Statistics on Biotechnology Use Personnel costs Total internal expenses and employed personnel in R&D in Biotechnology with relation to the R&D total by field of operation. Unidades: expenditure in thousands euros and staff on a full-time equivalent ,Internal expenditure (thousands of euros): Total R&D,Internal expenditure (thousands of euros): Total R&D on Biotechnology,Internal expenditure (thousands of euros): %,Personnel in full time equivalent: Total personnel in R&D (FTE),Personnel in full time equivalent: Total personnel in R&D in Biotechnology (FTE),Personnel in full time equivalent: %, Total,13.259.769,1.579.928,11,9,205.872,9,24.830,2,12,1, Public Administration,2.452.775,578.188,23,6,39.972,2,9.470,2,23,7, Higher education,3.648.812,380.311,10,4,75.191,1,7.544,3,10, Business,7.125.973,616.053,8,6,90.129,2,7.716,4,8,6, PNPI,32.209,5.376,16,7,580,4,99,3,17,1, Notas: FTE: Full Time Equivalent Fuente: National Statistics Institute