Survey on Equipment and Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Households Use of ICT products by persons Persons who have used file-storing spaces online in the last three months by Autonomous City and Community and reasons for said use Unidades: Number of persons (aged 16 to 74 years) and horizontal percentages ,Total number of persons who have used file-storing spaces online in the last three months,To be able to use files from diferent devices and locations,To be able to make use of a bigger space in the memory,As protection against loss of data,To be able to easily share files with other people,To access long music catalogues, TV programmes or films, National Total,8.494.152,64,4,53,5,56,5,72,24,6, AndalucÝa,1.125.204,62,8,45,8,49,8,68,3,27,5, Arag¾n,218.445,74,2,60,8,57,3,74,1,26,4, Asturias, Principado de,162.679,65,3,61,5,56,2,73,1,37,5, Balears, Illes,202.513,57,2,52,6,59,3,57,8,21, Canarias,340.809,48,5,54,43,8,51,3,18,5, Cantabria,112.348,74,8,64,7,74,2,60,6,26,2, Castilla y Le¾n,370.441,58,58,8,55,9,70,1,26,9, Castilla-La Mancha,360.737,69,7,63,3,71,4,75,8,32,9, Catalu±a,1.621.008,59,3,46,7,48,5,73,2,14,6, Comunitat Valenciana,983.282,72,5,59,1,63,9,78,4,33,5, Extremadura,162.493,63,3,57,9,60,5,68,25,9, Galicia,517.011,67,4,52,8,52,1,70,7,20, Madrid, Comunidad de,1.453.330,67,6,57,4,63,8,76,8,26, Murcia, Regi¾n de,203.953,61,1,48,9,56,9,69,6,21,9, Navarra, Comunidad Foral de,123.614,65,9,50,57,9,77,5,22,4, PaÝs Vasco,447.185,66,7,53,4,56,9,73,5,28,2, Rioja, La,51.962,66,3,48,2,68,2,73,1,18, Ceuta,20.283,30,5,68,9,41,5,36,6,13,7, Melilla,16.857,60,8,56,7,44,2,54,8,38,4, Notas: Fuente: National Statistics Institute