European Health Survey COBERTURA SANITARIA Modalidad de la cobertura sanitaria (Multirrespuesta) según sexo. Población de 15 y más años. Unidades: percentage ,TOTAL,Public: Total,Public: Social Security,Public: State Societies covered by Social Security,Public: State Societies covered by private insurance,Private: Total,Private: Private medical insurance taken out individually,Private: Private medical insurance taken out by the company,The person does not have medical insurance,Other situations, Both sexes,100,99,21,96,05,2,39,2,39,15,28,12,63,2,65,0,1,0,27, Men,100,99,14,95,84,2,41,2,87,14,68,11,43,3,25,0,1,0,33, Women,100,99,29,96,25,2,38,1,94,15,85,13,76,2,09,0,1,0,22, Notas: A person may be in more than one category. The symbol '.' shall be deemed as datum which cannot be given due to an insufficient sample The symbol '..' shall be deemed as datum which is not collected for this classification in the table The data corresponding to cells with less than 35 thousand persons must be considered with caution, as they may be affected by a high degree of sampling error Fuente: National Statistics Institute