Agrcultural Census Other lucrative activities Business volume (BV) of the other lucrative activities (OLA) related to the total of the operation (whose owner is a natural person). Unidades: Número de explotaciones ,Total business volume,(0-10] % Business volume,(10-50] % Business volume,(50-100] % Business volume, National Total,16.175,6.258,6.386,3.531, 01 Andalucía,3.456,1.239,1.360,858, 02 Aragón,965,479,421,65, 03 Asturias, Principado de,347,83,176,89, 04 Balears, Illes,481,89,175,218, 05 Canarias,286,134,48,103, 06 Cantabria,168,35,47,85, 07 Castilla y León,1.685,799,596,290, 08 Castilla - La Mancha,1.831,912,734,185, 09 Cataluña,1.742,598,790,354, 10 Comunitat Valenciana,1.713,799,690,224, 11 Extremadura,775,232,304,239, 12 Galicia,1.242,360,476,406, 13 Madrid, Comunidad de,192,43,57,92, 14 Murcia, Región de,365,149,161,56, 15 Navarra, Comunidad Foral de,330,78,152,100, 16 País Vasco,369,114,118,137, 17 Rioja, La,227,114,83,29, 18 Ceuta,..,..,..,.., 19 Melilla,..,..,..,.., Notas: '..' = data protected by statistical secrecy Fuente: Instituto Nacional de Estadística