Products and operations;Activity branches;Type of indicator;Period;Total A: Typical tourism products;1. Accommodation for visitors (H): CNAE-2019:55;valor;2021;17.826,1 A: Typical tourism products;1. Accommodation for visitors (H): CNAE-2019:55;tourism proportion (in value);2021;16.539,4 A: Typical tourism products;1. Accommodation for visitors (RENT): CNAE-2019: 68;valor;2021;159.600 A: Typical tourism products;1. Accommodation for visitors (RENT): CNAE-2019: 68;tourism proportion (in value);2021;17.791,6 A: Typical tourism products;2. Food and beverage provision activities: CNAE-2019: 56;valor;2021;72.895 A: Typical tourism products;2. Food and beverage provision activities: CNAE-2019: 56;tourism proportion (in value);2021;17.597,6 A: Typical tourism products;3. Passenger rail transport: CNAE-2019: 49.1;valor;2021;2.198,6 A: Typical tourism products;3. Passenger rail transport: CNAE-2019: 49.1;tourism proportion (in value);2021;1.543,9 A: Typical tourism products;4. Passenger transport by road: CNAE-2019: 49.3;valor;2021;10.509,1 A: Typical tourism products;4. Passenger transport by road: CNAE-2019: 49.3;tourism proportion (in value);2021;1.567,2 A: Typical tourism products;5. Passenger transport by water: CNAE-2019: 501, 503;valor;2021;1.154,3 A: Typical tourism products;5. Passenger transport by water: CNAE-2019: 501, 503;tourism proportion (in value);2021;1.152,1 A: Typical tourism products;511: 6. Passenger air transport;valor;2021;5.509,6 A: Typical tourism products;511: 6. Passenger air transport;tourism proportion (in value);2021;5.499 A: Typical tourism products;7. Rental of transport equipment: CNAE-2019: 771;valor;2021;4.299,3 A: Typical tourism products;7. Rental of transport equipment: CNAE-2019: 771;tourism proportion (in value);2021;589,2 A: Typical tourism products;8. Travel agency and other reservation services activities: CNAE-2019: 79;valor;2021;2.885,5 A: Typical tourism products;8. Travel agency and other reservation services activities: CNAE-2019: 79;tourism proportion (in value);2021;2.875,7 A: Typical tourism products;9. Cultural activities and games of chance: CNAE-2019: 90, 91, 92;valor;2021;16.595,6 A: Typical tourism products;9. Cultural activities and games of chance: CNAE-2019: 90, 91, 92;tourism proportion (in value);2021;2.709,2 A: Typical tourism products;10. Sports and recreational activities: CNAE-2019: 93;valor;2021;15.804,8 A: Typical tourism products;10. Sports and recreational activities: CNAE-2019: 93;tourism proportion (in value);2021;4.414,6 A: Typical tourism products;Total tourism industries;valor;2021;309.277,9 A: Typical tourism products;Total tourism industries;tourism proportion (in value);2021;72.279,5 A: Typical tourism products;Other industries;valor;2021;19.529,2 A: Typical tourism products;Other industries;tourism proportion (in value);2021;1.898,3 A: Typical tourism products;Production by internal producers (at basic prices);valor;2021;328.807,1 A: Typical tourism products;Production by internal producers (at basic prices);tourism proportion (in value);2021;74.177,8 A: Typical tourism products;Margins, net taxes on products and imports;valor;2021;15.487,8 A: Typical tourism products;Margins, net taxes on products and imports;tourism proportion (in value);2021;3.330,8 A: Typical tourism products;Domestic supply at acquisition prices;valor;2021;344.294,9 A: Typical tourism products;Domestic supply at acquisition prices;tourism proportion (in value);2021;22,5 A: Typical tourism products;Domestic tourism consumption;valor;2021;77.508,7 A: Typical tourism products;Domestic tourism consumption;tourism proportion (in value);2021;.. 1A: Hotels and similar establishments;1. Accommodation for visitors (H): CNAE-2019:55;valor;2021;15.263,3 1A: Hotels and similar establishments;1. Accommodation for visitors (H): CNAE-2019:55;tourism proportion (in value);2021;15.208,1 1A: Hotels and similar establishments;1. Accommodation for visitors (RENT): CNAE-2019: 68;valor;2021;0 1A: Hotels and similar establishments;1. Accommodation for visitors (RENT): CNAE-2019: 68;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 1A: Hotels and similar establishments;2. Food and beverage provision activities: CNAE-2019: 56;valor;2021;0 1A: Hotels and similar establishments;2. Food and beverage provision activities: CNAE-2019: 56;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 1A: Hotels and similar establishments;3. Passenger rail transport: CNAE-2019: 49.1;valor;2021;0 1A: Hotels and similar establishments;3. Passenger rail transport: CNAE-2019: 49.1;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 1A: Hotels and similar establishments;4. Passenger transport by road: CNAE-2019: 49.3;valor;2021;0 1A: Hotels and similar establishments;4. Passenger transport by road: CNAE-2019: 49.3;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 1A: Hotels and similar establishments;5. Passenger transport by water: CNAE-2019: 501, 503;valor;2021;0 1A: Hotels and similar establishments;5. Passenger transport by water: CNAE-2019: 501, 503;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 1A: Hotels and similar establishments;511: 6. Passenger air transport;valor;2021;0 1A: Hotels and similar establishments;511: 6. Passenger air transport;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 1A: Hotels and similar establishments;7. Rental of transport equipment: CNAE-2019: 771;valor;2021;0 1A: Hotels and similar establishments;7. Rental of transport equipment: CNAE-2019: 771;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 1A: Hotels and similar establishments;8. Travel agency and other reservation services activities: CNAE-2019: 79;valor;2021;0 1A: Hotels and similar establishments;8. Travel agency and other reservation services activities: CNAE-2019: 79;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 1A: Hotels and similar establishments;9. Cultural activities and games of chance: CNAE-2019: 90, 91, 92;valor;2021;0 1A: Hotels and similar establishments;9. Cultural activities and games of chance: CNAE-2019: 90, 91, 92;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 1A: Hotels and similar establishments;10. Sports and recreational activities: CNAE-2019: 93;valor;2021;0 1A: Hotels and similar establishments;10. Sports and recreational activities: CNAE-2019: 93;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 1A: Hotels and similar establishments;Total tourism industries;valor;2021;15.263,3 1A: Hotels and similar establishments;Total tourism industries;tourism proportion (in value);2021;15.208,1 1A: Hotels and similar establishments;Other industries;valor;2021;1.883,7 1A: Hotels and similar establishments;Other industries;tourism proportion (in value);2021;321,9 1A: Hotels and similar establishments;Production by internal producers (at basic prices);valor;2021;17.147 1A: Hotels and similar establishments;Production by internal producers (at basic prices);tourism proportion (in value);2021;15.530 1A: Hotels and similar establishments;Margins, net taxes on products and imports;valor;2021;2.246,5 1A: Hotels and similar establishments;Margins, net taxes on products and imports;tourism proportion (in value);2021;808,3 1A: Hotels and similar establishments;Domestic supply at acquisition prices;valor;2021;19.393,5 1A: Hotels and similar establishments;Domestic supply at acquisition prices;tourism proportion (in value);2021;84,2 1A: Hotels and similar establishments;Domestic tourism consumption;valor;2021;16.338,3 1A: Hotels and similar establishments;Domestic tourism consumption;tourism proportion (in value);2021;.. 1B: Real estate rental services;1. Accommodation for visitors (H): CNAE-2019:55;valor;2021;278,6 1B: Real estate rental services;1. Accommodation for visitors (H): CNAE-2019:55;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 1B: Real estate rental services;1. Accommodation for visitors (RENT): CNAE-2019: 68;valor;2021;159.571,8 1B: Real estate rental services;1. Accommodation for visitors (RENT): CNAE-2019: 68;tourism proportion (in value);2021;17.791,6 1B: Real estate rental services;2. Food and beverage provision activities: CNAE-2019: 56;valor;2021;257,4 1B: Real estate rental services;2. Food and beverage provision activities: CNAE-2019: 56;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 1B: Real estate rental services;3. Passenger rail transport: CNAE-2019: 49.1;valor;2021;7,6 1B: Real estate rental services;3. Passenger rail transport: CNAE-2019: 49.1;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 1B: Real estate rental services;4. Passenger transport by road: CNAE-2019: 49.3;valor;2021;23,9 1B: Real estate rental services;4. Passenger transport by road: CNAE-2019: 49.3;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 1B: Real estate rental services;5. Passenger transport by water: CNAE-2019: 501, 503;valor;2021;2,2 1B: Real estate rental services;5. Passenger transport by water: CNAE-2019: 501, 503;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 1B: Real estate rental services;511: 6. Passenger air transport;valor;2021;10,6 1B: Real estate rental services;511: 6. Passenger air transport;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 