Category;Establishments, bed-places and employed personnel;Total Total;Estimated number of open establishments;792 Total;Estimated number of bed-places;46.924 Total;Weekend occupancy rate by vacancies;17,36 Total;Occupancy rate by vacancies;20,63 Total;Employed personnel;2.754 Youth Hostel;Estimated number of open establishments;177 Youth Hostel;Estimated number of bed-places;18.675 Youth Hostel;Weekend occupancy rate by vacancies;16,71 Youth Hostel;Occupancy rate by vacancies;18,92 Youth Hostel;Employed personnel;1.121 Pilgrims of the Camino de Santiago;Estimated number of open establishments;60 Pilgrims of the Camino de Santiago;Estimated number of bed-places;2.212 Pilgrims of the Camino de Santiago;Weekend occupancy rate by vacancies;13,65 Pilgrims of the Camino de Santiago;Occupancy rate by vacancies;14,32 Pilgrims of the Camino de Santiago;Employed personnel;109 Tourist Hostel;Estimated number of open establishments;555 Tourist Hostel;Estimated number of bed-places;26.037 Tourist Hostel;Weekend occupancy rate by vacancies;18,14 Tourist Hostel;Occupancy rate by vacancies;22,4 Tourist Hostel;Employed personnel;1.524