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry -26.142,36 -15.617,41 -18.071,79 -22.381,58 -29.651,17 -37.940,38 DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries -25.111,5 -15.139,08 -18.191,47 -22.723,36 -27.460,7 -39.125,3 DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products 25.689,77 15.737,57 18.128,27 24.868,6 29.711,1 36.605,6 DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry -29.101,08 -16.849,09 -21.175,61 -27.960,84 -33.312,25 -41.168,86 DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry -30.001,46 -16.050,17 -19.321,61 -25.714,26 -34.889,38 -43.742,4 DM. Manufacture of transport material -28.046,99 -19.909,85 -24.608,08 -27.742,89 -31.200,52 -36.060,72 DN. Various manufacturing industries -21.983,88 -14.999,11 -16.390,74 -18.006,24 -24.027,48 -35.714,43 E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply -30.031,36 -16.652,29 -19.761,24 -26.818,96 -38.084,13 -49.991,44 F. Construction 21.817,96 14.648,44 16.909,84 19.570,02 25.084,08 32.738,42 G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles -21.560,58 -12.036,76 -15.992,44 -19.250,04 -24.501,95 -34.189,44 H. Accommodation .. .. .. .. .. .. I. Transport, storage and communications -23.197,53 -11.622,62 -17.723,86 -22.462,29 -27.553,48 -33.448,34 J. Financial intermediation -40.080,75 -20.851,13 -29.420,82 -36.350,83 -45.796,03 -64.982,05 K. Real estate and rental activities business services -22.352,16 -10.445,7 -13.992,14 -19.603,48 -26.491,03 -37.475,34 M. Education -24.911,27 -10.005,95 -15.905,4 -25.616,27 -32.403,07 -39.209,1 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services -28.754,96 -9.790,83 -13.221,25 -22.376,62 -33.645,8 -65.175,13 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services -19.485,55 -6.940,01 -11.071,96 -17.762,94 -24.963,25 -34.234,65 Females All activities 17.750,37 7.165,25 10.889,7 15.577 22.310,13 30.576,74 C. Extractive Industries .. .. .. .. .. .. CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. D. Manufacturing industry 18.512,93 9.949,15 13.043,39 16.420,41 22.354,89 29.387,98 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry -14.751,38 -9.418,98 -12.249,14 -13.955,97 -16.275,61 -21.018 DB. Textile and clothing industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DC. Leather and footwear industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DD. Wood and cork industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports .. .. .. .. .. .. DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry -20.048,04 -12.831,15 -15.136,94 -17.796,25 -21.352,02 -28.130,47 DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries .. .. .. .. .. .. DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products .. .. .. .. .. .. DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry -21.136,17 -12.363,63 -15.872,37 -20.094,56 -25.720,77 -33.044,81 DM. Manufacture of transport material .. .. .. .. .. .. DN. Various manufacturing industries .. .. .. .. .. .. E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply .. .. .. .. .. .. F. Construction .. .. .. .. .. .. G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles -14.409,04 -6.669,59 -10.024,34 -13.477,06 -16.705,64 -22.724,65 H. Accommodation -12.595,47 -4.921,56 -8.436,74 -13.910,49 -15.476,01 -17.769,83 I. Transport, storage and communications -16.710,7 -6.230,98 -10.355,28 -16.035,29 -20.045,9 -26.679,13 J. Financial intermediation -28.213,74 -13.451,28 -18.741,9 -28.032,84 -36.000,44 -45.192,25 K. Real estate and rental activities business services -14.483,43 -5.585,28 -8.147,85 -13.215 -18.755,51 -24.032,22 M. Education -22.307,02 -8.837,34 -15.393,21 -22.884,04 -28.738,78 -32.817,23 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services -23.110,02 -9.033,15 -12.337,02 -20.407,65 -29.221,33 -40.042,71 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services -13.099,72 -5.797,89 -8.385,24 -11.405,93 -15.271,24 -24.464,85 País Vasco Both sexes All activities 22.929,98 8.623,59 13.657,47 20.134,26 29.262,34 38.924,12 C. Extractive Industries -28.310,69 -18.065,19 -21.719,75 -26.911,09 -33.835,39 -38.826,92 CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products -28.571,15 -18.218,1 -22.043,57 -26.981,28 -33.835,39 -40.166,86 D. Manufacturing industry 25.501,04 12.576,37 17.892,71 24.074,43 31.684,48 40.163,03 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry 21.864,86 10.146,06 13.022,66 18.454,43 26.589,88 36.907,85 DB. Textile and clothing industry -16.012,02 -6.249,68 -10.446,84 -13.698,59 -20.571,48 -27.783,14 DC. Leather and footwear industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DD. Wood and cork industry -20.954,24 -12.445,93 -16.167,5 -19.642,93 -23.566,03 -31.254,22 DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports -24.093,23 -11.041,83 -15.701,75 -21.528,18 -30.734,16 -38.627,66 DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry -30.997,95 -14.967,45 -20.144,07 -28.196,66 -39.716,39 -52.086,72 DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry 25.687,63 12.386,64 17.352,72 26.825,28 33.860,66 37.805,36 DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries -27.914,22 -16.545,46 -19.744,59 -27.101,6 -34.667,99 -41.677,27 DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products 25.731,63 13.136,96 18.600,65 24.042,78 31.319,31 41.196,22 DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry 25.367,41 11.913,99 19.008,55 24.696,4 30.907,88 38.891,36 DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry 24.379,26 11.755,98 16.503,83 23.034,82 29.579,62 38.518,36 DM. Manufacture of transport material 27.941,93 15.883,07 21.601,02 27.795,83 33.387,14 39.277,24 DN. Various manufacturing industries -22.338,79 -13.178,19 -16.990,96 -21.134,67 -25.838,15 -31.870,02 E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply -36.761,9 -18.240,95 -25.420,79 -36.888,33 -47.036,25 -52.568,64 F. Construction 21.806,51 11.312,52 16.043,64 20.014,12 25.474,28 33.980,8 G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 21.066,5 9.584,13 12.868,61 16.576,07 23.863,4 36.272,79 H. Accommodation 12.892,95 4.562,39 7.386 12.964,47 16.410,98 20.648,9 I. Transport, storage and communications 23.513,79 8.913,14 15.350,79 21.944,57 29.619,42 37.536,96 J. Financial intermediation 40.609,08 16.595,27 24.230,52 36.687,41 51.320,86 69.626,06 K. Real estate and rental activities business services 19.493,79 6.359,49 10.000,44 15.285,38 24.551,12 37.407 M. Education 26.182,36 10.699,38 17.086,1 28.460,59 34.198,02 38.129,58 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services 23.330,34 8.023,91 12.917,27 20.856,2 29.363,83 41.242,88 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services 18.165,49 5.343,38 8.914,22 14.500 22.125,14 34.807,42 Males All activities 25.947,03 11.734,2 16.649,37 22.828,17 31.929,93 43.034,31 C. Extractive Industries -28.734,08 -18.184,25 -21.985,65 -27.000,02 -33.835,39 -39.527,49 CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products -28.944,98 -18.340,32 -22.212,72 -27.352,2 -33.835,39 -40.166,86 D. Manufacturing industry 26.534,26 13.633,01 18.892,77 24.911,4 32.591,44 41.205,54 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry -26.369,74 -13.466,32 -16.626,08 -22.525,17 -31.035,12 -43.080,86 DB. Textile and clothing industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DC. Leather and footwear industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DD. Wood and cork industry -21.238,57 -12.445,93 -16.532 -19.648,76 -23.665,13 -32.205,65 DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports -26.311,94 -13.289,11 -16.425,12 -23.552,42 -33.540,41 -41.151,69 DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry -32.836,88 -15.691,06 -21.504 -29.294,75 -41.673,44 -54.182,94 DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry -26.620,72 -12.741,84 -18.733,34 -28.150,61 -34.198,99 -39.347,74 DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries -28.554,5 -16.659,99 -19.940,11 -27.669,55 -35.905,27 -42.534,03 DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products 26.285,37 13.633,01 19.067,09 24.429,27 31.995,18 41.770,97 DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry 26.044,82 12.897,74 19.241,65 25.333,91 31.747,2 40.733,66 DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry 25.039,31 12.205,64 17.067,75 23.411,79 30.000 39.074,74 DM. Manufacture of transport material 28.088,92 16.148,49 22.029,74 28.155,97 33.432,74 39.009,12 DN. Various manufacturing industries -22.706,82 -13.926,15 -17.189,7 -21.437,12 -26.144,85 -33.430,7 E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply -38.823 -20.024,56 -27.187,47 -40.372,14 -48.611,44 -54.774,02 F. Construction 22.210,9 12.252,04 16.475,98 20.123,2 25.511,63 34.460,33 G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 25.370,69 12.384,73 15.218,64 19.640,6 29.682,5 44.288,64 H. Accommodation -15.638,8 -5.577,21 -9.113,03 -15.490,68 -18.384,22 -23.571,5 I. Transport, storage and communications 25.349,88 10.182,74 17.434,95 24.099,69 30.701,44 39.602,77 J. Financial intermediation -47.385,61 -22.267,2 -32.665,86 -41.322,26 -60.658,44 -76.874,61 K. Real estate and rental activities business services 24.933,36 9.851,75 14.161,82 20.878,82 29.884,96 46.453,4 M. Education -27.017 -11.331,54 -17.383,85 -28.779,02 -35.217,64 -39.222,46 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services -30.362,13 -10.307,5 -16.784,6 -24.868,6 -39.758,65 -60.635,31 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services -24.367,67 -7.566,61 -13.526,09 -20.884,43 -28.797,66 -42.821,21 Females All activities 18.581,12 6.849,74 10.681,72 