1B: Real estate rental services;7. Rental of transport equipment: CNAE-2019: 771;valor;2021;3,9 1B: Real estate rental services;7. Rental of transport equipment: CNAE-2019: 771;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 1B: Real estate rental services;8. Travel agency and other reservation services activities: CNAE-2019: 79;valor;2021;9,8 1B: Real estate rental services;8. Travel agency and other reservation services activities: CNAE-2019: 79;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 1B: Real estate rental services;9. Cultural activities and games of chance: CNAE-2019: 90, 91, 92;valor;2021;67,2 1B: Real estate rental services;9. Cultural activities and games of chance: CNAE-2019: 90, 91, 92;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 1B: Real estate rental services;10. Sports and recreational activities: CNAE-2019: 93;valor;2021;156,9 1B: Real estate rental services;10. Sports and recreational activities: CNAE-2019: 93;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 1B: Real estate rental services;Total tourism industries;valor;2021;160.389,9 1B: Real estate rental services;Total tourism industries;tourism proportion (in value);2021;17.791,6 1B: Real estate rental services;Other industries;valor;2021;11.371 1B: Real estate rental services;Other industries;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 1B: Real estate rental services;Production by internal producers (at basic prices);valor;2021;171.760,9 1B: Real estate rental services;Production by internal producers (at basic prices);tourism proportion (in value);2021;17.791,6 1B: Real estate rental services;Margins, net taxes on products and imports;valor;2021;2.431,3 1B: Real estate rental services;Margins, net taxes on products and imports;tourism proportion (in value);2021;202,6 1B: Real estate rental services;Domestic supply at acquisition prices;valor;2021;174.192,2 1B: Real estate rental services;Domestic supply at acquisition prices;tourism proportion (in value);2021;10,3 1B: Real estate rental services;Domestic tourism consumption;valor;2021;17.994,2 1B: Real estate rental services;Domestic tourism consumption;tourism proportion (in value);2021;.. 2: Food and beverage provision services;1. Accommodation for visitors (H): CNAE-2019:55;valor;2021;2.158,2 2: Food and beverage provision services;1. Accommodation for visitors (H): CNAE-2019:55;tourism proportion (in value);2021;1.250,1 2: Food and beverage provision services;1. Accommodation for visitors (RENT): CNAE-2019: 68;valor;2021;0 2: Food and beverage provision services;1. Accommodation for visitors (RENT): CNAE-2019: 68;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 2: Food and beverage provision services;2. Food and beverage provision activities: CNAE-2019: 56;valor;2021;70.571,3 2: Food and beverage provision services;2. Food and beverage provision activities: CNAE-2019: 56;tourism proportion (in value);2021;17.128,8 2: Food and beverage provision services;3. Passenger rail transport: CNAE-2019: 49.1;valor;2021;0 2: Food and beverage provision services;3. Passenger rail transport: CNAE-2019: 49.1;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 2: Food and beverage provision services;4. Passenger transport by road: CNAE-2019: 49.3;valor;2021;0,1 2: Food and beverage provision services;4. Passenger transport by road: CNAE-2019: 49.3;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0,1 2: Food and beverage provision services;5. Passenger transport by water: CNAE-2019: 501, 503;valor;2021;6,8 2: Food and beverage provision services;5. Passenger transport by water: CNAE-2019: 501, 503;tourism proportion (in value);2021;6,8 2: Food and beverage provision services;511: 6. Passenger air transport;valor;2021;0 2: Food and beverage provision services;511: 6. Passenger air transport;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 2: Food and beverage provision services;7. Rental of transport equipment: CNAE-2019: 771;valor;2021;0 2: Food and beverage provision services;7. Rental of transport equipment: CNAE-2019: 771;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 2: Food and beverage provision services;8. Travel agency and other reservation services activities: CNAE-2019: 79;valor;2021;0 2: Food and beverage provision services;8. Travel agency and other reservation services activities: CNAE-2019: 79;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 2: Food and beverage provision services;9. Cultural activities and games of chance: CNAE-2019: 90, 91, 92;valor;2021;660,9 2: Food and beverage provision services;9. Cultural activities and games of chance: CNAE-2019: 90, 91, 92;tourism proportion (in value);2021;167,1 2: Food and beverage provision services;10. Sports and recreational activities: CNAE-2019: 93;valor;2021;2,1 2: Food and beverage provision services;10. Sports and recreational activities: CNAE-2019: 93;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0,5 2: Food and beverage provision services;Total tourism industries;valor;2021;73.399,4 2: Food and beverage provision services;Total tourism industries;tourism proportion (in value);2021;18.553,4 2: Food and beverage provision services;Other industries;valor;2021;953,8 2: Food and beverage provision services;Other industries;tourism proportion (in value);2021;241,1 2: Food and beverage provision services;Production by internal producers (at basic prices);valor;2021;74.353,2 2: Food and beverage provision services;Production by internal producers (at basic prices);tourism proportion (in value);2021;18.794,5 2: Food and beverage provision services;Margins, net taxes on products and imports;valor;2021;6.632,2 2: Food and beverage provision services;Margins, net taxes on products and imports;tourism proportion (in value);2021;1.618,3 2: Food and beverage provision services;Domestic supply at acquisition prices;valor;2021;80.985,4 2: Food and beverage provision services;Domestic supply at acquisition prices;tourism proportion (in value);2021;25,2 2: Food and beverage provision services;Domestic tourism consumption;valor;2021;20.412,8 2: Food and beverage provision services;Domestic tourism consumption;tourism proportion (in value);2021;.. 3: Passenger rail transport services;1. Accommodation for visitors (H): CNAE-2019:55;valor;2021;0 3: Passenger rail transport services;1. Accommodation for visitors (H): CNAE-2019:55;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 3: Passenger rail transport services;1. Accommodation for visitors (RENT): CNAE-2019: 68;valor;2021;0 3: Passenger rail transport services;1. Accommodation for visitors (RENT): CNAE-2019: 68;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 3: Passenger rail transport services;2. Food and beverage provision activities: CNAE-2019: 56;valor;2021;0 3: Passenger rail transport services;2. Food and beverage provision activities: CNAE-2019: 56;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 3: Passenger rail transport services;3. Passenger rail transport: CNAE-2019: 49.1;valor;2021;2.131,3 3: Passenger rail transport services;3. Passenger rail transport: CNAE-2019: 49.1;tourism proportion (in value);2021;1.534,8 3: Passenger rail transport services;4. Passenger transport by road: CNAE-2019: 49.3;valor;2021;0 3: Passenger rail transport services;4. Passenger transport by road: CNAE-2019: 49.3;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 3: Passenger rail transport services;5. Passenger transport by water: CNAE-2019: 501, 503;valor;2021;0 3: Passenger rail transport services;5. Passenger transport by water: CNAE-2019: 501, 503;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 3: Passenger rail transport services;511: 6. Passenger air transport;valor;2021;0 3: Passenger rail transport services;511: 6. Passenger air transport;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 3: Passenger rail transport services;7. Rental of transport equipment: CNAE-2019: 771;valor;2021;0 3: Passenger rail transport services;7. Rental of transport equipment: CNAE-2019: 771;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 3: Passenger rail transport services;8. Travel agency and other reservation services activities: CNAE-2019: 79;valor;2021;0 3: Passenger rail transport services;8. Travel agency and other reservation services activities: CNAE-2019: 79;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 3: Passenger rail transport services;9. Cultural activities and games of chance: CNAE-2019: 90, 91, 92;valor;2021;0 3: Passenger rail transport services;9. Cultural activities and games of chance: CNAE-2019: 90, 91, 92;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 3: Passenger rail transport services;10. Sports and recreational activities: CNAE-2019: 93;valor;2021;0 3: Passenger rail transport services;10. Sports and recreational activities: CNAE-2019: 93;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 3: Passenger rail transport services;Total tourism industries;valor;2021;2.131,3 3: Passenger rail transport services;Total tourism industries;tourism proportion (in value);2021;1.534,8 3: Passenger rail transport services;Other industries;valor;2021;519,2 3: Passenger rail transport services;Other industries;tourism proportion (in value);2021;373,9 3: Passenger rail transport services;Production by internal producers (at basic prices);valor;2021;2.650,5 3: Passenger rail transport services;Production by internal producers (at basic prices);tourism proportion (in value);2021;1.908,6 3: Passenger rail transport services;Margins, net taxes on products and imports;valor;2021;-661,6 3: Passenger rail transport services;Margins, net taxes on products and imports;tourism proportion (in value);2021;-476,7 3: Passenger rail transport services;Domestic supply at acquisition prices;valor;2021;1.988,9 3: Passenger rail transport services;Domestic supply at acquisition prices;tourism proportion (in value);2021;72 3: Passenger rail transport services;Domestic tourism consumption;valor;2021;1.431,9 3: Passenger rail transport services;Domestic tourism consumption;tourism proportion (in value);2021;.. 