Causes (reduced perinatal list);Sex;Mother┤s autonomous community of residence;Total 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Both sexes;Total;400 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Both sexes;Andalucía;83 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Both sexes;Aragón;9 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Both sexes;Asturias (Principado de);6 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Both sexes;Balears (Illes);13 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Both sexes;Canarias;15 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Both sexes;Cantabria;2 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Both sexes;Castilla y León;22 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Both sexes;Castilla-La Mancha;21 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Both sexes;Cataluña;58 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Both sexes;Comunitat Valenciana;40 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Both sexes;Extremadura;15 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Both sexes;Galicia;16 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Both sexes;Madrid (Comunidad de);51 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Both sexes;Murcía (Región de);21 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Both sexes;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);4 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Both sexes;País Vasco;19 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Both sexes;Rioja (La);2 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Both sexes;Ceuta;0 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Both sexes;Melilla;1 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Both sexes;Foreigner;2 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Males;Total;217 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Males;Andalucía;39 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Males;Aragón;7 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Males;Asturias (Principado de);3 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Males;Balears (Illes);5 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Males;Canarias;15 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Males;Cantabria;2 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Males;Castilla y León;12 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Males;Castilla-La Mancha;8 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Males;Cataluña;30 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Males;Comunitat Valenciana;23 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Males;Extremadura;8 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Males;Galicia;9 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Males;Madrid (Comunidad de);28 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Males;Murcía (Región de);12 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Males;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);3 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Males;País Vasco;11 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Males;Rioja (La);1 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Males;Ceuta;0 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Males;Melilla;1 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Males;Foreigner;0 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Females;Total;183 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Females;Andalucía;44 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Females;Aragón;2 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Females;Asturias (Principado de);3 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Females;Balears (Illes);8 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Females;Canarias;0 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Females;Cantabria;0 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Females;Castilla y León;10 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Females;Castilla-La Mancha;13 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Females;Cataluña;28 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Females;Comunitat Valenciana;17 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Females;Extremadura;7 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Females;Galicia;7 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Females;Madrid (Comunidad de);23 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Females;Murcía (Región de);9 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Females;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);1 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Females;País Vasco;8 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Females;Rioja (La);1 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Females;Ceuta;0 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Females;Melilla;0 01-93 I-XXII.All causes;Females;Foreigner;2 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Both sexes;Total;308 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Both sexes;Andalucía;68 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Both sexes;Aragón;7 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Both sexes;Asturias (Principado de);4 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Both sexes;Balears (Illes);10 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Both sexes;Canarias;12 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Both sexes;Cantabria;1 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Both sexes;Castilla y León;18 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Both sexes;Castilla-La Mancha;17 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Both sexes;Cataluña;38 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Both sexes;Comunitat Valenciana;34 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Both sexes;Extremadura;13 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Both sexes;Galicia;12 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Both sexes;Madrid (Comunidad de);36 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Both sexes;Murcía (Región de);18 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Both sexes;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);3 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Both sexes;País Vasco;14 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Both sexes;Rioja (La);1 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Both sexes;Ceuta;0 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Both sexes;Melilla;0 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Both sexes;Foreigner;2 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Males;Total;171 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Males;Andalucía;30 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Males;Aragón;5 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Males;Asturias (Principado de);2 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Males;Balears (Illes);4 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Males;Canarias;12 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Males;Cantabria;1 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Males;Castilla y León;10 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Males;Castilla-La Mancha;6 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Males;Cataluña;23 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Males;Comunitat Valenciana;20 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Males;Extremadura;7 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Males;Galicia;7 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Males;Madrid (Comunidad de);21 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Males;Murcía (Región de);11 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Males;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);3 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Males;País Vasco;8 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Males;Rioja (La);1 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Males;Ceuta;0 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Males;Melilla;0 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Males;Foreigner;0 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Females;Total;137 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Females;Andalucía;38 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Females;Aragón;2 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Females;Asturias (Principado de);2 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Females;Balears (Illes);6 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Females;Canarias;0 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Females;Cantabria;0 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Females;Castilla y León;8 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Females;Castilla-La Mancha;11 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Females;Cataluña;15 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Females;Comunitat Valenciana;14 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Females;Extremadura;6 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Females;Galicia;5 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Females;Madrid (Comunidad de);15 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Females;Murcía (Región de);7 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Females;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Females;País Vasco;6 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Females;Rioja (La);0 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Females;Ceuta;0 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Females;Melilla;0 01-49 XVI.Affections originated in the perinatal period;Females;Foreigner;2 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Both sexes;Total;7 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Both sexes;Andalucía;0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Both sexes;Aragón;0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Both sexes;Asturias (Principado de);1 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Both sexes;Balears (Illes);0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Both sexes;Canarias;1 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Both sexes;Cantabria;0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Both sexes;Castilla y León;0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Both sexes;Castilla-La Mancha;0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Both sexes;Cataluña;2 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Both sexes;Comunitat Valenciana;1 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Both sexes;Extremadura;0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Both sexes;Galicia;1 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Both sexes;Madrid (Comunidad de);1 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Both sexes;Murcía (Región de);0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Both sexes;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Both sexes;País Vasco;0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Both sexes;Rioja (La);0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Both sexes;Ceuta;0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Both sexes;Melilla;0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Both sexes;Foreigner;0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Males;Total;5 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Males;Andalucía;0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Males;Aragón;0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Males;Asturias (Principado de);0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Males;Balears (Illes);0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Males;Canarias;1 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Males;Cantabria;0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Males;Castilla y León;0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Males;Castilla-La Mancha;0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Males;Cataluña;1 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Males;Comunitat Valenciana;1 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Males;Extremadura;0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Males;Galicia;1 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Males;Madrid (Comunidad de);1 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Males;Murcía (Región de);0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Males;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Males;País Vasco;0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Males;Rioja (La);0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Males;Ceuta;0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Males;Melilla;0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Males;Foreigner;0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Females;Total;2 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Females;Andalucía;0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Females;Aragón;0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Females;Asturias (Principado de);1 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Females;Balears (Illes);0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Females;Canarias;0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Females;Cantabria;0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Females;Castilla y León;0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Females;Castilla-La Mancha;0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Females;Cataluña;1 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Females;Comunitat Valenciana;0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Females;Extremadura;0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Females;Galicia;0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Females;Madrid (Comunidad de);0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Females;Murcía (Región de);0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Females;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Females;País Vasco;0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Females;Rioja (La);0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Females;Ceuta;0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Females;Melilla;0 01 Fetus and newborn baby affected by mother's condition not necessarily related to present pregnancy;Females;Foreigner;0 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Both sexes;Total;25 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Both sexes;Andalucía;4 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Both sexes;Aragón;0 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Both sexes;Asturias (Principado de);0 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Both sexes;Balears (Illes);1 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Both sexes;Canarias;0 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Both sexes;Cantabria;0 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Both sexes;Castilla y León;1 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Both sexes;Castilla-La Mancha;1 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Both sexes;Cataluña;1 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Both sexes;Comunitat Valenciana;2 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Both sexes;Extremadura;1 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Both sexes;Galicia;0 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Both sexes;Madrid (Comunidad de);6 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Both sexes;Murcía (Región de);8 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Both sexes;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Both sexes;País Vasco;0 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Both sexes;Rioja (La);0 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Both sexes;Ceuta;0 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Both sexes;Melilla;0 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Both sexes;Foreigner;0 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Males;Total;15 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Males;Andalucía;2 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Males;Aragón;0 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Males;Asturias (Principado de);0 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Males;Balears (Illes);0 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Males;Canarias;0 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Males;Cantabria;0 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Males;Castilla y León;1 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Males;Castilla-La Mancha;0 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Males;Cataluña;1 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Males;Comunitat Valenciana;2 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Males;Extremadura;0 