Nationality Place of birth Total Total Total 100.0 Total Spain 45.3 Total Rest of the European Union 6.5 Total Rest of Europe 2.2 Total Africa 28.6 Total America 15.4 Total Asia and Oceania 2.1 Spanish Total 100.0 Spanish Spain 89.0 Spanish Rest of the European Union 0.9 Spanish Rest of Europe 0.5 Spanish Africa 4.2 Spanish America 5.2 Spanish Asia and Oceania 0.2 Foreign Total 100.0 Foreign Spain 1.3 Foreign Rest of the European Union 12.1 Foreign Rest of Europe 3.9 Foreign Africa 53.1 Foreign America 25.7 Foreign Asia and Oceania 4.1 - European Union Total 100.0 - European Union Spain 0.7 - European Union Rest of the European Union 93.7 - European Union Rest of Europe 0.2 - European Union Africa 1.7 - European Union America 3.4 - European Union Asia and Oceania 0.2 - Rest of Europe Total 100.0 - Rest of Europe Spain 0.0 - Rest of Europe Rest of the European Union 0.0 - Rest of Europe Rest of Europe 97.3 - Rest of Europe Africa 0.0 - Rest of Europe America 1.5 - Rest of Europe Asia and Oceania 1.2 - Africa Total 100.0 - Africa Spain 1.4 - Africa Rest of the European Union 0.1 - Africa Rest of Europe 0.0 - Africa Africa 98.3 - Africa America 0.0 - Africa Asia and Oceania 0.2 - America Total 100.0 - America Spain 1.6 - America Rest of the European Union 0.6 - America Rest of Europe 0.0 - America Africa 0.2 - America America 97.4 - America Asia and Oceania 0.1 - Other nationality Total 100.0 - Other nationality Spain 0.0 - Other nationality Rest of the European Union 0.6 - Other nationality Rest of Europe 2.2 - Other nationality Africa 0.0 - Other nationality America 0.0 - Other nationality Asia and Oceania 97.2