Survey on Equipment and Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Households Use of ICT products by persons People who have purchased via the Internet in the last 3 months by Autonomous Community and City and number of times they have bought on-line in that period Unidades: Número de personas (16 a 74 años) y porcentajes horizontales ,Total de personas que han comprado por Internet en los últimos 3 meses,1 ó 2 veces,De 3 a 5 veces,De 6 a 10 veces,Más de 10 veces, Total nacional,13.785.317,47,1,33,5,10,3,9,1, Andalucía,2.250.988,50,6,33,4,8,8,7,2, Aragón,433.718,50,8,31,7,9,9,7,6, Asturias, Principado de,317.010,49,31,4,11,7,8, Balears, Illes,418.345,49,7,32,8,11,4,6,2, Canarias,519.777,49,1,34,3,8,9,7,8, Cantabria,200.659,42,6,35,9,13,2,8,4, Castilla y León,624.915,53,3,33,5,6,8,6,4, Castilla-La Mancha,555.544,48,4,33,7,8,9,8,9, Cataluña,2.486.518,41,5,37,4,10,1,11,1, Comunitat Valenciana,1.341.282,49,6,29,6,12,1,8,7, Extremadura,273.726,43,2,33,3,15,4,8, Galicia,642.623,52,7,26,8,11,7,8,9, Madrid, Comunidad de,2.323.548,45,33,4,11,5,10,1, Murcia, Región de,346.968,48,34,4,6,8,10,8, Navarra, Comunidad Foral de,227.400,43,6,40,4,7,9,8,1, País Vasco,688.922,43,5,33,5,9,3,13,8, Rioja, La,89.319,53,6,25,7,15,5,7, Ceuta,18.275,38,5,46,3,14,1,2, Melilla,25.779,53,1,17,4,29,6,0, Notas: Fuente: Instituto Nacional de Estadística