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Males;Galicia;0 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Males;Madrid (Comunidad de);4 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Males;Murcía (Región de);5 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Males;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Males;País Vasco;0 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Males;Rioja (La);0 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Males;Ceuta;0 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Males;Melilla;0 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Males;Foreigner;0 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Females;Total;10 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Females;Andalucía;2 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Females;Aragón;0 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Females;Asturias (Principado de);0 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Females;Balears (Illes);1 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Females;Canarias;0 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Females;Cantabria;0 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Females;Castilla y León;0 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Females;Castilla-La Mancha;1 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Females;Cataluña;0 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Females;Comunitat Valenciana;0 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Females;Extremadura;1 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Females;Galicia;0 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Females;Madrid (Comunidad de);2 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Females;Murcía (Región de);3 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Females;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Females;País Vasco;0 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Females;Rioja (La);0 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Females;Ceuta;0 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Females;Melilla;0 02-05 Fetus and newborn baby affected by maternal complications of the pregnancy;Females;Foreigner;0 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Both sexes;Total;34 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Both sexes;Andalucía;6 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Both sexes;Aragón;1 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Both sexes;Asturias (Principado de);1 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Both sexes;Balears (Illes);0 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Both sexes;Canarias;0 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Both sexes;Cantabria;1 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Both sexes;Castilla y León;4 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Both sexes;Castilla-La Mancha;2 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Both sexes;Cataluña;4 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Both sexes;Comunitat Valenciana;4 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Both sexes;Extremadura;2 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Both sexes;Galicia;0 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Both sexes;Madrid (Comunidad de);5 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Both sexes;Murcía (Región de);2 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Both sexes;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Both sexes;País Vasco;2 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Both sexes;Rioja (La);0 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Both sexes;Ceuta;0 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Both sexes;Melilla;0 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Both sexes;Foreigner;0 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Males;Total;19 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Males;Andalucía;4 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Males;Aragón;1 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Males;Asturias (Principado de);1 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Males;Balears (Illes);0 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Males;Canarias;0 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Males;Cantabria;1 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Males;Castilla y León;1 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Males;Castilla-La Mancha;1 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Males;Cataluña;3 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Males;Comunitat Valenciana;2 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Males;Extremadura;1 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Males;Galicia;0 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Males;Madrid (Comunidad de);3 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Males;Murcía (Región de);1 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Males;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Males;País Vasco;0 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Males;Rioja (La);0 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Males;Ceuta;0 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Males;Melilla;0 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Males;Foreigner;0 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Females;Total;15 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Females;Andalucía;2 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Females;Aragón;0 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Females;Asturias (Principado de);0 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Females;Balears (Illes);0 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Females;Canarias;0 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Females;Cantabria;0 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Females;Castilla y León;3 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Females;Castilla-La Mancha;1 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Females;Cataluña;1 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Females;Comunitat Valenciana;2 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Females;Extremadura;1 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Females;Galicia;0 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Females;Madrid (Comunidad de);2 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Females;Murcía (Región de);1 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Females;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Females;País Vasco;2 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Females;Rioja (La);0 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Females;Ceuta;0 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Females;Melilla;0 06-10 Fetus and newborn baby affected by complications of the placenta, of the umbilical cord and of the membranes;Females;Foreigner;0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Both sexes;Total;2 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Both sexes;Andalucía;0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Both sexes;Aragón;0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Both sexes;Asturias (Principado de);0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Both sexes;Balears (Illes);0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Both sexes;Canarias;0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Both sexes;Cantabria;0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Both sexes;Castilla y León;0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Both sexes;Castilla-La Mancha;0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Both sexes;Cataluña;0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Both sexes;Comunitat Valenciana;1 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Both sexes;Extremadura;0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Both sexes;Galicia;0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Both sexes;Madrid (Comunidad de);1 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Both sexes;Murcía (Región de);0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Both sexes;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Both sexes;País Vasco;0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Both sexes;Rioja (La);0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Both sexes;Ceuta;0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Both sexes;Melilla;0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Both sexes;Foreigner;0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Males;Total;1 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Males;Andalucía;0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Males;Aragón;0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Males;Asturias (Principado de);0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Males;Balears (Illes);0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Males;Canarias;0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Males;Cantabria;0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Males;Castilla y León;0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Males;Castilla-La Mancha;0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Males;Cataluña;0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Males;Comunitat Valenciana;1 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Males;Extremadura;0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Males;Galicia;0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Males;Madrid (Comunidad de);0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Males;Murcía (Región de);0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Males;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Males;País Vasco;0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Males;Rioja (La);0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Males;Ceuta;0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Males;Melilla;0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Males;Foreigner;0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Females;Total;1 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Females;Andalucía;0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Females;Aragón;0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Females;Asturias (Principado de);0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Females;Balears (Illes);0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Females;Canarias;0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Females;Cantabria;0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Females;Castilla y León;0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Females;Castilla-La Mancha;0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Females;Cataluña;0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Females;Comunitat Valenciana;0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Females;Extremadura;0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Females;Galicia;0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Females;Madrid (Comunidad de);1 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Females;Murcía (Región de);0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Females;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Females;País Vasco;0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Females;Rioja (La);0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Females;Ceuta;0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Females;Melilla;0 11-12 Fetus and newborn baby affected by other compliactions of the birth;Females;Foreigner;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Both sexes;Total;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Both sexes;Andalucía;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Both sexes;Aragón;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Both sexes;Asturias (Principado de);0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Both sexes;Balears (Illes);0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Both sexes;Canarias;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Both sexes;Cantabria;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Both sexes;Castilla y León;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Both sexes;Castilla-La Mancha;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Both sexes;Cataluña;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Both sexes;Comunitat Valenciana;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Both sexes;Extremadura;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Both sexes;Galicia;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Both sexes;Madrid (Comunidad de);0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Both sexes;Murcía (Región de);0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Both sexes;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Both sexes;País Vasco;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Both sexes;Rioja (La);0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Both sexes;Ceuta;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Both sexes;Melilla;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Both sexes;Foreigner;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Males;Total;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Males;Andalucía;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Males;Aragón;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Males;Asturias (Principado de);0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Males;Balears (Illes);0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Males;Canarias;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Males;Cantabria;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Males;Castilla y León;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Males;Castilla-La Mancha;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Males;Cataluña;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Males;Comunitat Valenciana;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Males;Extremadura;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Males;Galicia;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Males;Madrid (Comunidad de);0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Males;Murcía (Región de);0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Males;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Males;País Vasco;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Males;Rioja (La);0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Males;Ceuta;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Males;Melilla;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Males;Foreigner;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Females;Total;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Females;Andalucía;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Females;Aragón;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Females;Asturias (Principado de);0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Females;Balears (Illes);0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Females;Canarias;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Females;Cantabria;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Females;Castilla y León;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Females;Castilla-La Mancha;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Females;Cataluña;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Females;Comunitat Valenciana;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Females;Extremadura;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Females;Galicia;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Females;Madrid (Comunidad de);0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Females;Murcía (Región de);0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Females;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Females;País Vasco;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Females;Rioja (La);0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Females;Ceuta;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Females;Melilla;0 13 Fetus and newborn baby affected by harmful influences trasmited through the placenta or through mother┤s milk;Females;Foreigner;0 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Both sexes;Total;44 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Both sexes;Andalucía;10 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Both sexes;Aragón;1 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Both sexes;Asturias (Principado de);0 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Both sexes;Balears (Illes);1 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Both sexes;Canarias;1 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Both sexes;Cantabria;0 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Both sexes;Castilla y León;5 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Both sexes;Castilla-La Mancha;2 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Both