15.521,44 24.562,97 33.379,64 C. Extractive Industries .. .. .. .. .. .. CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. D. Manufacturing industry 20.979,58 10.005 13.977,55 19.706,82 26.970,96 33.189,31 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry -16.768,95 -8.972,81 -11.214,8 -14.163,58 -21.723,84 -28.754,64 DB. Textile and clothing industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DC. Leather and footwear industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DD. Wood and cork industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports -19.305,71 -9.065 -13.065,43 -17.503,54 -25.456,29 -30.734,16 DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry -25.319,46 -14.149,34 -17.577,39 -24.710,39 -31.293,89 -37.562,44 DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry -21.250,44 -11.102,07 -14.043,04 -18.667,35 -29.485,31 -34.701,91 DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries .. .. .. .. .. .. DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products -21.848,66 -11.478,86 -16.343,04 -21.969,65 -27.012,71 -33.076,57 DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry -21.663,5 -10.436,26 -16.647,3 -21.519,68 -26.448,82 -32.107,73 DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry -21.768,22 -9.847,17 -15.064,96 -20.011,4 -28.167,4 -34.390,98 DM. Manufacture of transport material -27.141,94 -15.037,7 -20.985,1 -26.459,89 -31.771,63 -40.217,96 DN. Various manufacturing industries .. .. .. .. .. .. E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply .. .. .. .. .. .. F. Construction .. .. .. .. .. .. G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 15.742,3 7.716,49 11.178,88 13.704,9 17.563,35 24.768,93 H. Accommodation -11.572,21 -4.468,97 -7.212 -11.156,64 -15.570,79 -18.694,09 I. Transport, storage and communications -18.651,89 -7.017,24 -11.959,48 -17.287,02 -23.729,51 -32.656,99 J. Financial intermediation -32.529,8 -12.789,73 -18.512,15 -29.410,59 -41.494,38 -58.927,79 K. Real estate and rental activities business services 15.540,46 5.175,96 7.939,52 13.082,12 19.432,89 30.713,31 M. Education 25.799,38 10.254,53 16.924,84 28.319,31 33.233,55 37.485,28 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services 21.401,8 7.542,34 12.001,98 19.898,87 27.711,94 34.672,3 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services -14.123,12 -4.588,22 -8.275,08 -11.962,1 -16.958,16 -26.502,15 Rioja (La) Both sexes All activities 17.901,7 8.136,41 11.933,76 15.444,03 20.966,41 30.938,17 C. Extractive Industries .. .. .. .. .. .. CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. D. Manufacturing industry 19.841,69 10.877,25 13.437,68 16.969,17 23.113,75 32.290,61 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry -20.422,71 -10.164,3 -12.644,9 -17.372,03 -24.262,55 -35.695,06 DB. Textile and clothing industry -14.167,04 -8.121,91 -10.919,48 -12.784,5 -16.271,43 -19.880,86 DC. Leather and footwear industry -13.860,7 -8.640,43 -11.500,85 -12.534,31 -16.030,91 -19.554,21 DD. Wood and cork industry -17.949,2 -11.620,72 -14.451,01 -15.964,17 -19.636,34 -25.764,76 DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports -20.983,27 -10.990,3 -13.011,86 -18.035,94 -24.219,69 -30.563,69 DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry -26.430,94 -14.212,85 -17.049,57 -25.995,04 -32.099,77 -41.453,8 DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries -20.906,73 -13.489,69 -15.910,92 -18.389,36 -22.728,15 -30.631,12 DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products -18.399,92 -10.952 -14.579,16 -16.741,76 -20.319,66 -26.749,49 DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry -22.129,37 -14.106,85 -15.406,86 -18.975,97 -25.526,56 -34.602,15 DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DM. Manufacture of transport material -24.836,09 -14.148,95 -18.549,45 -23.250,29 -26.067,28 -35.331,57 DN. Various manufacturing industries -16.321,56 -10.988,52 -13.899,63 -15.215,54 -17.156,32 -21.808,8 E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply .. .. .. .. .. .. F. Construction 17.595,98 11.779,82 13.920,76 16.496,88 19.226,95 25.360 G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 14.567,23 7.071,13 10.153 13.890,12 17.433,39 21.999,9 H. Accommodation -12.096,91 -4.637,1 -7.613,62 -13.126,8 -13.831,97 -16.829,33 I. Transport, storage and communications -19.423,42 -11.351,15 -14.441,75 -17.394,47 -22.591,71 -31.911,5 J. Financial intermediation -33.399,89 -15.092 -22.555,02 -34.076,13 -42.731,99 -51.283,52 K. Real estate and rental activities business services 14.106,17 6.116,72 8.612,91 12.352,53 16.954,42 24.937,36 M. Education -19.021,48 -7.490,01 -11.917 -18.490,37 -26.728,89 -29.164,01 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services -20.927,69 -9.884,46 -11.857,2 -17.307,94 -26.563,96 -40.127,25 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services -13.901,16 -5.405,01 -8.439,34 -11.756,44 -17.307,51 -24.810,61 Males All activities 20.271,24 11.194,91 13.924,14 17.239,45 23.387,74 33.870,56 C. Extractive Industries .. .. .. .. .. .. CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. D. Manufacturing industry 21.326,54 11.704,77 14.780,36 18.053,88 24.339,46 33.872,78 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry -23.196,88 -11.095,89 -13.716,13 -19.906,52 -30.938,17 -37.799,56 DB. Textile and clothing industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DC. Leather and footwear industry -15.149,19 -11.305,51 -11.683,62 -13.623,3 -16.988,4 -19.903,76 DD. Wood and cork industry -18.641,74 -13.303,92 -15.066,12 -16.311,63 -19.895,08 -26.886,24 DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports .. .. .. .. .. .. DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry -28.165,79 -15.224,56 -18.718,42 -28.751,5 -33.366,2 -43.028,25 DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries -21.315,81 -14.270,25 -16.185,78 -18.529,55 -22.732,99 -31.624,56 DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products -18.972,11 -12.047,53 -14.795,27 -16.741,76 -20.948,35 -27.877,45 DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry -22.800,33 -14.115,48 -15.883,89 -19.301,42 -25.933,89 -35.941,78 DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DM. Manufacture of transport material .. .. .. .. .. .. DN. Various manufacturing industries -16.064,85 -11.704,77 -14.637,61 -15.560,12 -17.170,31 -20.784,1 E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply .. .. .. .. .. .. F. Construction -17.759,91 -12.033,27 -13.922,66 -16.556,25 -19.462,21 -25.520,53 G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles -17.501,1 -10.483,61 -13.083,57 -15.529,56 -20.290,88 -25.714,31 H. Accommodation .. .. .. .. .. .. I. Transport, storage and communications -20.451,11 -13.444,18 -15.118,22 -18.447,08 -23.381,11 -32.197,68 J. Financial intermediation -38.762,51 -20.888 -30.380,12 -38.667,3 -47.763,18 -53.779,24 K. Real estate and rental activities business services -18.026,64 -8.064,01 -10.799,98 -14.400 -23.868,11 -33.446,22 M. Education .. .. .. .. .. .. N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services .. .. .. .. .. .. O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services -17.447,7 -5.405,01 -11.283 -15.049,52 -21.583,35 -32.089,07 Females All activities 14.706,77 6.339,65 9.355,95 13.061,54 17.679 25.953,02 C. Extractive Industries .. .. .. .. .. .. CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. D. Manufacturing industry 15.829,35 8.009,29 11.210,19 13.924,22 18.394,79 25.853,99 DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry -16.088,27 -8.136,41 -11.219,51 -13.683,83 -19.328,77 -27.374,32 DB. Textile and clothing industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DC. Leather and footwear industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DD. Wood and cork industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports .. .. .. .. .. .. DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries .. .. .. .. .. .. DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products .. .. .. .. .. .. DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DM. Manufacture of transport material .. .. .. .. .. .. DN. Various manufacturing industries .. .. .. .. .. .. E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply .. .. .. .. .. .. F. Construction .. .. .. .. .. .. G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles -11.769,21 -6.051,79 -8.061,87 -11.663,44 -14.158,26 -18.085,69 H. Accommodation -11.739,36 -4.089,12 -7.613,62 -12.997,14 -13.831,97 -16.526,15 I. Transport, storage and communications .. .. .. .. .. .. J. Financial intermediation .. .. .. .. .. .. K. Real estate and rental activities business services -12.057,86 -5.250,35 -7.691,54 -11.414,98 -14.494,66 -18.969,75 M. Education -17.898,77 -7.178,43 -11.719,81 -16.339,49 -26.721,77 -28.122,12 N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services -18.802,38 -9.343,89 -11.726,93 -16.542,38 -24.957,02 -32.829,43 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services -11.944,32 -5.081,59 -7.840,15 -9.564,45 -14.075,88 -22.205,02 Cities of Ceuta and Melilla Both sexes All activities 20.265,67 8.252,21 12.891,24 17.564,21 23.177,53 35.615,34 C. Extractive Industries .. .. .. .. .. .. CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. D. Manufacturing industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DB. Textile and clothing industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DC. Leather and footwear industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DD. Wood and cork industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports .. .. .. .. .. .. DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries .. .. .. .. .. .. DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products .. .. .. .. .. .. DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DM. Manufacture of transport material .. .. .. .. .. .. DN. Various manufacturing industries .. .. .. .. .. .. E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply .. .. .. .. .. .. F. Construction -18.377,43 -11.915,34 -13.734,44 -15.816,33 -17.806,3 -25.989,38 G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles -13.782,45 -8.162,37 -8.298 -13.011,71 -17.589,05 -19.818,48 H. Accommodation .. .. .. .. .. .. I. Transport, storage and communications -23.416,48 -12.116,51 -17.599,37 -20.245,44 -28.982,96 -37.312,62 J. Financial intermediation .. .. .. .. .. .. K. Real estate and rental activities business services -15.873,17 -6.633,05 -8.827,07 -15.152,79 -20.310,42 -24.171,69 M. Education .. .. .. .. .. .. N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services -29.107,99 -13.353,37 -18.109,71 -24.312,34 -37.142,72 -50.276,88 O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services .. .. .. .. .. .. Males All activities 20.785,92 10.292,76 13.734,44 17.806,3 22.965,85 35.038,52 C. Extractive Industries .. .. .. .. .. .. CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. D. Manufacturing industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DB. Textile and clothing industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DC. Leather and footwear industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DD. Wood and cork industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports .. .. .. .. .. .. DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries .. .. .. .. .. .. DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products .. .. .. .. .. .. DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DM. Manufacture of transport material .. .. .. .. .. .. DN. Various manufacturing industries .. .. .. .. .. .. E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply .. .. .. .. .. .. F. Construction -18.447,67 -11.915,34 -13.734,44 -15.816,33 -17.806,3 -25.989,38 G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles -14.473,68 -8.252,21 -10.469,52 -13.145,01 -17.323,7 -21.652,35 H. Accommodation .. .. .. .. .. .. I. Transport, storage and communications .. .. .. .. .. .. J. Financial intermediation .. .. .. .. .. .. K. Real estate and rental activities business services -17.545,62 -8.643,47 -12.042,9 -17.187,8 -20.534,69 -24.171,69 M. Education .. .. .. .. .. .. N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services .. .. .. .. .. .. O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services .. .. .. .. .. .. Females All activities -19.238,69 -7.114,53 -10.853,33 -15.808,28 -23.626,38 -36.768,8 C. Extractive Industries .. .. .. .. .. .. CA. Extraction of energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. CB. Extraction of other ores except energy products .. .. .. .. .. .. D. Manufacturing industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DA. Food, beverage and tobacco industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DB. Textile and clothing industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DC. Leather and footwear industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DD. Wood and cork industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DE. Paper industry Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports .. .. .. .. .. .. DF. Refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. DG. Chemical industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DH. Rubber and plastic materials transformation industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DI. Other non-metallic ore product industries .. .. .. .. .. .. DJ. Metallurgy and manufacture of metallic products .. .. .. .. .. .. DK. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DL. Electrical, electronic and optical material and equipment industry .. .. .. .. .. .. DM. Manufacture of transport material .. .. .. .. .. .. DN. Various manufacturing industries .. .. .. .. .. .. E. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water supply .. .. .. .. .. .. F. Construction .. .. .. .. .. .. G. Trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles .. .. .. .. .. .. H. Accommodation .. .. .. .. .. .. I. Transport, storage and communications .. .. .. .. .. .. J. Financial intermediation .. .. .. .. .. .. K. Real estate and rental activities business services .. .. .. .. .. .. M. Education .. .. .. .. .. .. N. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services .. .. .. .. .. .. O. Other community, social and personal service activities personal services .. .. .. .. .. .. Notas: Fuente: National Statistics Institute