Encuesta de Fecundidad Females who got married sometime, at least two children live birth. Females married sometime, at least two children live birth. cohabitation situation duration of interval between 1st and 2nd birth. Unidades: relative figures ,Total,From 0 to 7 months,From 8 to 11 months,From 12 to 23 months,From 24 to 35 months,From 36 to 47 months,From 48 to 59 months,60 and over, Total,100,1,09,1,33,19,63,18,13,17,85,14,51,27,46, With spouse,100,1,12,1,36,19,49,17,84,17,93,14,66,27,61, With stable partner in the household,100,..,2,2,16,82,15,61,6,78,9,85,48,73, With stable partner out of household,100,..,..,12,91,24,92,13,12,9,02,40,03, With occasional relations,100,..,..,7,61,46,71,17,29,10,92,17,47, Another situation,100,1,12,0,67,24,73,23,03,20,99,14,12,15,35, Notas: Fuente: National Statistics Institute