sexes;Cataluña;6 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Both sexes;Comunitat Valenciana;4 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Both sexes;Extremadura;3 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Both sexes;Galicia;2 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Both sexes;Madrid (Comunidad de);5 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Both sexes;Murcía (Región de);0 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Both sexes;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);1 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Both sexes;País Vasco;1 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Both sexes;Rioja (La);1 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Both sexes;Ceuta;0 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Both sexes;Melilla;0 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Both sexes;Foreigner;1 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Males;Total;21 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Males;Andalucía;3 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Males;Aragón;0 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Males;Asturias (Principado de);0 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Males;Balears (Illes);1 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Males;Canarias;1 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Males;Cantabria;0 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Males;Castilla y León;4 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Males;Castilla-La Mancha;1 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Males;Cataluña;4 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Males;Comunitat Valenciana;1 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Males;Extremadura;1 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Males;Galicia;2 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Males;Madrid (Comunidad de);1 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Males;Murcía (Región de);0 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Males;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);1 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Males;País Vasco;0 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Males;Rioja (La);1 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Males;Ceuta;0 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Males;Melilla;0 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Males;Foreigner;0 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Females;Total;23 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Females;Andalucía;7 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Females;Aragón;1 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Females;Asturias (Principado de);0 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Females;Balears (Illes);0 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Females;Canarias;0 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Females;Cantabria;0 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Females;Castilla y León;1 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Females;Castilla-La Mancha;1 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Females;Cataluña;2 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Females;Comunitat Valenciana;3 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Females;Extremadura;2 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Females;Galicia;0 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Females;Madrid (Comunidad de);4 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Females;Murcía (Región de);0 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Females;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Females;País Vasco;1 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Females;Rioja (La);0 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Females;Ceuta;0 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Females;Melilla;0 14-17 Disorders related to length of gestation and growth;Females;Foreigner;1 18-19 Birth traumas;Both sexes;Total;2 18-19 Birth traumas;Both sexes;Andalucía;1 18-19 Birth traumas;Both sexes;Aragón;1 18-19 Birth traumas;Both sexes;Asturias (Principado de);0 18-19 Birth traumas;Both sexes;Balears (Illes);0 18-19 Birth traumas;Both sexes;Canarias;0 18-19 Birth traumas;Both sexes;Cantabria;0 18-19 Birth traumas;Both sexes;Castilla y León;0 18-19 Birth traumas;Both sexes;Castilla-La Mancha;0 18-19 Birth traumas;Both sexes;Cataluña;0 18-19 Birth traumas;Both sexes;Comunitat Valenciana;0 18-19 Birth traumas;Both sexes;Extremadura;0 18-19 Birth traumas;Both sexes;Galicia;0 18-19 Birth traumas;Both sexes;Madrid (Comunidad de);0 18-19 Birth traumas;Both sexes;Murcía (Región de);0 18-19 Birth traumas;Both sexes;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 18-19 Birth traumas;Both sexes;País Vasco;0 18-19 Birth traumas;Both sexes;Rioja (La);0 18-19 Birth traumas;Both sexes;Ceuta;0 18-19 Birth traumas;Both sexes;Melilla;0 18-19 Birth traumas;Both sexes;Foreigner;0 18-19 Birth traumas;Males;Total;2 18-19 Birth traumas;Males;Andalucía;1 18-19 Birth traumas;Males;Aragón;1 18-19 Birth traumas;Males;Asturias (Principado de);0 18-19 Birth traumas;Males;Balears (Illes);0 18-19 Birth traumas;Males;Canarias;0 18-19 Birth traumas;Males;Cantabria;0 18-19 Birth traumas;Males;Castilla y León;0 18-19 Birth traumas;Males;Castilla-La Mancha;0 18-19 Birth traumas;Males;Cataluña;0 18-19 Birth traumas;Males;Comunitat Valenciana;0 18-19 Birth traumas;Males;Extremadura;0 18-19 Birth traumas;Males;Galicia;0 18-19 Birth traumas;Males;Madrid (Comunidad de);0 18-19 Birth traumas;Males;Murcía (Región de);0 18-19 Birth traumas;Males;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 18-19 Birth traumas;Males;País Vasco;0 18-19 Birth traumas;Males;Rioja (La);0 18-19 Birth traumas;Males;Ceuta;0 18-19 Birth traumas;Males;Melilla;0 18-19 Birth traumas;Males;Foreigner;0 18-19 Birth traumas;Females;Total;0 18-19 Birth traumas;Females;Andalucía;0 18-19 Birth traumas;Females;Aragón;0 18-19 Birth traumas;Females;Asturias (Principado de);0 18-19 Birth traumas;Females;Balears (Illes);0 18-19 Birth traumas;Females;Canarias;0 18-19 Birth traumas;Females;Cantabria;0 18-19 Birth traumas;Females;Castilla y León;0 18-19 Birth traumas;Females;Castilla-La Mancha;0 18-19 Birth traumas;Females;Cataluña;0 18-19 Birth traumas;Females;Comunitat Valenciana;0 18-19 Birth traumas;Females;Extremadura;0 18-19 Birth traumas;Females;Galicia;0 18-19 Birth traumas;Females;Madrid (Comunidad de);0 18-19 Birth traumas;Females;Murcía (Región de);0 18-19 Birth traumas;Females;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 18-19 Birth traumas;Females;País Vasco;0 18-19 Birth traumas;Females;Rioja (La);0 18-19 Birth traumas;Females;Ceuta;0 18-19 Birth traumas;Females;Melilla;0 18-19 Birth traumas;Females;Foreigner;0 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Both sexes;Total;107 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Both sexes;Andalucía;30 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Both sexes;Aragón;4 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Both sexes;Asturias (Principado de);0 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Both sexes;Balears (Illes);3 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Both sexes;Canarias;5 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Both sexes;Cantabria;0 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Both sexes;Castilla y León;4 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Both sexes;Castilla-La Mancha;8 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Both sexes;Cataluña;16 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Both sexes;Comunitat Valenciana;7 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Both sexes;Extremadura;4 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Both sexes;Galicia;5 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Both sexes;Madrid (Comunidad de);14 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Both sexes;Murcía (Región de);3 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Both sexes;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);1 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Both sexes;País Vasco;2 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Both sexes;Rioja (La);0 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Both sexes;Ceuta;0 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Both sexes;Melilla;0 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Both sexes;Foreigner;1 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Males;Total;63 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Males;Andalucía;16 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Males;Aragón;3 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Males;Asturias (Principado de);0 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Males;Balears (Illes);2 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Males;Canarias;5 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Males;Cantabria;0 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Males;Castilla y León;2 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Males;Castilla-La Mancha;3 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Males;Cataluña;9 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Males;Comunitat Valenciana;5 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Males;Extremadura;3 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Males;Galicia;3 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Males;Madrid (Comunidad de);9 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Males;Murcía (Región de);1 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Males;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);1 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Males;País Vasco;1 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Males;Rioja (La);0 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Males;Ceuta;0 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Males;Melilla;0 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Males;Foreigner;0 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Females;Total;44 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Females;Andalucía;14 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Females;Aragón;1 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Females;Asturias (Principado de);0 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Females;Balears (Illes);1 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Females;Canarias;0 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Females;Cantabria;0 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Females;Castilla y León;2 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Females;Castilla-La Mancha;5 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Females;Cataluña;7 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Females;Comunitat Valenciana;2 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Females;Extremadura;1 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Females;Galicia;2 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Females;Madrid (Comunidad de);5 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Females;Murcía (Región de);2 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Females;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Females;País Vasco;1 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Females;Rioja (La);0 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Females;Ceuta;0 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Females;Melilla;0 20-28 Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific of the perinatal period;Females;Foreigner;1 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Both sexes;Total;7 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Both sexes;Andalucía;0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Both sexes;Aragón;0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Both sexes;Asturias (Principado de);0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Both sexes;Balears (Illes);0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Both sexes;Canarias;1 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Both sexes;Cantabria;0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Both sexes;Castilla y León;1 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Both sexes;Castilla-La Mancha;1 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Both sexes;Cataluña;0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Both sexes;Comunitat Valenciana;0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Both sexes;Extremadura;1 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Both sexes;Galicia;0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Both sexes;Madrid (Comunidad de);0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Both sexes;Murcía (Región de);2 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Both sexes;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);1 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Both sexes;País Vasco;0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Both sexes;Rioja (La);0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Both sexes;Ceuta;0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Both sexes;Melilla;0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Both sexes;Foreigner;0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Males;Total;6 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Males;Andalucía;0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Males;Aragón;0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Males;Asturias (Principado de);0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Males;Balears (Illes);0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Males;Canarias;1 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Males;Cantabria;0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Males;Castilla y León;0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Males;Castilla-La Mancha;1 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Males;Cataluña;0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Males;Comunitat Valenciana;0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Males;Extremadura;1 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Males;Galicia;0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Males;Madrid (Comunidad de);0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Males;Murcía (Región de);2 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Males;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);1 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Males;País Vasco;0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Males;Rioja (La);0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Males;Ceuta;0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Males;Melilla;0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Males;Foreigner;0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Females;Total;1 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Females;Andalucía;0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Females;Aragón;0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Females;Asturias (Principado de);0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Females;Balears (Illes);0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Females;Canarias;0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Females;Cantabria;0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Females;Castilla y León;1 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Females;Castilla-La Mancha;0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Females;Cataluña;0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Females;Comunitat Valenciana;0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Females;Extremadura;0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Females;Galicia;0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Females;Madrid (Comunidad de);0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Females;Murcía (Región de);0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Females;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Females;País Vasco;0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Females;Rioja (La);0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Females;Ceuta;0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Females;Melilla;0 29-32 Infections specific of the perinatal period;Females;Foreigner;0 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Total;33 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Andalucía;9 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Aragón;0 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Asturias (Principado de);0 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Balears (Illes);1 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Canarias;2 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Cantabria;0 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Castilla y León;2 