Origin of funds/unit;Years;Total Total Sectors (thousands of euros);2023;2,748,629 Total Sectors (thousands of euros);2022;2,565,367 Total Sectors (thousands of euros);2021;2,269,946 Public Administration: Total (thousands of euros);2023;1,164,229 Public Administration: Total (thousands of euros);2022;1,029,985 Public Administration: Total (thousands of euros);2021;970,923 Public Administration: %;2023;42.4 Public Administration: %;2022;40.1 Public Administration: %;2021;42.8 Higher Education: Total (thousands of euros);2023;122,270 Higher Education: Total (thousands of euros);2022;94,355 Higher Education: Total (thousands of euros);2021;92,017 Higher Education: %;2023;4.5 Higher Education: %;2022;3.7 Higher Education: %;2021;4.0 Companies: Total (thousands of euros);2023;1,146,484 Companies: Total (thousands of euros);2022;1,138,373 Companies: Total (thousands of euros);2021;959,616 Companies: %;2023;41.7 Companies: %;2022;44.4 Companies: %;2021;42.3 NPPI: Total (thousands of euros);2023;54,543 NPPI: Total (thousands of euros);2022;53,123 NPPI: Total (thousands of euros);2021;51,384 NPPI: %;2023;2.0 NPPI: %;2022;2.1 NPPI: %;2021;2.3 Rest of the world: Total (thousands of euros);2023;261,103 Rest of the world: Total (thousands of euros);2022;249,530 Rest of the world: Total (thousands of euros);2021;196,006 Rest of the world: %;2023;9.5 Rest of the world: %;2022;9.7 Rest of the world: %;2021;8.6