4: Passenger transport by road services;1. Accommodation for visitors (H): CNAE-2019:55;valor;2021;0 4: Passenger transport by road services;1. Accommodation for visitors (H): CNAE-2019:55;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 4: Passenger transport by road services;1. Accommodation for visitors (RENT): CNAE-2019: 68;valor;2021;0 4: Passenger transport by road services;1. Accommodation for visitors (RENT): CNAE-2019: 68;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 4: Passenger transport by road services;2. Food and beverage provision activities: CNAE-2019: 56;valor;2021;0 4: Passenger transport by road services;2. Food and beverage provision activities: CNAE-2019: 56;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 4: Passenger transport by road services;3. Passenger rail transport: CNAE-2019: 49.1;valor;2021;59,3 4: Passenger transport by road services;3. Passenger rail transport: CNAE-2019: 49.1;tourism proportion (in value);2021;8,8 4: Passenger transport by road services;4. Passenger transport by road: CNAE-2019: 49.3;valor;2021;10.483,2 4: Passenger transport by road services;4. Passenger transport by road: CNAE-2019: 49.3;tourism proportion (in value);2021;1.565,6 4: Passenger transport by road services;5. Passenger transport by water: CNAE-2019: 501, 503;valor;2021;0 4: Passenger transport by road services;5. Passenger transport by water: CNAE-2019: 501, 503;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 4: Passenger transport by road services;511: 6. Passenger air transport;valor;2021;0 4: Passenger transport by road services;511: 6. Passenger air transport;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 4: Passenger transport by road services;7. Rental of transport equipment: CNAE-2019: 771;valor;2021;159,6 4: Passenger transport by road services;7. Rental of transport equipment: CNAE-2019: 771;tourism proportion (in value);2021;23,8 4: Passenger transport by road services;8. Travel agency and other reservation services activities: CNAE-2019: 79;valor;2021;0 4: Passenger transport by road services;8. Travel agency and other reservation services activities: CNAE-2019: 79;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 4: Passenger transport by road services;9. Cultural activities and games of chance: CNAE-2019: 90, 91, 92;valor;2021;0 4: Passenger transport by road services;9. Cultural activities and games of chance: CNAE-2019: 90, 91, 92;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 4: Passenger transport by road services;10. Sports and recreational activities: CNAE-2019: 93;valor;2021;0 4: Passenger transport by road services;10. Sports and recreational activities: CNAE-2019: 93;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 4: Passenger transport by road services;Total tourism industries;valor;2021;10.702,1 4: Passenger transport by road services;Total tourism industries;tourism proportion (in value);2021;1.598,3 4: Passenger transport by road services;Other industries;valor;2021;1.145,6 4: Passenger transport by road services;Other industries;tourism proportion (in value);2021;171,1 4: Passenger transport by road services;Production by internal producers (at basic prices);valor;2021;11.847,7 4: Passenger transport by road services;Production by internal producers (at basic prices);tourism proportion (in value);2021;1.769,3 4: Passenger transport by road services;Margins, net taxes on products and imports;valor;2021;-306,3 4: Passenger transport by road services;Margins, net taxes on products and imports;tourism proportion (in value);2021;-51 4: Passenger transport by road services;Domestic supply at acquisition prices;valor;2021;11.541,4 4: Passenger transport by road services;Domestic supply at acquisition prices;tourism proportion (in value);2021;14,9 4: Passenger transport by road services;Domestic tourism consumption;valor;2021;1.718,3 4: Passenger transport by road services;Domestic tourism consumption;tourism proportion (in value);2021;.. 5: Passenger transport by water services;1. Accommodation for visitors (H): CNAE-2019:55;valor;2021;0 5: Passenger transport by water services;1. Accommodation for visitors (H): CNAE-2019:55;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 5: Passenger transport by water services;1. Accommodation for visitors (RENT): CNAE-2019: 68;valor;2021;0 5: Passenger transport by water services;1. Accommodation for visitors (RENT): CNAE-2019: 68;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 5: Passenger transport by water services;2. Food and beverage provision activities: CNAE-2019: 56;valor;2021;0 5: Passenger transport by water services;2. Food and beverage provision activities: CNAE-2019: 56;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 5: Passenger transport by water services;3. Passenger rail transport: CNAE-2019: 49.1;valor;2021;0 5: Passenger transport by water services;3. Passenger rail transport: CNAE-2019: 49.1;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 5: Passenger transport by water services;4. Passenger transport by road: CNAE-2019: 49.3;valor;2021;0 5: Passenger transport by water services;4. Passenger transport by road: CNAE-2019: 49.3;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 5: Passenger transport by water services;5. Passenger transport by water: CNAE-2019: 501, 503;valor;2021;1.145,2 5: Passenger transport by water services;5. Passenger transport by water: CNAE-2019: 501, 503;tourism proportion (in value);2021;1.145,2 5: Passenger transport by water services;511: 6. Passenger air transport;valor;2021;0 5: Passenger transport by water services;511: 6. Passenger air transport;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 5: Passenger transport by water services;7. Rental of transport equipment: CNAE-2019: 771;valor;2021;28,8 5: Passenger transport by water services;7. Rental of transport equipment: CNAE-2019: 771;tourism proportion (in value);2021;28,8 5: Passenger transport by water services;8. Travel agency and other reservation services activities: CNAE-2019: 79;valor;2021;0 5: Passenger transport by water services;8. Travel agency and other reservation services activities: CNAE-2019: 79;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 5: Passenger transport by water services;9. Cultural activities and games of chance: CNAE-2019: 90, 91, 92;valor;2021;0 5: Passenger transport by water services;9. Cultural activities and games of chance: CNAE-2019: 90, 91, 92;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 5: Passenger transport by water services;10. Sports and recreational activities: CNAE-2019: 93;valor;2021;0 5: Passenger transport by water services;10. Sports and recreational activities: CNAE-2019: 93;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 5: Passenger transport by water services;Total tourism industries;valor;2021;1.173,9 5: Passenger transport by water services;Total tourism industries;tourism proportion (in value);2021;1.173,9 5: Passenger transport by water services;Other industries;valor;2021;0 5: Passenger transport by water services;Other industries;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 5: Passenger transport by water services;Production by internal producers (at basic prices);valor;2021;1.174 5: Passenger transport by water services;Production by internal producers (at basic prices);tourism proportion (in value);2021;1.174 5: Passenger transport by water services;Margins, net taxes on products and imports;valor;2021;-4,1 5: Passenger transport by water services;Margins, net taxes on products and imports;tourism proportion (in value);2021;-4,1 5: Passenger transport by water services;Domestic supply at acquisition prices;valor;2021;1.169,9 5: Passenger transport by water services;Domestic supply at acquisition prices;tourism proportion (in value);2021;100 5: Passenger transport by water services;Domestic tourism consumption;valor;2021;1.169,9 5: Passenger transport by water services;Domestic tourism consumption;tourism proportion (in value);2021;.. 