Encuesta de Fecundidad Females who got married sometime, with a live birth or pregnant Females married sometime, with a live birth or pregnant cohabitation situation duration of last closed interval between births. Unidades: absolute figures ,Total,From 0 to 7 months,From 8 to 11 months,From 12 to 23 months,From 24 to 35 months,From 36 to 47 months,From 48 to 59 months,60 and over,Average, Total,5.270.780,177.939,160.593,1.049.378,929.166,858.992,681.530,1.348.579,44,68, With spouse,4.842.492,135.994,152.326,972.840,845.569,800.640,638.062,1.243.975,44,87, With stable partner in the household,92.907,5.772,3.423,13.034,12.982,9.114,6.316,37.931,53,7, With stable partner out of household,45.742,8.327,575,7.562,11.578,4.584,2.414,10.702,39,39, With occasional relations,17.219,1.373,..,1.123,5.827,1.294,817,6.784,58,48, Another situation,272.419,26.474,4.269,54.819,53.209,43.360,33.921,49.187,38,37, Notas: Fuente: National Statistics Institute