Agrcultural Census 2.- Clasificación según superficie agrícola utilizada Machinery owned exclusively by the operation. Tractors (wheels or chains). Unidades: ? ,Total,,Less than 55 HP,,From 55 to < 82 HP,,From 82 to <136 HP,,136 HP and more,, ,Operations,Tractors,Operations,Tractors,Operations,Tractors,Operations,Tractors,Operations,Tractors, Total operations,8.813,11.040,5.643,6.117,3.526,4.056,593,695,151,172, without land,2,3,..,0,2,3,..,0,..,0, with lands,8.811,11.037,5.643,6.117,3.524,4.053,593,695,151,172, without UAA,50,51,21,21,18,18,2,2,10,10, with UAA,8.761,10.986,5.622,6.096,3.506,4.035,591,693,141,162, > 0.0 - < 0.2,71,72,66,67,4,4,..,0,1,1, >= 0.2 - < 0.5,155,158,141,141,11,12,..,0,5,5, >= 0.5 - < 1,400,444,345,385,45,46,8,8,5,5, >= 1 - < 2,833,869,734,748,95,99,13,13,9,9, >= 2 - < 3,823,894,670,708,160,163,15,15,7,8, >= 3 - < 4,730,801,566,581,192,201,14,14,5,5, >= 4 - < 5,655,750,464,494,225,233,12,17,6,6, >= 5 - < 10,1.906,2.313,1.282,1.452,726,774,61,71,16,16, >= 10 - < 20,1.279,1.593,687,759,654,718,84,91,22,25, >= 20 - < 30,537,733,203,229,380,436,55,58,10,10, >= 30 - < 50,522,762,194,214,365,436,82,99,11,13, >= 50 - < 70,309,502,100,113,231,301,69,76,10,12, >= 70 - < 100,235,416,72,84,181,241,69,80,11,11, >= 100 - < 150,161,318,46,52,126,183,51,68,9,15, >= 150 - < 200,53,113,21,22,37,55,25,33,3,3, >= 200 - < 300,51,118,15,22,43,67,15,19,6,10, >= 300 - < 500,24,65,8,13,18,34,10,15,2,3, >= 500 - < 1,000,11,28,5,6,9,16,4,5,1,1, >= 1,000,6,37,3,6,4,16,4,11,2,4, Notas: Fuente: National Statistics Institute