Execution sector Indicator type Total Total Expenditure on internal R&D (thousands of euros): Total R&D 22,379,154 Total Expenditure on internal R&D (thousands of euros): Total R&D in Biotechnology 2,748,629 Total Expenditure on internal R&D in Biotechnology: % 12.3 Total Personnel in FTE: Total R&D personnel (FTE) 282,415.2 Total Personnel in FTE: Total R&D personnel in Biotechnology (FTE) 35,793.8 Total R&D personnel in Biotechnology (FTE): % 12.7 Public administration Expenditure on internal R&D (thousands of euros): Total R&D 3,992,243 Public administration Expenditure on internal R&D (thousands of euros): Total R&D in Biotechnology 790,000 Public administration Expenditure on internal R&D in Biotechnology: % 19.8 Public administration Personnel in FTE: Total R&D personnel (FTE) 47,755.8 Public administration Personnel in FTE: Total R&D personnel in Biotechnology (FTE) 10,811.1 Public administration R&D personnel in Biotechnology (FTE): % 22.6 Higher Education Expenditure on internal R&D (thousands of euros): Total R&D 5,708,661 Higher Education Expenditure on internal R&D (thousands of euros): Total R&D in Biotechnology 663,966 Higher Education Expenditure on internal R&D in Biotechnology: % 11.6 Higher Education Personnel in FTE: Total R&D personnel (FTE) 98,957.2 Higher Education Personnel in FTE: Total R&D personnel in Biotechnology (FTE) 11,886.5 Higher Education R&D personnel in Biotechnology (FTE): % 12.0 Companies Expenditure on internal R&D (thousands of euros): Total R&D 12,615,739 Companies Expenditure on internal R&D (thousands of euros): Total R&D in Biotechnology 1,283,346 Companies Expenditure on internal R&D in Biotechnology: % 10.2 Companies Personnel in FTE: Total R&D personnel (FTE) 134,793.1 Companies Personnel in FTE: Total R&D personnel in Biotechnology (FTE) 12,883.4 Companies R&D personnel in Biotechnology (FTE): % 9.6 NPPI Expenditure on internal R&D (thousands of euros): Total R&D 62,511 NPPI Expenditure on internal R&D (thousands of euros): Total R&D in Biotechnology 11,317 NPPI Expenditure on internal R&D in Biotechnology: % 18.1 NPPI Personnel in FTE: Total R&D personnel (FTE) 909.1 NPPI Personnel in FTE: Total R&D personnel in Biotechnology (FTE) 212.8 NPPI R&D personnel in Biotechnology (FTE): % 23.4