6: Passenger air transport services;1. Accommodation for visitors (H): CNAE-2019:55;valor;2021;0 6: Passenger air transport services;1. Accommodation for visitors (H): CNAE-2019:55;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 6: Passenger air transport services;1. Accommodation for visitors (RENT): CNAE-2019: 68;valor;2021;0 6: Passenger air transport services;1. Accommodation for visitors (RENT): CNAE-2019: 68;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 6: Passenger air transport services;2. Food and beverage provision activities: CNAE-2019: 56;valor;2021;0 6: Passenger air transport services;2. Food and beverage provision activities: CNAE-2019: 56;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 6: Passenger air transport services;3. Passenger rail transport: CNAE-2019: 49.1;valor;2021;0 6: Passenger air transport services;3. Passenger rail transport: CNAE-2019: 49.1;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 6: Passenger air transport services;4. Passenger transport by road: CNAE-2019: 49.3;valor;2021;0 6: Passenger air transport services;4. Passenger transport by road: CNAE-2019: 49.3;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 6: Passenger air transport services;5. Passenger transport by water: CNAE-2019: 501, 503;valor;2021;0 6: Passenger air transport services;5. Passenger transport by water: CNAE-2019: 501, 503;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 6: Passenger air transport services;511: 6. Passenger air transport;valor;2021;5.498,7 6: Passenger air transport services;511: 6. Passenger air transport;tourism proportion (in value);2021;5.498,7 6: Passenger air transport services;7. Rental of transport equipment: CNAE-2019: 771;valor;2021;0 6: Passenger air transport services;7. Rental of transport equipment: CNAE-2019: 771;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 6: Passenger air transport services;8. Travel agency and other reservation services activities: CNAE-2019: 79;valor;2021;0 6: Passenger air transport services;8. Travel agency and other reservation services activities: CNAE-2019: 79;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 6: Passenger air transport services;9. Cultural activities and games of chance: CNAE-2019: 90, 91, 92;valor;2021;0 6: Passenger air transport services;9. Cultural activities and games of chance: CNAE-2019: 90, 91, 92;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 6: Passenger air transport services;10. Sports and recreational activities: CNAE-2019: 93;valor;2021;0 6: Passenger air transport services;10. Sports and recreational activities: CNAE-2019: 93;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 6: Passenger air transport services;Total tourism industries;valor;2021;5.498,7 6: Passenger air transport services;Total tourism industries;tourism proportion (in value);2021;5.498,7 6: Passenger air transport services;Other industries;valor;2021;0 6: Passenger air transport services;Other industries;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 6: Passenger air transport services;Production by internal producers (at basic prices);valor;2021;5.498,7 6: Passenger air transport services;Production by internal producers (at basic prices);tourism proportion (in value);2021;5.498,7 6: Passenger air transport services;Margins, net taxes on products and imports;valor;2021;528,4 6: Passenger air transport services;Margins, net taxes on products and imports;tourism proportion (in value);2021;44 6: Passenger air transport services;Domestic supply at acquisition prices;valor;2021;6.027,1 6: Passenger air transport services;Domestic supply at acquisition prices;tourism proportion (in value);2021;92 6: Passenger air transport services;Domestic tourism consumption;valor;2021;5.542,8 6: Passenger air transport services;Domestic tourism consumption;tourism proportion (in value);2021;.. 7: Transport equipment rental services;1. Accommodation for visitors (H): CNAE-2019:55;valor;2021;3,6 7: Transport equipment rental services;1. Accommodation for visitors (H): CNAE-2019:55;tourism proportion (in value);2021;3,6 7: Transport equipment rental services;1. Accommodation for visitors (RENT): CNAE-2019: 68;valor;2021;28,2 7: Transport equipment rental services;1. Accommodation for visitors (RENT): CNAE-2019: 68;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 7: Transport equipment rental services;2. Food and beverage provision activities: CNAE-2019: 56;valor;2021;2,5 7: Transport equipment rental services;2. Food and beverage provision activities: CNAE-2019: 56;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0,3 7: Transport equipment rental services;3. Passenger rail transport: CNAE-2019: 49.1;valor;2021;0,2 7: Transport equipment rental services;3. Passenger rail transport: CNAE-2019: 49.1;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0,2 7: Transport equipment rental services;4. Passenger transport by road: CNAE-2019: 49.3;valor;2021;0,4 7: Transport equipment rental services;4. Passenger transport by road: CNAE-2019: 49.3;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 7: Transport equipment rental services;5. Passenger transport by water: CNAE-2019: 501, 503;valor;2021;0,1 7: Transport equipment rental services;5. Passenger transport by water: CNAE-2019: 501, 503;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 7: Transport equipment rental services;511: 6. Passenger air transport;valor;2021;0,3 7: Transport equipment rental services;511: 6. Passenger air transport;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0,3 7: Transport equipment rental services;7. Rental of transport equipment: CNAE-2019: 771;valor;2021;4.107 7: Transport equipment rental services;7. Rental of transport equipment: CNAE-2019: 771;tourism proportion (in value);2021;536,5 7: Transport equipment rental services;8. Travel agency and other reservation services activities: CNAE-2019: 79;valor;2021;0,1 7: Transport equipment rental services;8. Travel agency and other reservation services activities: CNAE-2019: 79;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0,1 7: Transport equipment rental services;9. Cultural activities and games of chance: CNAE-2019: 90, 91, 92;valor;2021;5,4 7: Transport equipment rental services;9. Cultural activities and games of chance: CNAE-2019: 90, 91, 92;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0,8 7: Transport equipment rental services;10. Sports and recreational activities: CNAE-2019: 93;valor;2021;2,5 7: Transport equipment rental services;10. Sports and recreational activities: CNAE-2019: 93;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0,3 7: Transport equipment rental services;Total tourism industries;valor;2021;4.150,2 7: Transport equipment rental services;Total tourism industries;tourism proportion (in value);2021;542,1 7: Transport equipment rental services;Other industries;valor;2021;949,1 7: Transport equipment rental services;Other industries;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 7: Transport equipment rental services;Production by internal producers (at basic prices);valor;2021;5.099,3 7: Transport equipment rental services;Production by internal producers (at basic prices);tourism proportion (in value);2021;542,1 7: Transport equipment rental services;Margins, net taxes on products and imports;valor;2021;702,6 7: Transport equipment rental services;Margins, net taxes on products and imports;tourism proportion (in value);2021;278,5 7: Transport equipment rental services;Domestic supply at acquisition prices;valor;2021;5.801,9 7: Transport equipment rental services;Domestic supply at acquisition prices;tourism proportion (in value);2021;14,1 7: Transport equipment rental services;Domestic tourism consumption;valor;2021;820,6 7: Transport equipment rental services;Domestic tourism consumption;tourism proportion (in value);2021;.. 8: Travel agencies and other reservation services;1. Accommodation for visitors (H): CNAE-2019:55;valor;2021;60 8: Travel agencies and other reservation services;1. Accommodation for visitors (H): CNAE-2019:55;tourism proportion (in value);2021;60 8: Travel agencies and other reservation services;1. Accommodation for visitors (RENT): CNAE-2019: 68;valor;2021;0 8: Travel agencies and other reservation services;1. Accommodation for visitors (RENT): CNAE-2019: 68;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 8: Travel agencies and other reservation services;2. Food and beverage provision activities: CNAE-2019: 56;valor;2021;0 8: Travel agencies and other reservation services;2. Food and beverage provision activities: CNAE-2019: 56;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 8: Travel agencies and other reservation services;3. Passenger rail transport: CNAE-2019: 49.1;valor;2021;0 8: Travel agencies and other reservation services;3. Passenger rail transport: CNAE-2019: 49.1;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 8: Travel agencies and other reservation services;4. Passenger transport by road: CNAE-2019: 49.3;valor;2021;1,5 8: Travel agencies and other reservation services;4. Passenger transport by road: CNAE-2019: 49.3;tourism proportion (in value);2021;1,5 8: Travel agencies and other reservation services;5. Passenger transport by water: CNAE-2019: 501, 503;valor;2021;0 8: Travel agencies and other reservation services;5. Passenger transport by water: CNAE-2019: 501, 503;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 8: Travel agencies and other reservation services;511: 6. Passenger air transport;valor;2021;0 8: Travel agencies and other reservation services;511: 6. Passenger air transport;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 8: Travel agencies and other reservation services;7. Rental of transport equipment: CNAE-2019: 771;valor;2021;0 8: Travel agencies and other reservation services;7. Rental of transport equipment: CNAE-2019: 771;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 8: Travel agencies and other reservation services;8. Travel agency and other reservation services activities: CNAE-2019: 79;valor;2021;2.875,6 8: Travel agencies and other reservation services;8. Travel agency and other reservation services activities: CNAE-2019: 79;tourism proportion (in value);2021;2.875,6 8: Travel agencies and other reservation services;9. Cultural activities and games of chance: CNAE-2019: 90, 91, 92;valor;2021;0 8: Travel agencies and other reservation services;9. Cultural activities and games of chance: CNAE-2019: 90, 91, 92;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 8: Travel agencies and other reservation services;10. Sports and recreational activities: CNAE-2019: 93;valor;2021;0 8: Travel agencies and other reservation services;10. Sports and recreational activities: CNAE-2019: 93;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 8: Travel agencies and other reservation services;Total tourism industries;valor;2021;2.937,1 8: Travel agencies and other reservation services;Total tourism industries;tourism proportion (in value);2021;2.937,1 8: Travel agencies and other reservation services;Other industries;valor;2021;281,1 8: Travel agencies and other reservation services;Other industries;tourism proportion (in value);2021;280,9 8: Travel agencies and other reservation services;Production by internal producers (at basic prices);valor;2021;3.218,2 8: Travel agencies and other reservation services;Production by internal producers (at basic prices);tourism proportion (in value);2021;3.218 8: Travel agencies and other reservation services;Margins, net taxes on products and imports;valor;2021;926 8: Travel agencies and other reservation services;Margins, net taxes on products and imports;tourism proportion (in value);2021;272 8: Travel agencies and other reservation services;Domestic supply at acquisition prices;valor;2021;4.144,2 8: Travel agencies and other reservation services;Domestic supply at acquisition prices;tourism proportion (in value);2021;84,2 8: Travel agencies and other reservation services;Domestic tourism consumption;valor;2021;3.490 8: Travel agencies and other reservation services;Domestic tourism consumption;tourism proportion (in value);2021;.. 9: Cultural services;1. Accommodation for visitors (H): CNAE-2019:55;valor;2021;0 9: Cultural services;1. Accommodation for visitors (H): CNAE-2019:55;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 9: Cultural services;1. Accommodation for visitors (RENT): CNAE-2019: 68;valor;2021;0 9: Cultural services;1. Accommodation for visitors (RENT): CNAE-2019: 68;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 9: Cultural services;2. Food and beverage provision activities: CNAE-2019: 56;valor;2021;1.149,2 9: Cultural services;2. Food and beverage provision activities: CNAE-2019: 56;tourism proportion (in value);2021;237,3 9: Cultural services;3. Passenger rail transport: CNAE-2019: 49.1;valor;2021;0 9: Cultural services;3. Passenger rail transport: CNAE-2019: 49.1;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 9: Cultural services;4. Passenger transport by road: CNAE-2019: 49.3;valor;2021;0 9: Cultural services;4. Passenger transport by road: CNAE-2019: 49.3;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 9: Cultural services;5. Passenger transport by water: CNAE-2019: 501, 503;valor;2021;0,1 9: Cultural services;5. Passenger transport by water: CNAE-2019: 501, 503;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0,1 9: Cultural services;511: 6. Passenger air transport;valor;2021;0 9: Cultural services;511: 6. Passenger air transport;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 9: Cultural services;7. Rental of transport equipment: CNAE-2019: 771;valor;2021;0 9: Cultural services;7. Rental of transport equipment: CNAE-2019: 771;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 9: Cultural services;8. Travel agency and other reservation services activities: CNAE-2019: 79;valor;2021;0 9: Cultural services;8. Travel agency and other reservation services activities: CNAE-2019: 79;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 9: Cultural services;9. Cultural activities and games of chance: CNAE-2019: 90, 91, 92;valor;2021;15.862,1 9: Cultural services;9. Cultural activities and games of chance: CNAE-2019: 90, 91, 92;tourism proportion (in value);2021;2.541,4 9: Cultural services;10. Sports and recreational activities: CNAE-2019: 93;valor;2021;0 9: Cultural services;10. Sports and recreational activities: CNAE-2019: 93;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 9: Cultural services;Total tourism industries;valor;2021;17.011,4 9: Cultural services;Total tourism industries;tourism proportion (in value);2021;2.778,8 9: Cultural services;Other industries;valor;2021;1.217,4 9: Cultural services;Other industries;tourism proportion (in value);2021;141,8 9: Cultural services;Production by internal producers (at basic prices);valor;2021;18.228,8 9: Cultural services;Production by internal producers (at basic prices);tourism proportion (in value);2021;2.920,6 9: Cultural services;Margins, net taxes on products and imports;valor;2021;1.352,2 9: Cultural services;Margins, net taxes on products and imports;tourism proportion (in value);2021;193,5 9: Cultural services;Domestic supply at acquisition prices;valor;2021;19.581 9: Cultural services;Domestic supply at acquisition prices;tourism proportion (in value);2021;15,9 9: Cultural services;Domestic tourism consumption;valor;2021;3.114,1 9: Cultural services;Domestic tourism consumption;tourism proportion (in value);2021;.. 10: Sports and recreational services;1. Accommodation for visitors (H): CNAE-2019:55;valor;2021;62,4 10: Sports and recreational services;1. Accommodation for visitors (H): CNAE-2019:55;tourism proportion (in value);2021;17,6 10: Sports and recreational services;1. Accommodation for visitors (RENT): CNAE-2019: 68;valor;2021;0 10: Sports and recreational services;1. Accommodation for visitors (RENT): CNAE-2019: 68;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 10: Sports and recreational services;2. Food and beverage provision activities: CNAE-2019: 56;valor;2021;914,6 10: Sports and recreational services;2. Food and beverage provision activities: CNAE-2019: 56;tourism proportion (in value);2021;231,2 10: Sports and recreational services;3. Passenger rail transport: CNAE-2019: 49.1;valor;2021;0,2 10: Sports and recreational services;3. Passenger rail transport: CNAE-2019: 49.1;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0,2 10: Sports and recreational services;4. Passenger transport by road: CNAE-2019: 49.3;valor;2021;0 10: Sports and recreational services;4. Passenger transport by road: CNAE-2019: 49.3;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 10: Sports and recreational services;5. Passenger transport by water: CNAE-2019: 501, 503;valor;2021;0 10: Sports and recreational services;5. Passenger transport by water: CNAE-2019: 501, 503;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 10: Sports and recreational services;511: 6. Passenger air transport;valor;2021;0 10: Sports and recreational services;511: 6. Passenger air transport;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 10: Sports and recreational services;7. Rental of transport equipment: CNAE-2019: 771;valor;2021;0 10: Sports and recreational services;7. Rental of transport equipment: CNAE-2019: 771;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 10: Sports and recreational services;8. Travel agency and other reservation services activities: CNAE-2019: 79;valor;2021;0 10: Sports and recreational services;8. Travel agency and other reservation services activities: CNAE-2019: 79;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 10: Sports and recreational services;9. Cultural activities and games of chance: CNAE-2019: 90, 91, 92;valor;2021;0 10: Sports and recreational services;9. Cultural activities and games of chance: CNAE-2019: 90, 91, 92;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 10: Sports and recreational services;10. Sports and recreational activities: CNAE-2019: 93;valor;2021;15.643,3 10: Sports and recreational services;10. Sports and recreational activities: CNAE-2019: 93;tourism proportion (in value);2021;4.413,7 10: Sports and recreational services;Total tourism industries;valor;2021;16.620,5 10: Sports and recreational services;Total tourism industries;tourism proportion (in value);2021;4.662,7 10: Sports and recreational services;Other industries;valor;2021;1.208,3 10: Sports and recreational services;Other industries;tourism