Schooling situation Sex Total Total Both sexes 100 Total Males 100 Total Females 100 Unschooled Both sexes 2,78 Unschooled Males 2,91 Unschooled Females 2,54 Educated in a special education centre or classroom Both sexes 19,08 Educated in a special education centre or classroom Males 18,55 Educated in a special education centre or classroom Females 20,02 Educated in an ordinary centre, integrated and receiving special aid Both sexes 45,94 Educated in an ordinary centre, integrated and receiving special aid Males 41,87 Educated in an ordinary centre, integrated and receiving special aid Females 53,08 Educated in an ordinary centre, without any type of personalised aid Both sexes 32,2 Educated in an ordinary centre, without any type of personalised aid Males 36,67 Educated in an ordinary centre, without any type of personalised aid Females 24,37