Cause of death (chapters from the 10th revision of the ICD);Sex;Type of cause;Total All causes;Both sexes;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);1.576.617 All causes;Both sexes;Basic cause (BC)(Total);436.124 All causes;Both sexes;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);27,66 All causes;Males;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);791.841 All causes;Males;Basic cause (BC)(Total);220.742 All causes;Males;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);27,88 All causes;Females;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);784.776 All causes;Females;Basic cause (BC)(Total);215.382 All causes;Females;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);27,45 Infectious and parasitic diseases;Both sexes;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);38.575 Infectious and parasitic diseases;Both sexes;Basic cause (BC)(Total);14.935 Infectious and parasitic diseases;Both sexes;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);38,72 Infectious and parasitic diseases;Males;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);19.646 Infectious and parasitic diseases;Males;Basic cause (BC)(Total);7.521 Infectious and parasitic diseases;Males;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);38,28 Infectious and parasitic diseases;Females;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);18.929 Infectious and parasitic diseases;Females;Basic cause (BC)(Total);7.414 Infectious and parasitic diseases;Females;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);39,17 Tumours;Both sexes;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);197.481 Tumours;Both sexes;Basic cause (BC)(Total);115.429 Tumours;Both sexes;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);58,45 Tumours;Males;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);116.411 Tumours;Males;Basic cause (BC)(Total);68.164 Tumours;Males;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);58,55 Tumours;Females;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);81.070 Tumours;Females;Basic cause (BC)(Total);47.265 Tumours;Females;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);58,3 Diseases of the blood and haematopoeitic organs, and certain disorders affecting the immune system;Both sexes;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);15.864 Diseases of the blood and haematopoeitic organs, and certain disorders affecting the immune system;Both sexes;Basic cause (BC)(Total);2.167 Diseases of the blood and haematopoeitic organs, and certain disorders affecting the immune system;Both sexes;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);13,66 Diseases of the blood and haematopoeitic organs, and certain disorders affecting the immune system;Males;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);7.583 Diseases of the blood and haematopoeitic organs, and certain disorders affecting the immune system;Males;Basic cause (BC)(Total);935 Diseases of the blood and haematopoeitic organs, and certain disorders affecting the immune system;Males;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);12,33 Diseases of the blood and haematopoeitic organs, and certain disorders affecting the immune system;Females;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);8.281 Diseases of the blood and haematopoeitic organs, and certain disorders affecting the immune system;Females;Basic cause (BC)(Total);1.232 Diseases of the blood and haematopoeitic organs, and certain disorders affecting the immune system;Females;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);14,88 Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases;Both sexes;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);73.511 Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases;Both sexes;Basic cause (BC)(Total);15.405 Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases;Both sexes;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);20,96 Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases;Males;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);34.328 Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases;Males;Basic cause (BC)(Total);7.040 Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases;Males;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);20,51 Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases;Females;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);39.183 Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases;Females;Basic cause (BC)(Total);8.365 Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases;Females;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);21,35 Mental and behavioural disorders;Both sexes;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);48.746 Mental and behavioural disorders;Both sexes;Basic cause (BC)(Total);22.073 Mental and behavioural disorders;Both sexes;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);45,28 Mental and behavioural disorders;Males;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);18.798 Mental and behavioural disorders;Males;Basic cause (BC)(Total);7.442 Mental and behavioural disorders;Males;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);39,59 Mental and behavioural disorders;Females;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);29.948 Mental and behavioural disorders;Females;Basic cause (BC)(Total);14.631 Mental and behavioural disorders;Females;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);48,85 Diseases of the nervous system and the sense organs;Both sexes;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);53.507 Diseases of the nervous system and the sense organs;Both sexes;Basic cause (BC)(Total);25.871 Diseases of the nervous system and the sense organs;Both sexes;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);48,35 Diseases of the nervous system and the sense organs;Males;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);23.779 Diseases of the nervous system and the sense organs;Males;Basic cause (BC)(Total);10.312 Diseases of the nervous system and the sense organs;Males;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);43,37 Diseases of the nervous system and the sense organs;Females;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);29.728 Diseases of the nervous system and the sense organs;Females;Basic cause (BC)(Total);15.559 Diseases of the nervous system and the sense organs;Females;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);52,34 Diseases of the circulatory system;Both sexes;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);472.285 Diseases of the circulatory system;Both sexes;Basic cause (BC)(Total);115.889 Diseases of the circulatory system;Both sexes;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);24,54 Diseases of the circulatory system;Males;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);226.788 Diseases of the circulatory system;Males;Basic cause (BC)(Total);55.358 Diseases of the circulatory system;Males;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);24,41 Diseases of the circulatory system;Females;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);245.497 Diseases of the circulatory system;Females;Basic cause (BC)(Total);60.531 Diseases of the circulatory system;Females;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);24,66 Diseases of the respiratory system;Both sexes;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);250.143 Diseases of the respiratory system;Both sexes;Basic cause (BC)(Total);47.003 Diseases of the respiratory system;Both sexes;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);18,79 Diseases of the respiratory system;Males;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);133.593 Diseases of the respiratory system;Males;Basic cause (BC)(Total);25.712 Diseases of the respiratory system;Males;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);19,25 Diseases of the respiratory system;Females;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);116.550 Diseases of the respiratory system;Females;Basic cause (BC)(Total);21.291 Diseases of the respiratory system;Females;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);18,27 Diseases of the digestive system;Both sexes;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);65.555 Diseases of the digestive system;Both sexes;Basic cause (BC)(Total);23.045 Diseases of the digestive system;Both sexes;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);35,15 Diseases of the digestive system;Males;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);35.685 