Agrcultural Census 2.- Clasificación según superficie agrícola utilizada Woody crops: nurseries, woody crops in greenhouses and other permanent crops Unidades: ? ,Woody crop nurseries,,Woody crops in greenhouses,,Other permanent crops. Total,,Other permanent crops. Dry farming,,Other permanent crops. Irrigated,, ,Operations,Ha.,Operations,Ha.,Operations,Ha.,Operations,Ha.,Operations,Ha., Oper. with UAA,17,19,8,9,7.890,13.872,7.860,13.738,41,134, > 0.0 - < 0.2,..,..,..,..,199,9,199,9,..,.., >= 0.2 - < 0.5,1,0,1,0,442,41,439,41,3,0, >= 0.5 - < 1,..,..,..,..,747,120,744,119,3,1, >= 1 - < 2,3,3,1,0,1.203,385,1.201,384,2,0, >= 2 - < 3,3,1,1,0,906,457,900,453,8,4, >= 3 - < 4,1,0,..,..,688,436,687,435,1,1, >= 4 - < 5,2,3,..,..,529,427,529,427,1,1, >= 5 - < 10,4,7,2,0,1.481,1.808,1.474,1.786,11,21, >= 10 - < 20,2,4,..,..,818,1.636,814,1.626,5,10, >= 20 - < 30,..,..,1,0,270,1.052,270,1.052,..,.., >= 30 - < 50,..,..,2,8,244,1.545,243,1.538,3,7, >= 50 - < 70,..,..,..,..,135,1.267,135,1.267,..,.., >= 70 - < 100,1,0,..,..,78,1.033,77,1.033,1,0, >= 100 - < 150,..,..,..,..,68,1.156,68,1.154,1,2, >= 150 - < 200,..,..,..,..,28,565,27,549,1,16, >= 200 - < 300,..,..,..,..,28,872,27,802,1,70, >= 300 - < 500,..,..,..,..,13,634,13,634,..,.., >= 500 - < 1,000,..,..,..,..,9,303,9,303,..,.., >= 1,000,..,..,..,..,4,125,4,125,..,.., Notas: Other permanent crops: caper, pita, white mulberry tree, etc. Fuente: National Statistics Institute