Survey on Equipment and Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Households Use of ICT products by persons Internet users in the last 3 months who have not used file-storing spaces online in that period by Autonomous City and Community and reasons for not using them Unidades: Number of persons (aged 16 to 74 years) and horizontal percentages ,Total number of Internet users in the last 3 months who have not used file-storing spaces during this period,Because I save files in my own devices or e-mail accounts or I never or almot never save my files,Because I share files using other means (e-mail, social media, USB memory) or never use files online with other people,Lack of knowledge about using said file-storing spaces,Security and privacy reasons,Lack of reliability from service providers, National Total,17.754.192,27,4,20,12,9,15,5,9,7, AndalucÝa,3.319.031,15,9,11,7,9,7,9,6,5,2, Arag¾n,517.058,33,7,30,4,20,3,18,1,14, Asturias, Principado de,425.895,27,8,21,8,15,7,14,1,9,3, Balears, Illes,488.042,25,17,7,9,6,14,8,9, Canarias,898.203,17,1,17,1,8,4,7,9,6,7, Cantabria,215.438,30,8,25,6,18,6,21,6,13,8, Castilla y Le¾n,987.295,29,3,22,1,18,1,17,3,14,1, Castilla-La Mancha,731.959,31,9,27,7,15,3,17,9,10,2, Catalu±a,2.759.436,30,8,18,3,12,9,14,2,7,3, Comunitat Valenciana,1.757.661,26,1,19,8,12,9,14,7,10, Extremadura,388.965,24,2,13,8,7,5,12,7,9,1, Galicia,896.255,32,3,26,2,13,2,22,1,12,6, Madrid, Comunidad de,2.536.311,38,6,25,7,13,8,24,15,9, Murcia, Regi¾n de,583.009,28,4,21,1,14,3,13,6,11,2, Navarra, Comunidad Foral de,231.125,28,2,22,8,12,8,16,10,2, PaÝs Vasco,841.157,28,6,22,8,16,5,17,3,6,7, Rioja, La,121.217,29,3,21,8,11,3,18,7,11,7, Ceuta,30.810,4,4,4,3,2,7,8,3,2, Melilla,25.327,18,3,12,15,3,20,8,13,1, Notas: Fuente: National Statistics Institute