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Castilla-La Mancha;1 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Cataluña;3 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Comunitat Valenciana;8 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Extremadura;0 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Galicia;2 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Madrid (Comunidad de);1 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Murcía (Región de);1 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;País Vasco;3 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Rioja (La);0 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Ceuta;0 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Melilla;0 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Foreigner;0 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Total;19 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Andalucía;3 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Aragón;0 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Asturias (Principado de);0 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Balears (Illes);0 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Canarias;2 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Cantabria;0 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Castilla y León;2 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Castilla-La Mancha;0 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Cataluña;2 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Comunitat Valenciana;5 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Extremadura;0 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Galicia;0 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Madrid (Comunidad de);1 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Murcía (Región de);1 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;País Vasco;3 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Rioja (La);0 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Ceuta;0 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Melilla;0 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Foreigner;0 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Total;14 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Andalucía;6 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Aragón;0 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Asturias (Principado de);0 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Balears (Illes);1 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Canarias;0 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Cantabria;0 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Castilla y León;0 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Castilla-La Mancha;1 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Cataluña;1 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Comunitat Valenciana;3 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Extremadura;0 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Galicia;2 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Madrid (Comunidad de);0 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Murcía (Región de);0 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;País Vasco;0 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Rioja (La);0 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Ceuta;0 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Melilla;0 33-38 Bleeding and hematologic disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Foreigner;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Total;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Andalucía;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Aragón;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Asturias (Principado de);0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Balears (Illes);0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Canarias;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Cantabria;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Castilla y León;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Castilla-La Mancha;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Cataluña;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Comunitat Valenciana;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Extremadura;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Galicia;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Madrid (Comunidad de);0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Murcía (Región de);0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;País Vasco;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Rioja (La);0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Ceuta;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Melilla;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Foreigner;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Total;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Andalucía;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Aragón;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Asturias (Principado de);0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Balears (Illes);0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Canarias;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Cantabria;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Castilla y León;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Castilla-La Mancha;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Cataluña;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Comunitat Valenciana;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Extremadura;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Galicia;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Madrid (Comunidad de);0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Murcía (Región de);0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;País Vasco;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Rioja (La);0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Ceuta;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Melilla;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Foreigner;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Total;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Andalucía;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Aragón;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Asturias (Principado de);0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Balears (Illes);0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Canarias;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Cantabria;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Castilla y León;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Castilla-La Mancha;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Cataluña;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Comunitat Valenciana;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Extremadura;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Galicia;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Madrid (Comunidad de);0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Murcía (Región de);0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;País Vasco;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Rioja (La);0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Ceuta;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Melilla;0 39-42 Endocrine disorders and metabolic transitory disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Foreigner;0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Total;3 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Andalucía;0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Aragón;0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Asturias (Principado de);0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Balears (Illes);1 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Canarias;0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Cantabria;0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Castilla y León;0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Castilla-La Mancha;1 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Cataluña;0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Comunitat Valenciana;0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Extremadura;0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Galicia;0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Madrid (Comunidad de);1 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Murcía (Región de);0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;País Vasco;0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Rioja (La);0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Ceuta;0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Melilla;0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Foreigner;0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Total;0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Andalucía;0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Aragón;0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Asturias (Principado de);0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Balears (Illes);0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Canarias;0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Cantabria;0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Castilla y León;0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Castilla-La Mancha;0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Cataluña;0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Comunitat Valenciana;0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Extremadura;0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Galicia;0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Madrid (Comunidad de);0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Murcía (Región de);0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;País Vasco;0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Rioja (La);0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Ceuta;0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Melilla;0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Foreigner;0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Total;3 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Andalucía;0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Aragón;0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Asturias (Principado de);0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Balears (Illes);1 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Canarias;0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Cantabria;0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Castilla y León;0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Castilla-La Mancha;1 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Cataluña;0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Comunitat Valenciana;0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Extremadura;0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Galicia;0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Madrid (Comunidad de);1 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Murcía (Región de);0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;País Vasco;0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Rioja (La);0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Ceuta;0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Melilla;0 43-45 Digestive system disorders of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Foreigner;0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Total;8 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Andalucía;1 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Aragón;0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Asturias (Principado de);0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Balears (Illes);0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Canarias;0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Cantabria;0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Castilla y León;0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Castilla-La Mancha;0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Cataluña;0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Comunitat Valenciana;2 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Extremadura;1 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Galicia;1 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Madrid (Comunidad de);0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Murcía (Región de);2 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;País Vasco;1 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Rioja (La);0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Ceuta;0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Melilla;0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Both sexes;Foreigner;0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Total;4 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Andalucía;1 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Aragón;0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Asturias (Principado de);0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Balears (Illes);0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Canarias;0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Cantabria;0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Castilla y León;0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Castilla-La Mancha;0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Cataluña;0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Comunitat Valenciana;1 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Extremadura;0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Galicia;0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Madrid (Comunidad de);0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Murcía (Región de);1 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;País Vasco;1 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Rioja (La);0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Ceuta;0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Melilla;0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Males;Foreigner;0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Total;4 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Andalucía;0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Aragón;0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Asturias (Principado de);0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Balears (Illes);0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Canarias;0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Cantabria;0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Castilla y León;0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Castilla-La Mancha;0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Cataluña;0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Comunitat Valenciana;1 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Extremadura;1 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Galicia;1 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Madrid (Comunidad de);0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Murcía (Región de);1 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;País Vasco;0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Rioja (La);0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Ceuta;0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Melilla;0 46-48 Diseases related with integumentary regulation and temperature of the fetus and newborn baby;Females;Foreigner;0 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Both sexes;Total;36 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Both sexes;Andalucía;7 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Both sexes;Aragón;0 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Both sexes;Asturias (Principado de);2 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Both sexes;Balears (Illes);3 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Both sexes;Canarias;2 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Both sexes;Cantabria;0 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Both sexes;Castilla y León;1 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Both sexes;Castilla-La Mancha;1 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Both sexes;Cataluña;6 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Both sexes;Comunitat Valenciana;5 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Both sexes;Extremadura;1 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Both sexes;Galicia;1 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Both sexes;Madrid (Comunidad de);2 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Both sexes;Murcía (Región de);0 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Both sexes;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Both sexes;País Vasco;5 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Both sexes;Rioja (La);0 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Both sexes;Ceuta;0 