proportion (in value);2021;367,7 10: Sports and recreational services;Production by internal producers (at basic prices);valor;2021;17.828,8 10: Sports and recreational services;Production by internal producers (at basic prices);tourism proportion (in value);2021;5.030,4 10: Sports and recreational services;Margins, net taxes on products and imports;valor;2021;1.640,6 10: Sports and recreational services;Margins, net taxes on products and imports;tourism proportion (in value);2021;445,4 10: Sports and recreational services;Domestic supply at acquisition prices;valor;2021;19.469,4 10: Sports and recreational services;Domestic supply at acquisition prices;tourism proportion (in value);2021;28,1 10: Sports and recreational services;Domestic tourism consumption;valor;2021;5.475,8 10: Sports and recreational services;Domestic tourism consumption;tourism proportion (in value);2021;.. B: Other non-characteristic products;1. Accommodation for visitors (H): CNAE-2019:55;valor;2021;309,9 B: Other non-characteristic products;1. Accommodation for visitors (H): CNAE-2019:55;tourism proportion (in value);2021;265,3 B: Other non-characteristic products;1. Accommodation for visitors (RENT): CNAE-2019: 68;valor;2021;2.174 B: Other non-characteristic products;1. Accommodation for visitors (RENT): CNAE-2019: 68;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 B: Other non-characteristic products;2. Food and beverage provision activities: CNAE-2019: 56;valor;2021;1.160 B: Other non-characteristic products;2. Food and beverage provision activities: CNAE-2019: 56;tourism proportion (in value);2021;293,2 B: Other non-characteristic products;3. Passenger rail transport: CNAE-2019: 49.1;valor;2021;45,5 B: Other non-characteristic products;3. Passenger rail transport: CNAE-2019: 49.1;tourism proportion (in value);2021;32,7 B: Other non-characteristic products;4. Passenger transport by road: CNAE-2019: 49.3;valor;2021;364,9 B: Other non-characteristic products;4. Passenger transport by road: CNAE-2019: 49.3;tourism proportion (in value);2021;54,5 B: Other non-characteristic products;5. Passenger transport by water: CNAE-2019: 501, 503;valor;2021;20 B: Other non-characteristic products;5. Passenger transport by water: CNAE-2019: 501, 503;tourism proportion (in value);2021;20 B: Other non-characteristic products;511: 6. Passenger air transport;valor;2021;687,1 B: Other non-characteristic products;511: 6. Passenger air transport;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0 B: Other non-characteristic products;7. Rental of transport equipment: CNAE-2019: 771;valor;2021;3.227 B: Other non-characteristic products;7. Rental of transport equipment: CNAE-2019: 771;tourism proportion (in value);2021;263,9 B: Other non-characteristic products;8. Travel agency and other reservation services activities: CNAE-2019: 79;valor;2021;115,7 B: Other non-characteristic products;8. Travel agency and other reservation services activities: CNAE-2019: 79;tourism proportion (in value);2021;115,7 B: Other non-characteristic products;9. Cultural activities and games of chance: CNAE-2019: 90, 91, 92;valor;2021;3.956,4 B: Other non-characteristic products;9. Cultural activities and games of chance: CNAE-2019: 90, 91, 92;tourism proportion (in value);2021;633,9 B: Other non-characteristic products;10. Sports and recreational activities: CNAE-2019: 93;valor;2021;1.518,2 B: Other non-characteristic products;10. Sports and recreational activities: CNAE-2019: 93;tourism proportion (in value);2021;428,4 B: Other non-characteristic products;Total tourism industries;valor;2021;13.578,5 B: Other non-characteristic products;Total tourism industries;tourism proportion (in value);2021;2.107,6 B: Other non-characteristic products;Other industries;valor;2021;1.936.106,6 B: Other non-characteristic products;Other industries;tourism proportion (in value);2021;6.404,8 B: Other non-characteristic products;Production by internal producers (at basic prices);valor;2021;1.949.685,1 B: Other non-characteristic products;Production by internal producers (at basic prices);tourism proportion (in value);2021;8.512,4 B: Other non-characteristic products;Margins, net taxes on products and imports;valor;2021;506.225,2 B: Other non-characteristic products;Margins, net taxes on products and imports;tourism proportion (in value);2021;13.592 B: Other non-characteristic products;Domestic supply at acquisition prices;valor;2021;2.455.910,3 B: Other non-characteristic products;Domestic supply at acquisition prices;tourism proportion (in value);2021;0,9 B: Other non-characteristic products;Domestic tourism consumption;valor;2021;22.104,3 B: Other non-characteristic products;Domestic tourism consumption;tourism proportion (in value);2021;.. Total production;1. Accommodation for visitors (H): CNAE-2019:55;valor;2021;18.136 Total production;1. Accommodation for visitors (H): CNAE-2019:55;tourism proportion (in value);2021;16.804,7 Total production;1. Accommodation for visitors (RENT): CNAE-2019: 68;valor;2021;161.774 Total production;1. Accommodation for visitors (RENT): CNAE-2019: 68;tourism proportion (in value);2021;17.791,6 Total production;2. Food and beverage provision activities: CNAE-2019: 56;valor;2021;74.055 Total production;2. Food and beverage provision activities: CNAE-2019: 56;tourism proportion (in value);2021;17.890,8 Total production;3. Passenger rail transport: CNAE-2019: 49.1;valor;2021;2.244 Total production;3. Passenger rail transport: CNAE-2019: 49.1;tourism proportion (in value);2021;1.576,7 Total production;4. Passenger transport by road: CNAE-2019: 49.3;valor;2021;10.874 Total production;4. Passenger transport by road: CNAE-2019: 49.3;tourism proportion (in value);2021;1.621,7 Total production;5. Passenger transport by water: CNAE-2019: 501, 503;valor;2021;1.174,3 Total production;5. Passenger transport by water: CNAE-2019: 501, 503;tourism proportion (in value);2021;1.172 Total production;511: 6. Passenger air transport;valor;2021;6.196,7 Total production;511: 6. Passenger air transport;tourism proportion (in value);2021;5.499 Total production;7. Rental of transport equipment: CNAE-2019: 771;valor;2021;7.526,3 Total production;7. Rental of transport equipment: CNAE-2019: 771;tourism proportion (in value);2021;853,1 Total production;8. Travel agency and other reservation services activities: CNAE-2019: 79;valor;2021;3.001,2 Total production;8. Travel agency and other reservation services activities: CNAE-2019: 79;tourism proportion (in value);2021;2.991,4 Total production;9. Cultural activities and games of chance: CNAE-2019: 90, 91, 92;valor;2021;20.552 Total production;9. Cultural activities and games of chance: CNAE-2019: 90, 91, 92;tourism proportion (in value);2021;3.343,1 Total production;10. Sports and recreational activities: CNAE-2019: 93;valor;2021;17.323 Total production;10. Sports and recreational activities: CNAE-2019: 93;tourism proportion (in value);2021;4.843 Total production;Total tourism industries;valor;2021;322.856,4 Total production;Total tourism industries;tourism proportion (in value);2021;74.387,1 Total production;Other industries;valor;2021;1.955.635,8 Total production;Other industries;tourism proportion (in value);2021;8.303,1 Total production;Production by internal producers (at basic prices);valor;2021;2.278.492,2 Total production;Production by internal producers (at basic prices);tourism proportion (in value);2021;2.278.492,2 Total production;Margins, net taxes on products and imports;valor;2021;521.713 Total production;Margins, net taxes on products and imports;tourism proportion (in value);2021;16.922,8 Total production;Domestic supply at acquisition prices;valor;2021;2.800.205,2 Total production;Domestic supply at acquisition prices;tourism proportion (in value);2021;3,6 Total production;Domestic tourism consumption;valor;2021;99.613 Total production;Domestic tourism consumption;tourism proportion (in value);2021;.. TOTAL INTERMEDIATE CONSUMPTION (at acquisition price);1. Accommodation for visitors (H): CNAE-2019:55;valor;2021;9.282 TOTAL INTERMEDIATE CONSUMPTION (at acquisition price);1. Accommodation for visitors (H): CNAE-2019:55;tourism proportion (in value);2021;8.600,7 TOTAL INTERMEDIATE CONSUMPTION (at acquisition price);1. Accommodation for visitors (RENT): CNAE-2019: 68;valor;2021;23.729 TOTAL INTERMEDIATE CONSUMPTION (at acquisition price);1. Accommodation for visitors (RENT): CNAE-2019: 68;tourism proportion (in value);2021;2.609,7 TOTAL INTERMEDIATE CONSUMPTION (at acquisition price);2. Food and beverage provision activities: CNAE-2019: 56;valor;2021;32.708 TOTAL INTERMEDIATE CONSUMPTION (at acquisition price);2. Food and beverage provision activities: CNAE-2019: 56;tourism proportion (in value);2021;7.901,9 TOTAL INTERMEDIATE CONSUMPTION (at acquisition price);3. Passenger rail transport: CNAE-2019: 49.1;valor;2021;2.007,2 TOTAL INTERMEDIATE CONSUMPTION (at acquisition price);3. Passenger rail transport: CNAE-2019: 49.1;tourism proportion (in value);2021;1.410,3 TOTAL INTERMEDIATE CONSUMPTION (at acquisition price);4. Passenger transport by road: CNAE-2019: 49.3;valor;2021;3.949 TOTAL INTERMEDIATE CONSUMPTION (at