European Health Survey PRÁCTICAS PREVENTIVAS Tiempo transcurrido desde la última toma de tensión arterial según sexo y clase social basada en la ocupación de la persona de referencia. Población de 15 y más años. Units: percentage ,TOTAL,In the last 12 months,1 year or more but less than 2 years ago,2 years or more but less than 5 years ago,5 years ago or more,She/he has never had a blood pressure reading, Both sexes, TOTAL,100.00,72.29,12.73,7.25,1.90,5.82, I,100.00,73.43,14.77,5.89,1.79,4.12, II,100.00,72.71,14.09,7.75,1.93,3.53, III,100.00,71.47,13.40,7.71,1.81,5.61, IV,100.00,74.20,12.60,6.78,1.87,4.55, V,100.00,72.28,12.07,7.34,2.06,6.24, VI,100.00,71.77,11.80,7.08,1.75,7.60, No data recorded,100.00,66.77,9.94,9.60,2.02,11.67, Men, TOTAL,100.00,71.07,12.68,7.75,1.78,6.71, I,100.00,72.10,15.50,6.28,1.32,4.80, II,100.00,71.91,14.66,8.78,0.91,3.75, III,100.00,70.61,12.95,8.21,1.79,6.43, IV,100.00,75.44,12.42,7.12,1.62,3.40, V,100.00,70.85,11.80,7.94,2.16,7.23, VI,100.00,67.81,11.71,7.28,1.68,11.53, No data recorded,100.00,58.34,10.25,12.08,2.87,16.47, Women, TOTAL,100.00,73.44,12.78,6.77,2.02,4.99, I,100.00,74.71,14.06,5.52,2.25,3.46, II,100.00,73.43,13.57,6.82,2.85,3.33, III,100.00,72.23,13.79,7.27,1.83,4.89, IV,100.00,72.77,12.81,6.40,2.15,5.87, V,100.00,73.77,12.36,6.72,1.95,5.20, VI,100.00,75.03,11.86,6.92,1.82,4.37, No data recorded,100.00,70.63,9.79,8.46,1.63,9.48, Notes: 1) I - Directors and managers of establishments with 10 or more wage earners and professionals traditionally associated with university graduate degrees. II. Directors and managers of establishments with less than 10 wage earners, professionals traditionally associated with university degrees and other technical support professionals. Athletes and artists. III. Intermediate occupations and self-employed workers. IV - Supervisors and workers in skilled technical occupations. V - Skilled primary sector workers and other semi-skilled workers. VI. Non-skilled workers. The symbol '.' shall be deemed as datum which cannot be given due to an insufficient sample The symbol '..' shall be deemed as datum which is not collected for this classification in the table The data corresponding to cells with less than 35 thousand persons must be considered with caution, as they may be affected by a high degree of sampling error Source: National Statistics Institute