High Technology Indicators Main economic variables and indicators Value of exports of high tech products by groups of products and period. Units: million euros ,Annual rate,2020,2019, 1. Manufacture of aircraft and spacecraft,-20.7,3,496.3,4,406.3, 2. Office machinery and computers,1.9,1,037.6,1,018.1, 3. Electronic Material radio, television and communications equipment,-2.5,2,978.2,3,055.9, 4. Pharmaceutical products,2.4,3,653.2,3,568.8, 5. Scientific instruments,-10.0,1,371.9,1,524.3, 6. Electrical machinery and material,-9.3,386.8,426.6, 7. Chemical products,-6.4,1,810.5,1,933.5, 8. Mechanical machinery and equipment,-15.0,876.9,1,031.9, 9. Weapons and ammunition,-17.5,404.7,490.7, Total high tech exports,-8.2,16,016.2,17,456.0, Total exports,-9.4,263,628.3,290,892.8, Notes: 1) Source: Own compilation using data from the State Tax Administration Agency Source: National Statistics Institute