Field of operation Source of the funds Total Total Total 15,768,133 Total Public Administration 6,072,961 Total Higher education 605,625 Total Companies 7,755,316 Total PNP 118,596 Total Foreigner 1,215,634 Public Administration Total 2,752,925 Public Administration Public Administration 2,196,345 Public Administration Higher education 5,300 Public Administration Companies 219,780 Public Administration PNP 40,146 Public Administration Foreigner 291,354 Higher education Total 4,202,013 Higher education Public Administration 3,029,435 Higher education Higher education 595,781 Higher education Companies 216,605 Higher education PNP 59,008 Higher education Foreigner 301,183 Companies Total 8,767,460 Companies Public Administration 840,058 Companies Higher education 4,325 Companies Companies 7,295,177 Companies PNP 8,672 Companies Foreigner 619,228 PNP Total 45,734 PNP Public Administration 7,123 PNP Higher education 219 PNP Companies 23,754 PNP PNP 10,770 PNP Foreigner 3,868