Diseases of the digestive system;Males;Basic cause (BC)(Total);11.945 Diseases of the digestive system;Males;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);33,47 Diseases of the digestive system;Females;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);29.870 Diseases of the digestive system;Females;Basic cause (BC)(Total);11.100 Diseases of the digestive system;Females;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);37,16 Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue;Both sexes;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);9.997 Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue;Both sexes;Basic cause (BC)(Total);2.052 Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue;Both sexes;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);20,53 Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue;Males;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);3.768 Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue;Males;Basic cause (BC)(Total);686 Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue;Males;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);18,21 Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue;Females;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);6.229 Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue;Females;Basic cause (BC)(Total);1.366 Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue;Females;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);21,93 Diseases of the osteomuscular system and of the conjunctive tissue;Both sexes;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);14.123 Diseases of the osteomuscular system and of the conjunctive tissue;Both sexes;Basic cause (BC)(Total);5.383 Diseases of the osteomuscular system and of the conjunctive tissue;Both sexes;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);38,12 Diseases of the osteomuscular system and of the conjunctive tissue;Males;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);4.786 Diseases of the osteomuscular system and of the conjunctive tissue;Males;Basic cause (BC)(Total);1.786 Diseases of the osteomuscular system and of the conjunctive tissue;Males;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);37,32 Diseases of the osteomuscular system and of the conjunctive tissue;Females;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);9.337 Diseases of the osteomuscular system and of the conjunctive tissue;Females;Basic cause (BC)(Total);3.597 Diseases of the osteomuscular system and of the conjunctive tissue;Females;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);38,52 Diseases of the genitourinary system;Both sexes;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);82.818 Diseases of the genitourinary system;Both sexes;Basic cause (BC)(Total);17.282 Diseases of the genitourinary system;Both sexes;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);20,87 Diseases of the genitourinary system;Males;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);39.063 Diseases of the genitourinary system;Males;Basic cause (BC)(Total);7.351 Diseases of the genitourinary system;Males;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);18,82 Diseases of the genitourinary system;Females;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);43.755 Diseases of the genitourinary system;Females;Basic cause (BC)(Total);9.931 Diseases of the genitourinary system;Females;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);22,7 Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium;Both sexes;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);48 Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium;Both sexes;Basic cause (BC)(Total);11 Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium;Both sexes;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);22,92 Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium;Males;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);21 Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium;Males;Basic cause (BC)(Total);.. Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium;Males;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);.. Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium;Females;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);27 Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium;Females;Basic cause (BC)(Total);11 Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium;Females;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);40,74 Affections originated in the perinatal period;Both sexes;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);1.062 Affections originated in the perinatal period;Both sexes;Basic cause (BC)(Total);514 Affections originated in the perinatal period;Both sexes;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);48,4 Affections originated in the perinatal period;Males;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);601 Affections originated in the perinatal period;Males;Basic cause (BC)(Total);286 Affections originated in the perinatal period;Males;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);47,59 Affections originated in the perinatal period;Females;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);461 Affections originated in the perinatal period;Females;Basic cause (BC)(Total);228 Affections originated in the perinatal period;Females;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);49,46 Congenital malformations, deformities and chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);1.551 Congenital malformations, deformities and chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;Basic cause (BC)(Total);831 Congenital malformations, deformities and chromosomal abnormalities;Both sexes;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);53,58 Congenital malformations, deformities and chromosomal abnormalities;Males;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);804 Congenital malformations, deformities and chromosomal abnormalities;Males;Basic cause (BC)(Total);439 Congenital malformations, deformities and chromosomal abnormalities;Males;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);54,6 Congenital malformations, deformities and chromosomal abnormalities;Females;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);747 Congenital malformations, deformities and chromosomal abnormalities;Females;Basic cause (BC)(Total);392 Congenital malformations, deformities and chromosomal abnormalities;Females;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);52,48 Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not classified elsewhere;Both sexes;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);210.798 Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not classified elsewhere;Both sexes;Basic cause (BC)(Total);10.201 Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not classified elsewhere;Both sexes;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);4,84 Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not classified elsewhere;Males;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);102.994 Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not classified elsewhere;Males;Basic cause (BC)(Total);4.300 Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not classified elsewhere;Males;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);4,18 Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not classified elsewhere;Females;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);107.804 Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not classified elsewhere;Females;Basic cause (BC)(Total);5.901 Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not classified elsewhere;Females;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);5,47 External causes of mortality;Both sexes;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);40.553 External causes of mortality;Both sexes;Basic cause (BC)(Total);18.033 External causes of mortality;Both sexes;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);44,47 External causes of mortality;Males;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);23.193 External causes of mortality;Males;Basic cause (BC)(Total);11.465 External causes of mortality;Males;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);49,43 External causes of mortality;Females;Multiple causes (MC)(Total);17.360 External causes of mortality;Females;Basic cause (BC)(Total);6.568 External causes of mortality;Females;Ratio (BC/MC)(Percentage);37,83