acquisition price);4. Passenger transport by road: CNAE-2019: 49.3;tourism proportion (in value);2021;588,9 TOTAL INTERMEDIATE CONSUMPTION (at acquisition price);5. Passenger transport by water: CNAE-2019: 501, 503;valor;2021;868,9 TOTAL INTERMEDIATE CONSUMPTION (at acquisition price);5. Passenger transport by water: CNAE-2019: 501, 503;tourism proportion (in value);2021;867,2 TOTAL INTERMEDIATE CONSUMPTION (at acquisition price);511: 6. Passenger air transport;valor;2021;5.596,2 TOTAL INTERMEDIATE CONSUMPTION (at acquisition price);511: 6. Passenger air transport;tourism proportion (in value);2021;4.966,1 TOTAL INTERMEDIATE CONSUMPTION (at acquisition price);7. Rental of transport equipment: CNAE-2019: 771;valor;2021;3.739,3 TOTAL INTERMEDIATE CONSUMPTION (at acquisition price);7. Rental of transport equipment: CNAE-2019: 771;tourism proportion (in value);2021;423,8 TOTAL INTERMEDIATE CONSUMPTION (at acquisition price);8. Travel agency and other reservation services activities: CNAE-2019: 79;valor;2021;1.985,2 TOTAL INTERMEDIATE CONSUMPTION (at acquisition price);8. Travel agency and other reservation services activities: CNAE-2019: 79;tourism proportion (in value);2021;1.978,7 TOTAL INTERMEDIATE CONSUMPTION (at acquisition price);9. Cultural activities and games of chance: CNAE-2019: 90, 91, 92;valor;2021;13.065 TOTAL INTERMEDIATE CONSUMPTION (at acquisition price);9. Cultural activities and games of chance: CNAE-2019: 90, 91, 92;tourism proportion (in value);2021;2.125,2 TOTAL INTERMEDIATE CONSUMPTION (at acquisition price);10. Sports and recreational activities: CNAE-2019: 93;valor;2021;7.952 TOTAL INTERMEDIATE CONSUMPTION (at acquisition price);10. Sports and recreational activities: CNAE-2019: 93;tourism proportion (in value);2021;2.223,1 TOTAL INTERMEDIATE CONSUMPTION (at acquisition price);Total tourism industries;valor;2021;104.881,7 TOTAL INTERMEDIATE CONSUMPTION (at acquisition price);Total tourism industries;tourism proportion (in value);2021;33.695,6 TOTAL INTERMEDIATE CONSUMPTION (at acquisition price);Other industries;valor;2021;1.055.015,5 TOTAL INTERMEDIATE CONSUMPTION (at acquisition price);Other industries;tourism proportion (in value);2021;4.479,3 TOTAL INTERMEDIATE CONSUMPTION (at acquisition price);Production by internal producers (at basic prices);valor;2021;1.159.897,2 TOTAL INTERMEDIATE CONSUMPTION (at acquisition price);Production by internal producers (at basic prices);tourism proportion (in value);2021;2.233.976,9 TOTAL INTERMEDIATE CONSUMPTION (at acquisition price);Margins, net taxes on products and imports;valor;2021;.. TOTAL INTERMEDIATE CONSUMPTION (at acquisition price);Margins, net taxes on products and imports;tourism proportion (in value);2021;.. TOTAL INTERMEDIATE CONSUMPTION (at acquisition price);Domestic supply at acquisition prices;valor;2021;.. TOTAL INTERMEDIATE CONSUMPTION (at acquisition price);Domestic supply at acquisition prices;tourism proportion (in value);2021;.. TOTAL INTERMEDIATE CONSUMPTION (at acquisition price);Domestic tourism consumption;valor;2021;.. TOTAL INTERMEDIATE CONSUMPTION (at acquisition price);Domestic tourism consumption;tourism proportion (in value);2021;.. TOTAL GROSS VALUE ADDED (at basic prices);1. Accommodation for visitors (H): CNAE-2019:55;valor;2021;8.854 TOTAL GROSS VALUE ADDED (at basic prices);1. Accommodation for visitors (H): CNAE-2019:55;tourism proportion (in value);2021;8.204,1 TOTAL GROSS VALUE ADDED (at basic prices);1. Accommodation for visitors (RENT): CNAE-2019: 68;valor;2021;138.045 TOTAL GROSS VALUE ADDED (at basic prices);1. Accommodation for visitors (RENT): CNAE-2019: 68;tourism proportion (in value);2021;15.181,9 TOTAL GROSS VALUE ADDED (at basic prices);2. Food and beverage provision activities: CNAE-2019: 56;valor;2021;41.347 TOTAL GROSS VALUE ADDED (at basic prices);2. Food and beverage provision activities: CNAE-2019: 56;tourism proportion (in value);2021;9.989 TOTAL GROSS VALUE ADDED (at basic prices);3. Passenger rail transport: CNAE-2019: 49.1;valor;2021;236,8 TOTAL GROSS VALUE ADDED (at basic prices);3. Passenger rail transport: CNAE-2019: 49.1;tourism proportion (in value);2021;166,4 TOTAL GROSS VALUE ADDED (at basic prices);4. Passenger transport by road: CNAE-2019: 49.3;valor;2021;6.925 TOTAL GROSS VALUE ADDED (at basic prices);4. Passenger transport by road: CNAE-2019: 49.3;tourism proportion (in value);2021;1.032,7 TOTAL GROSS VALUE ADDED (at basic prices);5. Passenger transport by water: CNAE-2019: 501, 503;valor;2021;305,4 TOTAL GROSS VALUE ADDED (at basic prices);5. Passenger transport by water: CNAE-2019: 501, 503;tourism proportion (in value);2021;304,8 TOTAL GROSS VALUE ADDED (at basic prices);511: 6. Passenger air transport;valor;2021;600,6 TOTAL GROSS VALUE ADDED (at basic prices);511: 6. Passenger air transport;tourism proportion (in value);2021;532,9 TOTAL GROSS VALUE ADDED (at basic prices);7. Rental of transport equipment: CNAE-2019: 771;valor;2021;3.787 TOTAL GROSS VALUE ADDED (at basic prices);7. Rental of transport equipment: CNAE-2019: 771;tourism proportion (in value);2021;429,2 TOTAL GROSS VALUE ADDED (at basic prices);8. Travel agency and other reservation services activities: CNAE-2019: 79;valor;2021;1.016 TOTAL GROSS VALUE ADDED (at basic prices);8. Travel agency and other reservation services activities: CNAE-2019: 79;tourism proportion (in value);2021;1.012,7 TOTAL GROSS VALUE ADDED (at basic prices);9. Cultural activities and games of chance: CNAE-2019: 90, 91, 92;valor;2021;7.487 TOTAL GROSS VALUE ADDED (at basic prices);9. Cultural activities and games of chance: CNAE-2019: 90, 91, 92;tourism proportion (in value);2021;1.217,9 TOTAL GROSS VALUE ADDED (at basic prices);10. Sports and recreational activities: CNAE-2019: 93;valor;2021;9.371 TOTAL GROSS VALUE ADDED (at basic prices);10. Sports and recreational activities: CNAE-2019: 93;tourism proportion (in value);2021;2.619,8 TOTAL GROSS VALUE ADDED (at basic prices);Total tourism industries;valor;2021;217.974,7 TOTAL GROSS VALUE ADDED (at basic prices);Total tourism industries;tourism proportion (in value);2021;40.691,5 TOTAL GROSS VALUE ADDED (at basic prices);Other industries;valor;2021;900.620,3 TOTAL GROSS VALUE ADDED (at basic prices);Other industries;tourism proportion (in value);2021;3.823,8 TOTAL GROSS VALUE ADDED (at basic prices);Production by internal producers (at basic prices);valor;2021;1.118.595 TOTAL GROSS VALUE ADDED (at basic prices);Production by internal producers (at basic prices);tourism proportion (in value);2021;44.515,3 TOTAL GROSS VALUE ADDED (at basic prices);Margins, net taxes on products and imports;valor;2021;.. TOTAL GROSS VALUE ADDED (at basic prices);Margins, net taxes on products and imports;tourism proportion (in value);2021;.. TOTAL GROSS VALUE ADDED (at basic prices);Domestic supply at acquisition prices;valor;2021;.. TOTAL GROSS VALUE ADDED (at basic prices);Domestic supply at acquisition prices;tourism proportion (in value);2021;.. TOTAL GROSS VALUE ADDED (at basic prices);Domestic tourism consumption;valor;2021;.. TOTAL GROSS VALUE ADDED (at basic prices);Domestic tourism consumption;tourism proportion (in value);2021;.. Employee remuneration;1. Accommodation for visitors (H): CNAE-2019:55;valor;2021;5.244 Employee remuneration;1. Accommodation for visitors (H): CNAE-2019:55;tourism proportion (in value);2021;4.859,1 Employee remuneration;1. Accommodation for visitors (RENT): CNAE-2019: 68;valor;2021;5.167 Employee remuneration;1. Accommodation for visitors (RENT): CNAE-2019: 68;tourism proportion (in value);2021;568,3 Employee remuneration;2. Food and beverage provision activities: CNAE-2019: 56;valor;2021;20.000 Employee remuneration;2. Food and beverage provision activities: CNAE-2019: 56;tourism proportion (in value);2021;4.831,8 Employee remuneration;3. Passenger rail transport: CNAE-2019: 49.1;valor;2021;621 Employee remuneration;3. Passenger rail transport: CNAE-2019: 49.1;tourism proportion (in value);2021;436,3 Employee remuneration;4. Passenger transport by road: CNAE-2019: 49.3;valor;2021;4.119 Employee remuneration;4. Passenger transport by road: CNAE-2019: 49.3;tourism proportion (in value);2021;614,3 Employee remuneration;5. Passenger transport by water: CNAE-2019: 501, 503;valor;2021;145,6 Employee remuneration;5. Passenger transport by water: CNAE-2019: 501, 503;tourism proportion (in value);2021;145,3 Employee remuneration;511: 6. Passenger air transport;valor;2021;1.316 Employee remuneration;511: 6. Passenger air transport;tourism proportion (in value);2021;1.167,8 Employee remuneration;7. Rental of transport equipment: CNAE-2019: 771;valor;2021;943,4 Employee remuneration;7. Rental of transport equipment: CNAE-2019: 771;tourism proportion (in value);2021;106,9 Employee remuneration;8. Travel agency and other reservation services activities: CNAE-2019: 79;valor;2021;972 Employee remuneration;8. Travel agency and other reservation services activities: CNAE-2019: 79;tourism proportion (in value);2021;968,8 Employee remuneration;9. Cultural activities and games of chance: CNAE-2019: 90, 91, 92;valor;2021;3.860 Employee remuneration;9. Cultural activities and games of