Types of results Registration province Place of birth Total Absolute Values TOTAL Registration municipality 664,079 Absolute Values TOTAL Another municipality in the province 525,218 Absolute Values TOTAL Another province in the autonomous community 76,396 Absolute Values TOTAL Another autonomous community 352,711 Absolute Values TOTAL Abroad 93,897 Absolute Values Araba/Álava Registration municipality 111,924 Absolute Values Araba/Álava Another municipality in the province 24,502 Absolute Values Araba/Álava Another province in the autonomous community 32,497 Absolute Values Araba/Álava Another autonomous community 66,434 Absolute Values Araba/Álava Abroad 17,734 Absolute Values Gipuzkoa Registration municipality 243,753 Absolute Values Gipuzkoa Another municipality in the province 166,930 Absolute Values Gipuzkoa Another province in the autonomous community 19,894 Absolute Values Gipuzkoa Another autonomous community 96,725 Absolute Values Gipuzkoa Abroad 29,752 Absolute Values Bizkaia Registration municipality 308,402 Absolute Values Bizkaia Another municipality in the province 333,786 Absolute Values Bizkaia Another province in the autonomous community 24,005 Absolute Values Bizkaia Another autonomous community 189,552 Absolute Values Bizkaia Abroad 46,411