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Both sexes;Melilla;0 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Both sexes;Foreigner;0 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Males;Total;16 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Males;Andalucía;0 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Males;Aragón;0 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Males;Asturias (Principado de);1 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Males;Balears (Illes);1 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Males;Canarias;2 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Males;Cantabria;0 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Males;Castilla y León;0 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Males;Castilla-La Mancha;0 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Males;Cataluña;3 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Males;Comunitat Valenciana;2 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Males;Extremadura;1 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Males;Galicia;1 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Males;Madrid (Comunidad de);2 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Males;Murcía (Región de);0 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Males;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Males;País Vasco;3 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Males;Rioja (La);0 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Males;Ceuta;0 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Males;Melilla;0 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Males;Foreigner;0 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Females;Total;20 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Females;Andalucía;7 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Females;Aragón;0 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Females;Asturias (Principado de);1 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Females;Balears (Illes);2 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Females;Canarias;0 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Females;Cantabria;0 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Females;Castilla y León;1 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Females;Castilla-La Mancha;1 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Females;Cataluña;3 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Females;Comunitat Valenciana;3 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Females;Extremadura;0 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Females;Galicia;0 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Females;Madrid (Comunidad de);0 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Females;Murcía (Región de);0 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Females;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Females;País Vasco;2 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Females;Rioja (La);0 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Females;Ceuta;0 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Females;Melilla;0 49 Other disorders caused in the perinatal period;Females;Foreigner;0 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;Total;71 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;Andalucía;11 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;Aragón;2 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;Asturias (Principado de);1 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;Balears (Illes);1 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;Canarias;3 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;Cantabria;1 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;Castilla y León;3 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;Castilla-La Mancha;3 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;Cataluña;14 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;Comunitat Valenciana;6 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;Extremadura;1 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;Galicia;3 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;Madrid (Comunidad de);14 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;Murcía (Región de);3 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);1 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;País Vasco;4 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;Rioja (La);0 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;Ceuta;0 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;Melilla;0 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;Foreigner;0 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Males;Total;37 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Males;Andalucía;7 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Males;Aragón;2 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Males;Asturias (Principado de);0 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Males;Balears (Illes);0 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Males;Canarias;3 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Males;Cantabria;1 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Males;Castilla y León;1 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Males;Castilla-La Mancha;1 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Males;Cataluña;6 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Males;Comunitat Valenciana;3 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Males;Extremadura;0 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Males;Galicia;2 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Males;Madrid (Comunidad de);7 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Males;Murcía (Región de);1 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Males;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Males;País Vasco;3 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Males;Rioja (La);0 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Males;Ceuta;0 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Males;Melilla;0 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Males;Foreigner;0 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Females;Total;34 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Females;Andalucía;4 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Females;Aragón;0 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Females;Asturias (Principado de);1 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Females;Balears (Illes);1 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Females;Canarias;0 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Females;Cantabria;0 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Females;Castilla y León;2 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Females;Castilla-La Mancha;2 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Females;Cataluña;8 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Females;Comunitat Valenciana;3 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Females;Extremadura;1 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Females;Galicia;1 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Females;Madrid (Comunidad de);7 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Females;Murcía (Región de);2 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Females;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);1 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Females;País Vasco;1 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Females;Rioja (La);0 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Females;Ceuta;0 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Females;Melilla;0 50-82 XVII.Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities;Females;Foreigner;0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Both sexes;Total;11 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Both sexes;Andalucía;2 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Both sexes;Aragón;0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Both sexes;Asturias (Principado de);0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Both sexes;Balears (Illes);0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Both sexes;Canarias;0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Both sexes;Cantabria;0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Both sexes;Castilla y León;0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Both sexes;Castilla-La Mancha;0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Both sexes;Cataluña;2 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Both sexes;Comunitat Valenciana;1 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Both sexes;Extremadura;0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Both sexes;Galicia;2 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Both sexes;Madrid (Comunidad de);3 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Both sexes;Murcía (Región de);0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Both sexes;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Both sexes;País Vasco;1 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Both sexes;Rioja (La);0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Both sexes;Ceuta;0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Both sexes;Melilla;0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Both sexes;Foreigner;0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Males;Total;4 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Males;Andalucía;1 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Males;Aragón;0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Males;Asturias (Principado de);0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Males;Balears (Illes);0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Males;Canarias;0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Males;Cantabria;0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Males;Castilla y León;0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Males;Castilla-La Mancha;0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Males;Cataluña;0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Males;Comunitat Valenciana;0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Males;Extremadura;0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Males;Galicia;1 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Males;Madrid (Comunidad de);1 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Males;Murcía (Región de);0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Males;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Males;País Vasco;1 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Males;Rioja (La);0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Males;Ceuta;0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Males;Melilla;0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Males;Foreigner;0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Females;Total;7 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Females;Andalucía;1 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Females;Aragón;0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Females;Asturias (Principado de);0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Females;Balears (Illes);0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Females;Canarias;0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Females;Cantabria;0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Females;Castilla y León;0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Females;Castilla-La Mancha;0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Females;Cataluña;2 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Females;Comunitat Valenciana;1 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Females;Extremadura;0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Females;Galicia;1 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Females;Madrid (Comunidad de);2 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Females;Murcía (Región de);0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Females;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Females;País Vasco;0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Females;Rioja (La);0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Females;Ceuta;0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Females;Melilla;0 50-57 Congenital malformations of the nervous system;Females;Foreigner;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Both sexes;Total;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Both sexes;Andalucía;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Both sexes;Aragón;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Both sexes;Asturias (Principado de);0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Both sexes;Balears (Illes);0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Both sexes;Canarias;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Both sexes;Cantabria;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Both sexes;Castilla y León;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Both sexes;Castilla-La Mancha;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Both sexes;Cataluña;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Both sexes;Comunitat Valenciana;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Both sexes;Extremadura;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Both sexes;Galicia;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Both sexes;Madrid (Comunidad de);0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Both sexes;Murcía (Región de);0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Both sexes;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Both sexes;País Vasco;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Both sexes;Rioja (La);0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Both sexes;Ceuta;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Both sexes;Melilla;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Both sexes;Foreigner;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Males;Total;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Males;Andalucía;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Males;Aragón;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Males;Asturias (Principado de);0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Males;Balears (Illes);0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Males;Canarias;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Males;Cantabria;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Males;Castilla y León;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Males;Castilla-La Mancha;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Males;Cataluña;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Males;Comunitat Valenciana;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Males;Extremadura;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Males;Galicia;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Males;Madrid (Comunidad de);0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Males;Murcía (Región de);0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Males;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Males;País Vasco;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Males;Rioja (La);0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Males;Ceuta;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Males;Melilla;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Males;Foreigner;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Females;Total;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Females;Andalucía;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Females;Aragón;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Females;Asturias (Principado de);0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Females;Balears (Illes);0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Females;Canarias;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Females;Cantabria;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Females;Castilla y León;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Females;Castilla-La Mancha;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Females;Cataluña;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Females;Comunitat Valenciana;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Females;Extremadura;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Females;Galicia;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Females;Madrid (Comunidad de);0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Females;Murcía (Región de);0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Females;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Females;País Vasco;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Females;Rioja (La);0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Females;Ceuta;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Females;Melilla;0 58 Congenital malformations of the eye, of the ear, of the face and of the