Four-yearly Wage Structure Survey Four-yearly Wage Structure Survey. 2006 Composition of gross monthly salary by sex, NCEA-93 divisions and components of gross monthly salary. Unidades: euros Base salary Salary supplements Salary supplements for night work, shift work or weekend work Variable salary supplements Overtime payments Ordinary salary Extraordinary payments Gross salary Social Security contributions by the company Income tax retentions Net salary Both sexes All divisions 986,37 452,17 21,86 95,27 9,78 1.448,32 79,71 1.528,03 94,91 219,94 1.213,18 10. Extraction and agglomeration of anthracite, coal, lignite and peat 1.416,41 1.045 78,63 642,8 19,29 2.480,69 26,21 2.506,91 154,07 501,76 1.851,08 11. Petroleum, natural gas, uranium and thorium -3.194,98 -667,88 -17,27 -49,11 -1,23 -3.864,09 -70,25 -3.934,35 -162,38 -1.062,02 -2.709,96 13. Extraction of metallic ores .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14. Extraction of non-metallic and non-energetic ores 968,51 676,58 17,11 261,19 20,37 1.665,46 54,6 1.720,06 109,64 266,32 1.344,1 15. Food and beverage products industry 962,99 483,52 25,55 110,11 13,23 1.459,74 64,08 1.523,82 97,16 218,85 1.207,81 16. Tobacco industry -1.930,21 -588,76 -12,08 -180,9 -15,96 -2.534,93 0 -2.534,93 -159,52 -579,51 -1.795,9 17. Textile industry 933,4 410,67 15,96 119,1 8,07 1.352,14 56,95 1.409,08 92,37 182,05 1.134,66 18. Clothes making and furriery industry 738,5 194,13 2,06 43,07 4,16 936,78 43,92 980,7 66,62 83,7 830,39 19. Preparation, tanning and dressing of leather 1.000,84 135,2 1,53 53,29 2,67 1.138,7 22,72 1.161,42 75,24 97,23 988,95 20. Wood and cork industry, except furniture, basketmaking and wickerwork 922,45 266,85 9,1 59,73 11,15 1.200,45 55,35 1.255,8 83,4 133,29 1.039,11 21. Paper industry 1.087,03 801,2 98,37 177,46 34,78 1.923,01 65,03 1.988,04 121,37 345,58 1.521,09 22. Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports 991,35 674,82 35,65 98,29 9,38 1.675,55 64,2 1.739,75 107,03 294,44 1.338,29 23. Manufacture of coke, refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels 1.991,46 938,22 228,29 35 50,73 2.980,41 524,48 3.504,89 166,25 839,71 2.498,93 24. Chemical industry 1.518,86 682,8 57,44 139,03 19,6 2.221,26 189,24 2.410,5 136 492,81 1.781,69 25. Manufacture of rubber and plastic products 1.132,6 433,74 78,31 82,5 27,8 1.594,13 54,6 1.648,74 110,75 242,31 1.295,68 26. Manufacture of other non-metallic ore products 1.026,95 567,15 42,49 175,77 22,94 1.617,04 42,8 1.659,84 106,61 252,35 1.300,88 27. Metallurgy 1.393,95 626,47 113,72 192,28 26,37 2.046,78 26,37 2.073,15 134,56 381,47 1.557,12 28. Manufacture of metal products, except machinery and equipment 1.047,64 440,17 12,59 118,34 14,7 1.502,51 58,8 1.561,3 102,36 209,9 1.249,05 29. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry 1.192,14 562,96 15,48 155,72 26,15 1.781,24 32,3 1.813,55 118,63 290,08 1.404,83 30. Manufacture of office machines and IT equipment .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 31. Manufacture of electrical machinery and material 1.275,83 494,13 37,91 124,86 17,28 1.787,24 33,08 1.820,32 118,41 296,28 1.405,63 32. Manufacture of electronic material 1.288,18 573,19 36,38 119,75 8,6 1.869,97 102,05 1.972,03 118,67 344,01 1.509,35 33. Manufacture of medical-surgical, precision and optical equipment and instruments, and clocks and watches 1.204,7 688,72 26,39 71,41 16,74 1.910,16 77,33 1.987,49 122,87 362,97 1.501,65 34. Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 1.343,48 567,05 72,94 161,59 55,87 1.966,39 130,84 2.097,23 132,5 355,51 1.609,22 35. Manufacture of other transport material 1.505,06 572,7 33,82 189,71 31,8 2.109,55 55,24 2.164,79 138,91 399,51 1.626,37 36. Manufacture of furniture, other manufacturing industries 944,1 275,07 4,19 90,36 5,62 1.224,78 64,48 1.289,27 84,89 146,78 1.057,6 37. Recycling -954,48 -432,54 -10,16 -91,84 -65,19 -1.452,21 -24,96 -1.477,17 -97,59 -192,83 -1.186,75 40. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas, steam and hot water 2.333,57 624,4 130,1 148,55 67,26 3.025,23 12,89 3.038,12 165,47 749,34 2.123,31 41. Collection, purification and distribution of water 1.090,24 686,83 48,07 99,7 23,9 1.800,97 101,54 1.902,51 121,04 319,01 1.462,45 45. Construction 899,8 432,05 4,08 144,71 6,96 1.338,81 72,43 1.411,24 89,64 162,34 1.159,27 50. Sale, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles 955,23 406,18 3,8 160,59 8,81 1.370,22 91,6 1.461,82 92,29 194,13 1.175,4 51. Wholesale trade, brokerage trade, except of motor vehicles 1.014,55 489,15 9,13 119,2 7,59 1.511,29 69,01 1.580,3 98,13 241,16 1.241,01 52. Retail trade, except of motor vehicles. repair of personal and household goods 803,86 267,1 6,3 58,34 3,57 1.074,52 110,07 1.184,59 74,27 121,01 989,31 55. Accommodation 826,04 180,03 8,61 29,34 2,24 1.008,31 89,14 1.097,45 69,06 97,18 931,22 60. Land transport. Transport via pipelines 928,14 437,84 24,8 122,03 18,68 1.384,66 73,3 1.457,96 94,77 178,8 1.184,39 61. Maritime, coastal shipping and inland water transport. -1.489,25 -1.348,83 -98,37 -823,03 -159,91 -2.997,98 -11,4 -3.009,38 -165,07 -470,49 -2.373,83 62. Air and space transport -907,34 -2.033,07 -87,83 -505,84 -1,07 -2.941,48 -3,83 -2.945,31 -143,03 -676,33 -2.125,95 63. Transport related activities, travel agencies 1.008,07 537,87 35,46 141,65 15,43 1.561,37 76,3 1.637,67 102,08 258,97 1.276,63 64. Post and communications 1.558,37 442,53 23,08 73,37 9,85 2.010,75 28,52 2.039,28 127,16 408,8 1.503,32 65. Financial intermediation, except insurance and pension funds 1.610,21 921,01 3,7 68,11 3,34 2.534,56 338,65 2.873,22 155,52 681,08 2.036,61 66. Insurance and pension funds, except Compulsory Social Security 1.248,51 876,88 6,03 103,62 1,28 2.126,67 478,57 2.605,24 135,36 505,08 1.964,8 67. Activities auxiliary to financial intermediation 1.083,13 393,76 2,84 55,87 8,42 1.485,3 143,79 1.629,09 93,36 267,18 1.268,56 70. Real estate activities 993,52 564,55 5,38 139,15 0,45 1.558,53 86,2 1.644,73 93,87 257,76 1.293,1 71. Renting of machinery and equipment without operator and of personal goods 908,36 470,29 5,78 99,47 4,4 1.383,05 50,95 1.434 93 189,64 1.151,35 72. Computer activities 1.260,23 640,31 13,29 53,91 5,31 1.905,85 64,5 1.970,35 116,88 360,87 1.492,61 73. Research and development -1.171,24 -932,95 -28,1 -51,32 -4,98 -2.109,17 -36,65 -2.145,82 -128,97 -409,79 -1.607,05 74. Other business activities 923,84 325,64 11,42 58,31 15,46 1.264,93 60,33 1.325,27 82,66 174,59 1.068,02 80. Education 1.077,27 451,11 2,2 10,36 1,06 1.529,45 47,56 1.577 104,94 224,89 1.247,17 85. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services 947,52 773,39 99,28 99,15 5,06 1.725,97 40,95 1.766,92 105,5 290,7 1.370,72 90. Public sewage activities 807,66 581,18 56,04 68,09 15,06 1.403,9 75,73 1.479,63 96,66 195,3 1.187,67 91. Activities of membership organizations 1.035,78 339,32 6,28 35,63 3,28 1.378,38 58,16 1.436,54 91,86 193,94 1.150,74 92. Recreational, cultutal and sporting activities 1.090,18 458,67 20,08 64,13 3,86 1.552,71 54,51 1.607,22 95,33 261,09 1.250,8 93. Various personal services activites 658,03 169,64 10,28 28,8 2,07 829,74 63,71 893,45 57,29 67,48 768,68 Males All divisions 1.062,57 538,31 24,77 127,23 13,95 1.614,84 86,69 1.701,53 103,79 264,8 1.332,94 10. Extraction and agglomeration of anthracite, coal, lignite and peat 1.410,22 1.073,29 81,26 663,69 19,42 2.502,93 27,03 2.529,96 154,56 508,74 1.866,66 11. Petroleum, natural gas, uranium and thorium -3.353,79 -800,38 -21,63 -65,19 -1,66 -4.155,83 -64,72 -4.220,55 -167,24 -1.191,14 -2.862,17 13. Extraction of metallic ores .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14. Extraction of non-metallic and non-energetic ores 973,76 702,48 18,52 275,52 20,93 1.697,17 55,45 1.752,61 111,48 274,17 1.366,96 15. Food and beverage products industry 1.039,19 623,45 33,91 143,96 16,99 1.679,63 72,45 1.752,07 109,97 285 1.357,1 16. Tobacco industry .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 17. Textile industry 1.031,1 503,94 20,19 159,45 10,54 1.545,58 57,37 1.602,94 103,68 232,5 1.266,76 18. Clothes making and furriery industry 914,16 404,91 3,45 71,52 2,56 1.321,63 31,98 1.353,61 90,31 182,12 1.081,17 19. Preparation, tanning and dressing of leather 1.071,51 180,56 2,51 72,88 2,65 1.254,73 27,38 1.282,1 82,56 120,34 1.079,2 20. Wood and cork industry, except furniture, basketmaking and wickerwork 938,82 282,5 9,88 65,09 11,83 1.233,15 55,49 1.288,64 85,46 140,15 1.063,02 21. Paper industry 1.125,91 879,03 115,76 197,47 42,05 2.046,99 56,99 2.103,99 126,63 381,04 1.596,31 22. Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports 1.033,91 769,28 47,28 118,12 13,12 1.816,31 66,75 1.883,07 113,41 339,2 1.430,45 23. Manufacture of coke, refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels 1.994,63 991,63 261,57 35,4 59,74 3.046 572,31 3.618,3 167,05 877,21 2.574,04 24. Chemical industry 1.588,51 803,83 76,08 163,75 26,25 2.418,59 161,52 2.580,11 142,72 562,57 1.874,81 25. Manufacture of rubber and plastic products 1.190,38 504,3 97,2 96,03 30,82 1.725,5 64,37 1.789,87 119,22 278,39 1.392,26 26. Manufacture of other non-metallic ore products 1.047,14 592,11 45,85 184,35 24,76 1.664,01 45,24 1.709,25 109,19 264,73 1.335,33 27. Metallurgy 1.414,25 642,3 122,3 198,25 28,92 2.085,46 27,28 2.112,74 136,11 392,62 1.584,01 28. Manufacture of metal products, except machinery and equipment 1.057,49 459,96 13,17 125,08 16,11 1.533,56 60,23 1.593,79 104,11 216,64 1.273,04 29. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry 1.206,77 596,03 17,34 171,59 29,61 1.832,41 32,36 1.864,76 121,07 304,49 1.439,2 30. Manufacture of office machines and IT equipment .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 31. Manufacture of electrical machinery and material 1.319,63 543,66 42,73 137,65 18,34 1.881,63 37,1 1.918,73 122,93 325,05 1.470,75 32. Manufacture of electronic material -1.385,77 -678,54 -44,53 -134,98 -8,07 -2.072,38 -102,98 -2.175,36 -128,64 -406,98 -1.639,74 33. Manufacture of medical-surgical, precision and optical equipment and instruments, and clocks and watches 1.283,61 813,81 32,91 97,09 22,06 2.119,47 101,55 2.221,03 131,88 438,19 1.650,97 34. Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 1.372,11 618,07 79,95 172,93 60,64 2.050,82 136,43 2.187,25 137,54 382,44 1.667,26 35. Manufacture of other transport material 1.498,5 608,92 38,07 203,92 34,9 2.142,33 56,36 2.198,68 140,36 408,21 1.650,11 36. Manufacture of furniture, other manufacturing industries 979,56 301,32 4,97 103,01 6,44 1.287,33 65,48 1.352,81 88,81 161,04 1.102,96 37. Recycling -1.044,9 -428,78 -7,94 -64,51 -66,25 -1.539,94 -26,37 -1.566,3 -103,17 -215,38 -1.247,76 40. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas, steam and hot water 2.400,22 685,73 147,81 172,33 78,06 3.164,01 12,21 3.176,21 169,13 802,08 2.205,01 41. Collection, purification and distribution of water 1.110,9 744,52 58,78 107,15 28,66 1.884,07 114,68 1.998,76 125,03 342,14 1.531,59 45. Construction 905,67 441,62 3,96 150,48 7,44 1.354,73 73,79 1.428,52 90,55 164,78 1.173,19 50. Sale, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles 984,7 443,38 2,93 174,23 9,09 1.437,18 84,16 1.521,34 95,95 210,78 1.214,61 51. Wholesale trade, brokerage trade, except of motor vehicles 1.059,65 570,68 11,41 146,43 9,58 1.639,92 74,28 1.714,2 104,91 277,71 1.331,58 52. Retail trade, except of motor vehicles. repair of personal and household goods 882,34 396,56 7,18 76,11 4,37 1.283,27 133,2 1.416,47 86,41 177,41 1.152,65 55. Accommodation 889,85 244,05 10,35 42,44 2,98 1.136,88 104,83 1.241,72 76,69 128,97 1.036,06 60. Land transport. Transport via pipelines 945,57 460,69 25,53 131,02 20,25 1.426,51 75,29 1.501,8 97,37 186,7 1.217,73 61. Maritime, coastal shipping and inland water transport. -1.551,5 -1.477,01 -113,8 -919,57 -180,36 -3.208,87 -9,49 -3.218,36 -172,45 -518,47 -2.527,44 62. Air and space transport -1.013,68 -2.341,81 -106,7 -540,21 -1,58 -3.357,08 -3,39 -3.360,47 -148,47 -853,7 -2.358,3 63. Transport related activities, travel agencies 1.077,09 656,1 47,92 177,76 23,5 1.756,69 87,66 1.844,35 111,52 314,1 1.418,73 64. Post and communications 1.749,54 473,32 30,07 71,34 14,14 2.237 21,26 2.258,26 138,38 489,34 1.630,54 65. Financial intermediation, except insurance and pension funds 1.715,02 1.101,74 4,49 76,92 2,53 2.819,29 363,56 3.182,85 162,91 799,82 2.220,13 66. Insurance and pension funds, except Compulsory Social Security 1.379,98 1.196,98 5,61 148,93 2,42 2.579,38 565,64 3.145,02 152,07 686,58 2.306,38 67. Activities auxiliary to financial intermediation -1.474,45 -647 -3,65 -120,5 -9,22 -2.130,68 -202,01 -2.332,69 -120,64 -482,18 -1.729,87 70. Real estate activities 1.153,25 751,2 3,17 191,87 0,28 1.904,73 99,87 2.004,6 107,6 359,12 1.537,88 71. Renting of machinery and equipment without operator and of personal goods -945,04 -520,96 -5,61 -109,25 -5,66 -1.471,65 -40,67 -1.512,32 -96,93 -207,43 -1.207,96 72. Computer activities 1.314,32 682,17 14,93 59,4 7,53 2.004,02 81,85 2.085,87 120,9 391,36 1.573,61 73. Research and development -1.254,28 -884,73 -52,91 -37,13 -6,47 -2.145,48 -27,81 -2.173,29 -123,44 -444,91 -1.604,94 74. Other business activities 1.098,09 463,39 17,86 87,98 30,27 1.591,76 74,85 1.666,61 99,55 263,68 1.303,38 80. Education 1.119,11 483,25 2,89 11,38 1,19 1.603,55 42,43 1.645,97 109,08 246,26 1.290,64 85. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services 1.115,41 1.201,29 156,51 207,18 9,29 2.325,99 41,13 2.367,12 128,64 470,93 1.767,55 90. Public sewage activities 831,97 680,97 71,28 78,5 18,11 1.531,05 85,79 1.616,84 105,13 224,96 1.286,76 91. Activities of membership organizations 1.187,43 425,71 10,82 65,33 5,87 1.619,01 87,78 1.706,79 103,88 265,36 1.337,55 92. Recreational, cultutal and sporting activities 1.226,16 566,3 26,39 79,42 5,17 1.797,63 67,99 1.865,62 105,57 335,43 1.424,62 93. Various personal services activites 814,46 383,57 30,76 56,09 4,76 1.202,79 118,9 1.321,68 81,05 155,13 1.085,51 Females All divisions 875,92 327,3 17,64 48,94 3,73 1.206,95 69,59 1.276,54 82,05 154,91 1.039,58 10. Extraction and agglomeration of anthracite, coal, lignite and peat .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11. Petroleum, natural gas, uranium and thorium .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 13. Extraction of metallic ores .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14. Extraction of non-metallic and non-energetic ores -918,57 -429,78 -3,74 -124,68 -15,07 -1.363,42 -46,54 -1.409,96 -92,07 -191,55 -1.126,34 15. Food and beverage products industry 839,96 257,58 12,06 55,45 7,16 1.104,71 50,57 1.155,28 76,46 112,05 966,77 16. Tobacco industry .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 17. Textile industry 802,97 286,14 10,3 65,22 4,78 1.093,9 56,38 1.150,28 77,27 114,7 958,31 18. Clothes making and furriery industry 695,8 142,89 1,72 36,15 4,55 843,23 46,82 890,05 60,86 59,77 769,43 19. Preparation, tanning and dressing of leather 902,26 71,91 0,17 25,96 2,68 976,86 16,23 993,08 65,02 65 863,06 20. Wood and cork industry, except furniture, basketmaking and wickerwork 841,42 189,38 5,24 33,18 7,78 1.038,59 54,66 1.093,25 73,19 99,35 920,71 21. Paper industry -943,39 -513,68 -34,12 -103,57 -7,93 -1.465 -94,72 -1.559,72 -101,92 -214,56 -1.243,24 22. Publishing, graphic arts and reproduction of recorded supports 917,47 510,86 15,45 63,86 2,9 1.431,23 59,77 1.490,99 95,96 216,73 1.178,31 23. Manufacture of coke, refinement of petroleum and treatment of nuclear fuels -1.974,44 -651,48 -49,61 -32,82 -2,34 -2.628,25 -267,71 -2.895,96 -161,95 -638,37 -2.095,64 24. Chemical industry 1.363,56 412,9 15,86 83,92 4,76 1.781,22 251,06 2.032,28 121 337,23 1.574,05 25. Manufacture of rubber and plastic products 972,18 237,86 25,87 44,93 19,4 1.229,45 27,49 1.256,94 87,24 142,13 1.027,56 26. Manufacture of other non-metallic ore products 895,22 404,32 20,6 119,78 11,05 1.310,59 26,86 1.337,45 89,8 171,55 1.076,11 27. Metallurgy -1.198,27 -473,88 -31,05 -134,81 -1,81 -1.673,95 -17,59 -1.691,55 -119,69 -273,91 -1.297,95 28. Manufacture of metal products, except machinery and equipment 981,52 307,43 8,7 73,12 5,24 1.294,19 49,16 1.343,36 90,59 164,69 1.088,08 29. Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry 1.103,64 362,96 4,22 59,73 5,2 1.471,8 31,97 1.503,77 103,92 202,91 1.196,94 30. Manufacture of office machines and IT equipment .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 31. Manufacture of electrical machinery and material 1.124,73 323,25 21,3 80,74 13,62 1.461,6 19,2 1.480,8 102,82 197,02 1.180,95 32. Manufacture of electronic material -1.082,44 -351,09 -19,2 -87,63 -9,73 -1.443,27 -100,09 -1.543,36 -97,65 -211,26 -1.234,46 33. Manufacture of medical-surgical, precision and optical equipment and instruments, and clocks and watches -1.069,47 -474,34 -15,22 -27,41 -7,63 -1.551,44 -35,82 -1.587,26 -107,43 -234,07 -1.245,76 34. Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 1.211,82 332,5 40,7 109,44 33,93 1.578,25 105,12 1.683,37 109,3 231,67 1.342,4 35. Manufacture of other transport material -1.551,81 -314,48 -3,5 -88,37 -9,65 -1.875,93 -47,3 -1.923,23 -128,53 -337,52 -1.457,18 36. Manufacture of furniture, other manufacturing industries 826,1 187,69 1,6 48,29 2,87 1.016,66 61,16 1.077,82 71,85 99,31 906,66 37. Recycling .