Economic activity Number of live births Total Total Total 5.710.847 Total None 526.501 Total One 1.409.709 Total Two 2.621.097 Total Three 854.225 Total Four 194.014 Total Five and more 105.302 Total Average 1,85 Employed Total Total 2.593.816 Employed Total None 353.366 Employed Total One 675.621 Employed Total Two 1.158.457 Employed Total Three 302.620 Employed Total Four 77.822 Employed Total Five and more 25.929 Employed Total Average 1,68 Self-employed workers Total 566.277 Self-employed workers None 47.908 Self-employed workers One 114.049 Self-employed workers Two 273.357 Self-employed workers Three 94.519 Self-employed workers Four 28.477 Self-employed workers Five and more 7.967 Self-employed workers Average 1,95 Total employed/employees Total 1.938.676 Total employed/employees None 299.838 Total employed/employees One 539.612 Total employed/employees Two 844.205 Total employed/employees Three 193.157 Total employed/employees Four 44.860 Total employed/employees Five and more 17.003 Total employed/employees Average 1,59 Permanent employed/employee Total 1.397.161 Permanent employed/employee None 206.791 Permanent employed/employee One 390.932 Permanent employed/employee Two 632.897 Permanent employed/employee Three 131.121 Permanent employed/employee Four 26.269 Permanent employed/employee Five and more 9.149 Permanent employed/employee Average 1,58 Temporary employed/employee Total 541.515 Temporary employed/employee None 93.047 Temporary employed/employee One 148.680 Temporary employed/employee Two 211.308 Temporary employed/employee Three 62.036 Temporary employed/employee Four 18.591 Temporary employed/employee Five and more 7.854 Temporary employed/employee Average 1,62 Employed another situation Total 88.863 Employed another situation None 5.621 Employed another situation One 21.960 Employed another situation Two 40.894 Employed another situation Three 14.944 Employed another situation Four 4.485 Employed another situation Five and more 958 Employed another situation Average 1,93 Unemployed in searching for a job. Total 515.183 Unemployed in searching for a job. None 55.578 Unemployed in searching for a job. One 159.592 Unemployed in searching for a job. Two 204.130 Unemployed in searching for a job. Three 68.262 Unemployed in searching for a job. Four 26.491 Unemployed in searching for a job. Five and more 1.130 Unemployed in searching for a job. Average 1,72 Students Total 50.325 Students None 10.870 Students One 19.608 Students Two 14.980 Students Three 4.868 Students Four .. Students Five and more .. Students Average 1,28 Housework Total 2.408.947 Housework None 93.649 Housework One 498.681 Housework Two 1.193.030 Housework Three 462.901 Housework Four 88.855 Housework Five and more 71.833 Housework Average 2,09 Retired persons, pensioners Total 39.805 Retired persons, pensioners None 2.994 Retired persons, pensioners One 17.821 Retired persons, pensioners Two 12.993 Retired persons, pensioners Three 3.592 Retired persons, pensioners Four 846 Retired persons, pensioners Five and more 1.560 Retired persons, pensioners Average 1,65 Another situation Total 102.770 Another situation None 10.044 Another situation One 38.387 Another situation Two 37.508 Another situation Three 11.982 Another situation Four .. Another situation Five and more 4.850 Another situation Average 1,73