Survey on Homeless Persons Job, occupation, income and education Homeless persons by difficulties with reading, writing and maths and absolute value/percentage. Unidades: absolute value/percentage ,persons,% persons, Reading: Yes,3.120,14,2, Reading: No,18.504,84,5, Reading: DK - DR,277,1,3, Reading: TOTAL,21.900,100, Writing: Yes,3.269,14,9, Writing: No,18.354,83,8, Writing: DK - DR,277,1,3, Writing: TOTAL,21.900,100, Maths: Yes,3.506,16, Maths: No,18.029,82,3, Maths: DK - DR,366,1,7, Maths: TOTAL,21.900,100, Notas: Fuente: National Statistics Institute