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 40. Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas, steam and hot water -2.008,62 -325,3 -43,74 -32,56 -14,64 -2.348,56 -16,21 -2.364,76 -147,61 -492,22 -1.724,93 41. Collection, purification and distribution of water -1.006,45 -452,9 -4,64 -69,49 -4,61 -1.463,97 -48,21 -1.512,18 -104,89 -225,23 -1.182,06 45. Construction 835,06 326,53 5,37 81,04 1,68 1.163,27 57,5 1.220,76 79,61 135,37 1.005,78 50. Sale, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles -826,9 -244,2 -7,58 -101,2 -7,58 -1.078,68 -123,99 -1.202,67 -76,35 -121,65 -1.004,68 51. Wholesale trade, brokerage trade, except of motor vehicles 926,97 330,87 4,7 66,32 3,71 1.261,56 58,76 1.320,32 84,96 170,18 1.065,18 52. Retail trade, except of motor vehicles. repair of personal and household goods 752,04 181,63 5,71 46,62 3,04 936,71 94,8 1.031,51 66,26 83,78 881,48 55. Accommodation 773,8 127,61 7,19 18,61 1,64 903,05 76,3 979,35 62,82 71,15 845,38 60. Land transport. Transport via pipelines 800,7 270,82 19,47 56,28 7,17 1.078,68 58,73 1.137,41 75,73 121,05 940,63 61. Maritime, coastal shipping and inland water transport. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 62. Air and space transport -735 -1.532,69 -57,25 -450,13 -0,24 -2.267,93 -4,54 -2.272,47 -134,21 -388,88 -1.749,38 63. Transport related activities, travel agencies 915,01 378,45 18,66 92,95 4,54 1.297,99 60,99 1.358,98 89,35 184,62 1.085,01 64. Post and communications 1.272,7 396,51 12,63 76,4 3,44 1.672,66 39,38 1.712,04 110,39 288,44 1.313,21 65. Financial intermediation, except insurance and pension funds 1.445,42 636,82 2,45 54,27 4,62 2.086,86 299,49 2.386,35 143,91 494,39 1.748,05 66. Insurance and pension funds, except Compulsory Social Security 1.130,56 589,68 6,42 62,96 0,26 1.720,5 400,45 2.120,94 120,38 342,24 1.658,32 67. Activities auxiliary to financial intermediation 881,06 262,99 2,42 22,49 8 1.152,06 113,73 1.265,78 79,27 156,16 1.030,35 70. Real estate activities 853,99 401,51 7,32 93,1 0,61 1.256,11 74,26 1.330,37 81,88 169,21 1.079,28 71. Renting of machinery and equipment without operator and of personal goods -786,37 -301,75 -6,35 -66,94 -0,2 -1.088,32 -85,15 -1.173,47 -79,96 -130,47 -963,05 72. Computer activities -1.147,08 -552,74 -9,87 -42,41 -0,65 -1.700,46 -28,21 -1.728,67 -108,46 -297,06 -1.323,15 73. Research and development -1.079,12 -986,44 -0,56 -67,06 -3,33 -2.068,89 -46,45 -2.115,34 -135,11 -370,83 -1.609,4 74. Other business activities 796,91 225,3 6,74 36,7 4,66 1.026,87 49,76 1.076,63 70,35 109,7 896,58 80. Education 1.055,22 434,18 1,84 9,82 0,99 1.490,39 50,26 1.540,65 102,76 213,63 1.224,26 85. Health and veterinary activities, corporate services 889,93 626,63 79,65 62,1 3,61 1.520,18 40,89 1.561,06 97,57 228,88 1.234,61 90. Public sewage activities 730,98 266,44 7,95 35,24 5,46 1.002,88 44 1.046,88 69,93 101,76 875,19 91. Activities of membership organizations 943,25 286,61 3,51 17,51 1,7 1.231,56 40,09 1.271,65 84,53 150,36 1.036,76 92. Recreational, cultutal and sporting activities 936,55 337,08 12,95 46,86 2,37 1.275,99 39,27 1.315,27 83,76 177,1 1.054,41 93. Various personal services activites 608,51 101,9 3,8 20,16 1,21 711,63 46,24 757,87 49,77 39,73 668,36 Notas: Fuente: National Statistics Institute