Number of persons with disabilities Type of disability expense Total Total households with disabilities Total 3.801,6 Total households with disabilities Technical aids and support products 834,2 Total households with disabilities Adaptations (housing, vehicles, others) 310,9 Total households with disabilities Personal assistance  419 Total households with disabilities Medical treatments, therapy, rehabilitation  690,9 Total households with disabilities Medications 1.650 Total households with disabilities Transportation and travel (except vehicle adaptations) 587,5 Total households with disabilities Education, training  69,9 Total households with disabilities Housing (except housing adaptations) 96,7 Total households with disabilities Household equipment and supplies  269,9 Total households with disabilities Clothing, personal items for common use  439,7 Total households with disabilities Defence of rights, legal protection  59,3 Total households with disabilities Economic protection (budgeting)  75 Total households with disabilities Procedures, management, administration  137,7 Total households with disabilities Other expenditures 257,3 Total households with disabilities Not given 1.188,3 One person with a disability Total 3.312,5 One person with a disability Technical aids and support products 696,9 One person with a disability Adaptations (housing, vehicles, others) 250,4 One person with a disability Personal assistance  344,2 One person with a disability Medical treatments, therapy, rehabilitation  569,8 One person with a disability Medications 1.381,7 One person with a disability Transportation and travel (except vehicle adaptations) 489,6 One person with a disability Education, training  54 One person with a disability Housing (except housing adaptations) 80,2 One person with a disability Household equipment and supplies  215,3 One person with a disability Clothing, personal items for common use  361,1 One person with a disability Defence of rights, legal protection  46,4 One person with a disability Economic protection (budgeting)  55,3 One person with a disability Procedures, management, administration  109,5 One person with a disability Other expenditures 203,4 One person with a disability Not given 1.081,4 Two people with disabilities Total 462,8 Two people with disabilities Technical aids and support products 128,6 Two people with disabilities Adaptations (housing, vehicles, others) 54,5 Two people with disabilities Personal assistance  70,8 Two people with disabilities Medical treatments, therapy, rehabilitation  113 Two people with disabilities Medications 254,2 Two people with disabilities Transportation and travel (except vehicle adaptations) 90,7 Two people with disabilities Education, training  13,5 Two people with disabilities Housing (except housing adaptations) 16 Two people with disabilities Household equipment and supplies  49,7 Two people with disabilities Clothing, personal items for common use  71,6 Two people with disabilities Defence of rights, legal protection  9,7 Two people with disabilities Economic protection (budgeting)  16,9 Two people with disabilities Procedures, management, administration  25 Two people with disabilities Other expenditures 48,2 Two people with disabilities Not given 103,1 Three or more people with disabilities Total 26,4 Three or more people with disabilities Technical aids and support products 8,7 Three or more people with disabilities Adaptations (housing, vehicles, others) 6 Three or more people with disabilities Personal assistance  3,9 Three or more people with disabilities Medical treatments, therapy, rehabilitation  8,1 Three or more people with disabilities Medications 14 Three or more people with disabilities Transportation and travel (except vehicle adaptations) 7,2 Three or more people with disabilities Education, training  2,3 Three or more people with disabilities Housing (except housing adaptations) 0,5 Three or more people with disabilities Household equipment and supplies  4,9 Three or more people with disabilities Clothing, personal items for common use  6,9 Three or more people with disabilities Defence of rights, legal protection  3,2 Three or more people with disabilities Economic protection (budgeting)  2,8 Three or more people with disabilities Procedures, management, administration  3,2 Three or more people with disabilities Other expenditures 5,7 Three or more people with disabilities Not given 3,8