chance: CNAE-2019: 90, 91, 92;tourism proportion (in value);2021;627,9 Employee remuneration;10. Sports and recreational activities: CNAE-2019: 93;valor;2021;7.819 Employee remuneration;10. Sports and recreational activities: CNAE-2019: 93;tourism proportion (in value);2021;2.186 Employee remuneration;Total tourism industries;valor;2021;50.207 Employee remuneration;Total tourism industries;tourism proportion (in value);2021;11.567,8 Employee remuneration;Other industries;valor;2021;553.986 Employee remuneration;Other industries;tourism proportion (in value);2021;2.352,1 Employee remuneration;Production by internal producers (at basic prices);valor;2021;604.193 Employee remuneration;Production by internal producers (at basic prices);tourism proportion (in value);2021;604.193 Employee remuneration;Margins, net taxes on products and imports;valor;2021;.. Employee remuneration;Margins, net taxes on products and imports;tourism proportion (in value);2021;.. Employee remuneration;Domestic supply at acquisition prices;valor;2021;.. Employee remuneration;Domestic supply at acquisition prices;tourism proportion (in value);2021;.. Employee remuneration;Domestic tourism consumption;valor;2021;.. Employee remuneration;Domestic tourism consumption;tourism proportion (in value);2021;.. Other net taxes on production subsidies;1. Accommodation for visitors (H): CNAE-2019:55;valor;2021;146 Other net taxes on production subsidies;1. Accommodation for visitors (H): CNAE-2019:55;tourism proportion (in value);2021;135,3 Other net taxes on production subsidies;1. Accommodation for visitors (RENT): CNAE-2019: 68;valor;2021;9.637 Other net taxes on production subsidies;1. Accommodation for visitors (RENT): CNAE-2019: 68;tourism proportion (in value);2021;1.059,9 Other net taxes on production subsidies;2. Food and beverage provision activities: CNAE-2019: 56;valor;2021;-109 Other net taxes on production subsidies;2. Food and beverage provision activities: CNAE-2019: 56;tourism proportion (in value);2021;-26,3 Other net taxes on production subsidies;3. Passenger rail transport: CNAE-2019: 49.1;valor;2021;-18,2 Other net taxes on production subsidies;3. Passenger rail transport: CNAE-2019: 49.1;tourism proportion (in value);2021;-12,8 Other net taxes on production subsidies;4. Passenger transport by road: CNAE-2019: 49.3;valor;2021;22 Other net taxes on production subsidies;4. Passenger transport by road: CNAE-2019: 49.3;tourism proportion (in value);2021;3,3 Other net taxes on production subsidies;5. Passenger transport by water: CNAE-2019: 501, 503;valor;2021;-27 Other net taxes on production subsidies;5. Passenger transport by water: CNAE-2019: 501, 503;tourism proportion (in value);2021;-26,9 Other net taxes on production subsidies;511: 6. Passenger air transport;valor;2021;-12,6 Other net taxes on production subsidies;511: 6. Passenger air transport;tourism proportion (in value);2021;-11,2 Other net taxes on production subsidies;7. Rental of transport equipment: CNAE-2019: 771;valor;2021;16,9 Other net taxes on production subsidies;7. Rental of transport equipment: CNAE-2019: 771;tourism proportion (in value);2021;1,9 Other net taxes on production subsidies;8. Travel agency and other reservation services activities: CNAE-2019: 79;valor;2021;-9 Other net taxes on production subsidies;8. Travel agency and other reservation services activities: CNAE-2019: 79;tourism proportion (in value);2021;-9 Other net taxes on production subsidies;9. Cultural activities and games of chance: CNAE-2019: 90, 91, 92;valor;2021;-76 Other net taxes on production subsidies;9. Cultural activities and games of chance: CNAE-2019: 90, 91, 92;tourism proportion (in value);2021;-12,4 Other net taxes on production subsidies;10. Sports and recreational activities: CNAE-2019: 93;valor;2021;41 Other net taxes on production subsidies;10. Sports and recreational activities: CNAE-2019: 93;tourism proportion (in value);2021;11,5 Other net taxes on production subsidies;Total tourism industries;valor;2021;9.611,1 Other net taxes on production subsidies;Total tourism industries;tourism proportion (in value);2021;2.214,4 Other net taxes on production subsidies;Other industries;valor;2021;482,9 Other net taxes on production subsidies;Other industries;tourism proportion (in value);2021;2 Other net taxes on production subsidies;Production by internal producers (at basic prices);valor;2021;10.094 Other net taxes on production subsidies;Production by internal producers (at basic prices);tourism proportion (in value);2021;10.094 Other net taxes on production subsidies;Margins, net taxes on products and imports;valor;2021;.. Other net taxes on production subsidies;Margins, net taxes on products and imports;tourism proportion (in value);2021;.. Other net taxes on production subsidies;Domestic supply at acquisition prices;valor;2021;.. Other net taxes on production subsidies;Domestic supply at acquisition prices;tourism proportion (in value);2021;.. Other net taxes on production subsidies;Domestic tourism consumption;valor;2021;.. Other net taxes on production subsidies;Domestic tourism consumption;tourism proportion (in value);2021;.. Gross operating surplus/Gross mixed income;1. Accommodation for visitors (H): CNAE-2019:55;valor;2021;3.464 Gross operating surplus/Gross mixed income;1. Accommodation for visitors (H): CNAE-2019:55;tourism proportion (in value);2021;3.209,7 Gross operating surplus/Gross mixed income;1. Accommodation for visitors (RENT): CNAE-2019: 68;valor;2021;123.241 Gross operating surplus/Gross mixed income;1. Accommodation for visitors (RENT): CNAE-2019: 68;tourism proportion (in value);2021;13.553,8 Gross operating surplus/Gross mixed income;2. Food and beverage provision activities: CNAE-2019: 56;valor;2021;21.456 Gross operating surplus/Gross mixed income;2. Food and beverage provision activities: CNAE-2019: 56;tourism proportion (in value);2021;5.183,5 Gross operating surplus/Gross mixed income;3. Passenger rail transport: CNAE-2019: 49.1;valor;2021;-366 Gross operating surplus/Gross mixed income;3. Passenger rail transport: CNAE-2019: 49.1;tourism proportion (in value);2021;-257,2 Gross operating surplus/Gross mixed income;4. Passenger transport by road: CNAE-2019: 49.3;valor;2021;2.784 Gross operating surplus/Gross mixed income;4. Passenger transport by road: CNAE-2019: 49.3;tourism proportion (in value);2021;415,2 Gross operating surplus/Gross mixed income;5. Passenger transport by water: CNAE-2019: 501, 503;valor;2021;186,8 Gross operating surplus/Gross mixed income;5. Passenger transport by water: CNAE-2019: 501, 503;tourism proportion (in value);2021;186,4 Gross operating surplus/Gross mixed income;511: 6. Passenger air transport;valor;2021;-702,9 Gross operating surplus/Gross mixed income;511: 6. Passenger air transport;tourism proportion (in value);2021;-623,7 Gross operating surplus/Gross mixed income;7. Rental of transport equipment: CNAE-2019: 771;valor;2021;2.826,6 Gross operating surplus/Gross mixed income;7. Rental of transport equipment: CNAE-2019: 771;tourism proportion (in value);2021;320,4 Gross operating surplus/Gross mixed income;8. Travel agency and other reservation services activities: CNAE-2019: 79;valor;2021;53 Gross operating surplus/Gross mixed income;8. Travel agency and other reservation services activities: CNAE-2019: 79;tourism proportion (in value);2021;52,8 Gross operating surplus/Gross mixed income;9. Cultural activities and games of chance: CNAE-2019: 90, 91, 92;valor;2021;3.703 Gross operating surplus/Gross mixed income;9. Cultural activities and games of chance: CNAE-2019: 90, 91, 92;tourism proportion (in value);2021;602,3 Gross operating surplus/Gross mixed income;10. Sports and recreational activities: CNAE-2019: 93;valor;2021;1.511 Gross operating surplus/Gross mixed income;10. Sports and recreational activities: CNAE-2019: 93;tourism proportion (in value);2021;422,4 Gross operating surplus/Gross mixed income;Total tourism industries;valor;2021;158.156,6 Gross operating surplus/Gross mixed income;Total tourism industries;tourism proportion (in value);2021;26.909,2 Gross operating surplus/Gross mixed income;Other industries;valor;2021;346.151,4 Gross operating surplus/Gross mixed income;Other industries;tourism proportion (in value);2021;1.469,7 Gross operating surplus/Gross mixed income;Production by internal producers (at basic prices);valor;2021;504.308 Gross operating surplus/Gross mixed income;Production by internal producers (at basic prices);tourism proportion (in value);2021;-569.771,7 Gross operating surplus/Gross mixed income;Margins, net taxes on products and imports;valor;2021;.. Gross operating surplus/Gross mixed income;Margins, net taxes on products and imports;tourism proportion (in value);2021;.. Gross operating surplus/Gross mixed income;Domestic supply at acquisition prices;valor;2021;.. Gross operating surplus/Gross mixed income;Domestic supply at acquisition prices;tourism proportion (in value);2021;.. Gross operating surplus/Gross mixed income;Domestic tourism consumption;valor;2021;.. Gross operating surplus/Gross mixed income;Domestic tourism consumption;tourism proportion (in value);2021;..