neck;Females;Foreigner;0 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Both sexes;Total;21 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Both sexes;Andalucía;5 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Both sexes;Aragón;1 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Both sexes;Asturias (Principado de);0 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Both sexes;Balears (Illes);0 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Both sexes;Canarias;2 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Both sexes;Cantabria;0 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Both sexes;Castilla y León;0 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Both sexes;Castilla-La Mancha;1 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Both sexes;Cataluña;4 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Both sexes;Comunitat Valenciana;2 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Both sexes;Extremadura;0 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Both sexes;Galicia;0 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Both sexes;Madrid (Comunidad de);5 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Both sexes;Murcía (Región de);0 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Both sexes;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Both sexes;País Vasco;1 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Both sexes;Rioja (La);0 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Both sexes;Ceuta;0 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Both sexes;Melilla;0 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Both sexes;Foreigner;0 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Males;Total;13 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Males;Andalucía;3 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Males;Aragón;1 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Males;Asturias (Principado de);0 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Males;Balears (Illes);0 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Males;Canarias;2 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Males;Cantabria;0 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Males;Castilla y León;0 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Males;Castilla-La Mancha;1 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Males;Cataluña;2 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Males;Comunitat Valenciana;1 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Males;Extremadura;0 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Males;Galicia;0 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Males;Madrid (Comunidad de);3 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Males;Murcía (Región de);0 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Males;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Males;País Vasco;0 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Males;Rioja (La);0 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Males;Ceuta;0 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Males;Melilla;0 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Males;Foreigner;0 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Females;Total;8 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Females;Andalucía;2 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Females;Aragón;0 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Females;Asturias (Principado de);0 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Females;Balears (Illes);0 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Females;Canarias;0 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Females;Cantabria;0 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Females;Castilla y León;0 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Females;Castilla-La Mancha;0 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Females;Cataluña;2 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Females;Comunitat Valenciana;1 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Females;Extremadura;0 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Females;Galicia;0 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Females;Madrid (Comunidad de);2 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Females;Murcía (Región de);0 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Females;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Females;País Vasco;1 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Females;Rioja (La);0 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Females;Ceuta;0 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Females;Melilla;0 59-63 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system;Females;Foreigner;0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Both sexes;Total;4 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Both sexes;Andalucía;0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Both sexes;Aragón;0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Both sexes;Asturias (Principado de);1 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Both sexes;Balears (Illes);0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Both sexes;Canarias;0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Both sexes;Cantabria;0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Both sexes;Castilla y León;0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Both sexes;Castilla-La Mancha;0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Both sexes;Cataluña;1 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Both sexes;Comunitat Valenciana;0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Both sexes;Extremadura;0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Both sexes;Galicia;0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Both sexes;Madrid (Comunidad de);1 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Both sexes;Murcía (Región de);0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Both sexes;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);1 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Both sexes;País Vasco;0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Both sexes;Rioja (La);0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Both sexes;Ceuta;0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Both sexes;Melilla;0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Both sexes;Foreigner;0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Males;Total;2 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Males;Andalucía;0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Males;Aragón;0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Males;Asturias (Principado de);0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Males;Balears (Illes);0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Males;Canarias;0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Males;Cantabria;0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Males;Castilla y León;0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Males;Castilla-La Mancha;0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Males;Cataluña;1 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Males;Comunitat Valenciana;0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Males;Extremadura;0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Males;Galicia;0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Males;Madrid (Comunidad de);1 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Males;Murcía (Región de);0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Males;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Males;País Vasco;0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Males;Rioja (La);0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Males;Ceuta;0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Males;Melilla;0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Males;Foreigner;0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Females;Total;2 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Females;Andalucía;0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Females;Aragón;0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Females;Asturias (Principado de);1 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Females;Balears (Illes);0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Females;Canarias;0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Females;Cantabria;0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Females;Castilla y León;0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Females;Castilla-La Mancha;0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Females;Cataluña;0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Females;Comunitat Valenciana;0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Females;Extremadura;0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Females;Galicia;0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Females;Madrid (Comunidad de);0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Females;Murcía (Región de);0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Females;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);1 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Females;País Vasco;0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Females;Rioja (La);0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Females;Ceuta;0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Females;Melilla;0 64-66 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system;Females;Foreigner;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Both sexes;Total;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Both sexes;Andalucía;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Both sexes;Aragón;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Both sexes;Asturias (Principado de);0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Both sexes;Balears (Illes);0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Both sexes;Canarias;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Both sexes;Cantabria;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Both sexes;Castilla y León;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Both sexes;Castilla-La Mancha;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Both sexes;Cataluña;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Both sexes;Comunitat Valenciana;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Both sexes;Extremadura;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Both sexes;Galicia;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Both sexes;Madrid (Comunidad de);0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Both sexes;Murcía (Región de);0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Both sexes;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Both sexes;País Vasco;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Both sexes;Rioja (La);0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Both sexes;Ceuta;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Both sexes;Melilla;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Both sexes;Foreigner;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Males;Total;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Males;Andalucía;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Males;Aragón;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Males;Asturias (Principado de);0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Males;Balears (Illes);0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Males;Canarias;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Males;Cantabria;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Males;Castilla y León;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Males;Castilla-La Mancha;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Males;Cataluña;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Males;Comunitat Valenciana;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Males;Extremadura;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Males;Galicia;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Males;Madrid (Comunidad de);0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Males;Murcía (Región de);0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Males;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Males;País Vasco;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Males;Rioja (La);0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Males;Ceuta;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Males;Melilla;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Males;Foreigner;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Females;Total;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Females;Andalucía;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Females;Aragón;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Females;Asturias (Principado de);0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Females;Balears (Illes);0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Females;Canarias;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Females;Cantabria;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Females;Castilla y León;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Females;Castilla-La Mancha;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Females;Cataluña;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Females;Comunitat Valenciana;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Females;Extremadura;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Females;Galicia;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Females;Madrid (Comunidad de);0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Females;Murcía (Región de);0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Females;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Females;País Vasco;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Females;Rioja (La);0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Females;Ceuta;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Females;Melilla;0 67 Cleft lip and palate;Females;Foreigner;0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Both sexes;Total;3 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Both sexes;Andalucía;0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Both sexes;Aragón;0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Both sexes;Asturias (Principado de);0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Both sexes;Balears (Illes);0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Both sexes;Canarias;0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Both sexes;Cantabria;1 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Both sexes;Castilla y León;0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Both sexes;Castilla-La Mancha;0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Both sexes;Cataluña;0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Both sexes;Comunitat Valenciana;1 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Both sexes;Extremadura;0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Both sexes;Galicia;0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Both sexes;Madrid (Comunidad de);1 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Both sexes;Murcía (Región de);0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Both sexes;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Both sexes;País Vasco;0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Both sexes;Rioja (La);0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Both sexes;Ceuta;0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Both sexes;Melilla;0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Both sexes;Foreigner;0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Males;Total;1 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Males;Andalucía;0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Males;Aragón;0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Males;Asturias (Principado de);0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Males;Balears (Illes);0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Males;Canarias;0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Males;Cantabria;1 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Males;Castilla y León;0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Males;Castilla-La Mancha;0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Males;Cataluña;0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Males;Comunitat Valenciana;0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Males;Extremadura;0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Males;Galicia;0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Males;Madrid (Comunidad de);0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Males;Murcía (Región de);0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Males;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Males;País Vasco;0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Males;Rioja (La);0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Males;Ceuta;0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Males;Melilla;0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Males;Foreigner;0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Females;Total;2 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Females;Andalucía;0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Females;Aragón;0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Females;Asturias (Principado de);0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Females;Balears (Illes);0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Females;Canarias;0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Females;Cantabria;0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Females;Castilla y León;0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Females;Castilla-La Mancha;0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Females;Cataluña;0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Females;Comunitat Valenciana;1 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Females;Extremadura;0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Females;Galicia;0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Females;Madrid (Comunidad de);1 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Females;Murcía (Región de);0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Females;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Females;País Vasco;0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Females;Rioja (La);0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Females;Ceuta;0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Females;Melilla;0 68-70 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system;Females;Foreigner;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Both sexes;Total;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Both sexes;Andalucía;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Both sexes;Aragón;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Both sexes;Asturias (Principado de);0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Both sexes;Balears (Illes);0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Both sexes;Canarias;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Both sexes;Cantabria;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Both sexes;Castilla y León;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Both sexes;Castilla-La Mancha;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Both sexes;Cataluña;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Both sexes;Comunitat Valenciana;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Both sexes;Extremadura;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Both sexes;Galicia;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Both sexes;Madrid (Comunidad de);0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Both sexes;Murcía (Región de);0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Both sexes;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Both sexes;País Vasco;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Both sexes;Rioja (La);0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Both sexes;Ceuta;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Both sexes;Melilla;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Both sexes;Foreigner;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Males;Total;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Males;Andalucía;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Males;Aragón;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Males;Asturias (Principado de);0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Males;Balears (Illes);0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Males;Canarias;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Males;Cantabria;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Males;Castilla y León;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Males;Castilla-La Mancha;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Males;Cataluña;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Males;Comunitat Valenciana;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Males;Extremadura;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Males;Galicia;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Males;Madrid (Comunidad de);0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Males;Murcía (Región de);0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Males;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Males;País Vasco;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Males;Rioja (La);0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Males;Ceuta;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Males;Melilla;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Males;Foreigner;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Females;Total;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Females;Andalucía;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Females;Aragón;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Females;Asturias (Principado de);0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Females;Balears (Illes);0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Females;Canarias;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Females;Cantabria;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Females;Castilla y León;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Females;Castilla-La Mancha;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Females;Cataluña;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Females;Comunitat Valenciana;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Females;Extremadura;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Females;Galicia;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Females;Madrid (Comunidad de);0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Females;Murcía (Región de);0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Females;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Females;País Vasco;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Females;Rioja (La);0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Females;Ceuta;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Females;Melilla;0 71 Congenital malformations of the genital organs;Females;Foreigner;0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Both sexes;Total;6 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Both sexes;Andalucía;0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Both sexes;Aragón;0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Both sexes;Asturias (Principado de);0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Both sexes;Balears (Illes);0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Both sexes;Canarias;1 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Both sexes;Cantabria;0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Both sexes;Castilla y León;1 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Both sexes;Castilla-La Mancha;0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Both sexes;Cataluña;2 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Both sexes;Comunitat Valenciana;0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Both sexes;Extremadura;1 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Both sexes;Galicia;0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Both sexes;Madrid (Comunidad de);1 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Both sexes;Murcía (Región de);0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Both sexes;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Both sexes;País Vasco;0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Both sexes;Rioja (La);0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Both sexes;Ceuta;0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Both sexes;Melilla;0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Both sexes;Foreigner;0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Males;Total;3 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Males;Andalucía;0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Males;Aragón;0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Males;Asturias (Principado de);0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Males;Balears (Illes);0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Males;Canarias;1 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Males;Cantabria;0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Males;Castilla y León;1 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Males;Castilla-La Mancha;0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Males;Cataluña;1 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Males;Comunitat Valenciana;0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Males;Extremadura;0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Males;Galicia;0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Males;Madrid (Comunidad de);0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Males;Murcía (Región de);0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Males;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Males;País Vasco;0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Males;Rioja (La);0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Males;Ceuta;0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Males;Melilla;0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Males;Foreigner;0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Females;Total;3 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Females;Andalucía;0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Females;Aragón;0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Females;Asturias (Principado de);0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Females;Balears (Illes);0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Females;Canarias;0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Females;Cantabria;0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Females;Castilla y León;0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Females;Castilla-La Mancha;0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Females;Cataluña;1 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Females;Comunitat Valenciana;0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Females;Extremadura;1 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Females;Galicia;0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Females;Madrid (Comunidad de);1 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Females;Murcía (Región de);0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Females;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Females;País Vasco;0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Females;Rioja (La);0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Females;Ceuta;0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Females;Melilla;0 72-76 Congenital malformations of the urinary system;Females;Foreigner;0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Both sexes;Total;10 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Both sexes;Andalucía;2 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Both sexes;Aragón;0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Both sexes;Asturias (Principado de);0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Both sexes;Balears (Illes);1 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Both sexes;Canarias;0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Both sexes;Cantabria;0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Both sexes;Castilla y León;1 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Both sexes;Castilla-La Mancha;1 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Both sexes;Cataluña;2 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Both sexes;Comunitat Valenciana;1 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Both sexes;Extremadura;0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Both sexes;Galicia;0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Both sexes;Madrid (Comunidad de);2 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Both sexes;Murcía (Región de);0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Both sexes;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Both sexes;País Vasco;0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Both sexes;Rioja (La);0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Both sexes;Ceuta;0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Both sexes;Melilla;0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Both sexes;Foreigner;0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Males;Total;5 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Males;Andalucía;2 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Males;Aragón;0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Males;Asturias (Principado de);0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Males;Balears (Illes);0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Males;Canarias;0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Males;Cantabria;0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Males;Castilla y León;0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Males;Castilla-La Mancha;0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Males;Cataluña;0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Males;Comunitat Valenciana;1 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Males;Extremadura;0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Males;Galicia;0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Males;Madrid (Comunidad de);2 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Males;Murcía (Región de);0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Males;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Males;País Vasco;0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Males;Rioja (La);0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Males;Ceuta;0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Males;Melilla;0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Males;Foreigner;0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Females;Total;5 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Females;Andalucía;0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Females;Aragón;0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Females;Asturias (Principado de);0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Females;Balears (Illes);1 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Females;Canarias;0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Females;Cantabria;0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Females;Castilla y León;1 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Females;Castilla-La Mancha;1 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Females;Cataluña;2 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Females;Comunitat Valenciana;0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Females;Extremadura;0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Females;Galicia;0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Females;Madrid (Comunidad de);0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Females;Murcía (Región de);0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Females;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Females;País Vasco;0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Females;Rioja (La);0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Females;Ceuta;0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Females;Melilla;0 77 Congenital malformations and deformities of the osteomuscular system;Females;Foreigner;0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Both sexes;Total;7 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Both sexes;Andalucía;2 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Both sexes;Aragón;1 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Both sexes;Asturias (Principado de);0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Both sexes;Balears (Illes);0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Both sexes;Canarias;0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Both sexes;Cantabria;0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Both sexes;Castilla y León;1 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Both sexes;Castilla-La Mancha;0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Both sexes;Cataluña;2 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Both sexes;Comunitat Valenciana;0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Both sexes;Extremadura;0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Both sexes;Galicia;1 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Both sexes;Madrid (Comunidad de);0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Both sexes;Murcía (Región de);0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Both sexes;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Both sexes;País Vasco;0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Both sexes;Rioja (La);0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Both sexes;Ceuta;0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Both sexes;Melilla;0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Both sexes;Foreigner;0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Males;Total;4 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Males;Andalucía;1 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Males;Aragón;1 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Males;Asturias (Principado de);0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Males;Balears (Illes);0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Males;Canarias;0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Males;Cantabria;0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Males;Castilla y León;0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Males;Castilla-La Mancha;0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Males;Cataluña;1 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Males;Comunitat Valenciana;0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Males;Extremadura;0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Males;Galicia;1 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Males;Madrid (Comunidad de);0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Males;Murcía (Región de);0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Males;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Males;País Vasco;0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Males;Rioja (La);0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Males;Ceuta;0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Males;Melilla;0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Males;Foreigner;0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Females;Total;3 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Females;Andalucía;1 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Females;Aragón;0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Females;Asturias (Principado de);0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Females;Balears (Illes);0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Females;Canarias;0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Females;Cantabria;0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Females;Castilla y León;1 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Females;Castilla-La Mancha;0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Females;Cataluña;1 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Females;Comunitat Valenciana;0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Females;Extremadura;0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Females;Galicia;0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Females;Madrid (Comunidad de);0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Females;Murcía (Región de);0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Females;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Females;País Vasco;0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Females;Rioja (La);0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Females;Ceuta;0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Females;Melilla;0 78 Other congenital malformations not classified elsewhere;Females;Foreigner;0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;Total;9 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;Andalucía;0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;Aragón;0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;Asturias (Principado de);0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;Balears (Illes);0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;Canarias;0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;Cantabria;0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;Castilla y León;0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;Castilla-La Mancha;1 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;Cataluña;1 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;Comunitat Valenciana;1 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;Extremadura;0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;Galicia;0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;Madrid (Comunidad de);1 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;Murcía (Región de);3 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;País Vasco;2 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;Rioja (La);0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;Ceuta;0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;Melilla;0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;Foreigner;0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Males;Total;5 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Males;Andalucía;0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Males;Aragón;0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Males;Asturias (Principado de);0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Males;Balears (Illes);0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Males;Canarias;0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Males;Cantabria;0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Males;Castilla y León;0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Males;Castilla-La Mancha;0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Males;Cataluña;1 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Males;Comunitat Valenciana;1 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Males;Extremadura;0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Males;Galicia;0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Males;Madrid (Comunidad de);0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Males;Murcía (Región de);1 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Males;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Males;País Vasco;2 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Males;Rioja (La);0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Males;Ceuta;0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Males;Melilla;0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Males;Foreigner;0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Females;Total;4 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Females;Andalucía;0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Females;Aragón;0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Females;Asturias (Principado de);0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Females;Balears (Illes);0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Females;Canarias;0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Females;Cantabria;0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Females;Castilla y León;0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Females;Castilla-La Mancha;1 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Females;Cataluña;0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Females;Comunitat Valenciana;0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Females;Extremadura;0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Females;Galicia;0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Females;Madrid (Comunidad de);1 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Females;Murcía (Región de);2 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Females;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Females;País Vasco;0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Females;Rioja (La);0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Females;Ceuta;0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Females;Melilla;0 79-82 Chromosomal abnormalities;Females;Foreigner;0 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Both sexes;Total;18 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Both sexes;Andalucía;4 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Both sexes;Aragón;0 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Both sexes;Asturias (Principado de);1 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Both sexes;Balears (Illes);1 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Both sexes;Canarias;0 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Both sexes;Cantabria;0 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Both sexes;Castilla y León;0 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Both sexes;Castilla-La Mancha;0 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Both sexes;Cataluña;6 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Both sexes;Comunitat Valenciana;0 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Both sexes;Extremadura;1 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Both sexes;Galicia;1 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Both sexes;Madrid (Comunidad de);1 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Both sexes;Murcía (Región de);0 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Both sexes;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Both sexes;País Vasco;1 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Both sexes;Rioja (La);1 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Both sexes;Ceuta;0 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Both sexes;Melilla;1 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Both sexes;Foreigner;0 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Males;Total;7 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Males;Andalucía;2 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Males;Aragón;0 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Males;Asturias (Principado de);1 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Males;Balears (Illes);1 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Males;Canarias;0 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Males;Cantabria;0 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Males;Castilla y León;0 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Males;Castilla-La Mancha;0 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Males;Cataluña;1 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Males;Comunitat Valenciana;0 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Males;Extremadura;1 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Males;Galicia;0 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Males;Madrid (Comunidad de);0 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Males;Murcía (Región de);0 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Males;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Males;País Vasco;0 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Males;Rioja (La);0 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Males;Ceuta;0 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Males;Melilla;1 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Males;Foreigner;0 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Females;Total;11 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Females;Andalucía;2 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Females;Aragón;0 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Females;Asturias (Principado de);0 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Females;Balears (Illes);0 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Females;Canarias;0 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Females;Cantabria;0 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Females;Castilla y León;0 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Females;Castilla-La Mancha;0 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Females;Cataluña;5 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Females;Comunitat Valenciana;0 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Females;Extremadura;0 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Females;Galicia;1 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Females;Madrid (Comunidad de);1 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Females;Murcía (Región de);0 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Females;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Females;País Vasco;1 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Females;Rioja (La);1 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Females;Ceuta;0 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Females;Melilla;0 83-89 I-XIV,XVIII.Other diseases of the fetus and of the newborn baby;Females;Foreigner;0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Both sexes;Total;3 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Both sexes;Andalucía;0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Both sexes;Aragón;0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Both sexes;Asturias (Principado de);0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Both sexes;Balears (Illes);1 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Both sexes;Canarias;0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Both sexes;Cantabria;0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Both sexes;Castilla y León;1 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Both sexes;Castilla-La Mancha;1 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Both sexes;Cataluña;0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Both sexes;Comunitat Valenciana;0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Both sexes;Extremadura;0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Both sexes;Galicia;0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Both sexes;Madrid (Comunidad de);0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Both sexes;Murcía (Región de);0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Both sexes;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Both sexes;País Vasco;0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Both sexes;Rioja (La);0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Both sexes;Ceuta;0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Both sexes;Melilla;0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Both sexes;Foreigner;0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Males;Total;2 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Males;Andalucía;0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Males;Aragón;0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Males;Asturias (Principado de);0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Males;Balears (Illes);0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Males;Canarias;0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Males;Cantabria;0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Males;Castilla y León;1 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Males;Castilla-La Mancha;1 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Males;Cataluña;0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Males;Comunitat Valenciana;0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Males;Extremadura;0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Males;Galicia;0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Males;Madrid (Comunidad de);0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Males;Murcía (Región de);0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Males;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Males;País Vasco;0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Males;Rioja (La);0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Males;Ceuta;0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Males;Melilla;0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Males;Foreigner;0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Females;Total;1 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Females;Andalucía;0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Females;Aragón;0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Females;Asturias (Principado de);0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Females;Balears (Illes);1 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Females;Canarias;0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Females;Cantabria;0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Females;Castilla y León;0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Females;Castilla-La Mancha;0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Females;Cataluña;0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Females;Comunitat Valenciana;0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Females;Extremadura;0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Females;Galicia;0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Females;Madrid (Comunidad de);0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Females;Murcía (Región de);0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Females;Navarra (Comunidad Foral de);0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Females;País Vasco;0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Females;Rioja (La);0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Females;Ceuta;0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Females;Melilla;0 90-93 XX. External causes of injuries occurred in the newborn baby;Females;Foreigner;0