Occupation Comparison with the total number of employed persons Total Total Employed persons % 100 Total Persons who have had an accident with injuries % (*) 100 Armed forces occupations Employed persons % 0,59 Armed forces occupations Persons who have had an accident with injuries % (*) 0,16 Directors and managers Employed persons % 3,97 Directors and managers Persons who have had an accident with injuries % (*) 1,75 Scientific and intellectual technicians and professionals Employed persons % 19,29 Scientific and intellectual technicians and professionals Persons who have had an accident with injuries % (*) 5,03 Technicians support professionals Employed persons % 11,22 Technicians support professionals Persons who have had an accident with injuries % (*) 6,62 Accounting, administrative and other office employees Employed persons % 10,54 Accounting, administrative and other office employees Persons who have had an accident with injuries % (*) 4,17 Workers in catering, personal, and protection services and trade salespersons Employed persons % 21,34 Workers in catering, personal, and protection services and trade salespersons Persons who have had an accident with injuries % (*) 25,53 Skilled agricultural, livestock, forestry and fishery workers Employed persons % 2,2 Skilled agricultural, livestock, forestry and fishery workers Persons who have had an accident with injuries % (*) 3,02 Skilled manufacturing industry and construction craftspersons and workers (except installation and machinery operators) Employed persons % 11,12 Skilled manufacturing industry and construction craftspersons and workers (except installation and machinery operators) Persons who have had an accident with injuries % (*) 23,56 Plant and machine operators, and assemblers Employed persons % 7,69 Plant and machine operators, and assemblers Persons who have had an accident with injuries % (*) 11,47 Elementary occupations Employed persons % 12,04 Elementary occupations Persons who have had an accident with injuries % (*) 18,69