Survey on Equipment and Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Households Use of ICT products by persons Persons who have purchased via the Internet in the last 12 months and have at some point preferred to download certain products from the Internet instead of receiving them by post by Autonomous City and Community and types of products Unidades: Number of persons (aged 16 to 74 years) and horizontal percentages ,Total persons who have purchased via the Internet in the last 12 months and have at some point preferred to download certain products from the Internet instead of receiving them by post,Films, music,Books, magazines, newspapers, online educational material,Computer and updating programs (including computer games and video game machines), National Total,3.232.871,33,5,54,3,49,7, AndalucÝa,319.725,33,7,69,6,44,4, Arag¾n,95.048,10,6,53,4,49,6, Asturias, Principado de,90.169,43,59,7,45,8, Balears, Illes,114.869,25,8,30,5,67,1, Canarias,57.019,53,9,55,1,43,5, Cantabria,41.799,39,2,65,7,38,6, Castilla y Le¾n,132.816,25,4,59,3,53,9, Castilla-La Mancha,126.446,30,61,1,46,5, Catalu±a,641.166,26,1,36,6,64,9, Comunitat Valenciana,376.619,36,4,53,2,49,8, Extremadura,60.189,30,6,58,43,9, Galicia,203.489,28,5,59,6,47, Madrid, Comunidad de,634.446,45,8,59,4,41,9, Murcia, Regi¾n de,84.103,29,9,68,5,46,4, Navarra, Comunidad Foral de,49.269,36,8,49,2,49, PaÝs Vasco,177.885,31,9,60,1,36,2, Rioja, La,17.090,18,69,7,39,3, Ceuta,5.914,11,3,100,5,6, Melilla,4.810,35,5,72,4,22,4, Notas: Fuente: National Statistics Institute