Family and social ties Homeless persons according to family situation before the age of 18 by age Units: persons ,Total,Lack of money,Prolonged unemployment of any family member,Death of a family member,Illness, disability or serious accidents of the parents,Parental divorce, parental abandonment,Serious fights and conflicts between parents,Problems with violence in the family,Alcohol problems in the family or themselves,One of the parents was in prison,Serious conflicts between them and a family member,Eviction of the family from their home,Frequent changes of place of residence,Other problem,Did not experience any of the above situations,Not given, Total,28,552,12,584,7,622,10,367,6,016,5,617,6,624,5,686,6,153,1,572,5,254,1,720,4,075,451,5,575,626, Between 18 and 29 years,6,036,3,529,2,176,2,231,1,133,1,390,1,376,1,241,719,326,1,239,475,974,130,883,72, Between 30 and 44 years,8,573,3,809,2,350,3,034,2,076,2,191,2,093,1,904,2,196,684,1,726,569,1,285,157,1,549,124, Between 45 and 64 years,12,366,4,806,2,868,4,712,2,574,1,917,2,994,2,406,3,059,530,2,134,579,1,691,141,2,572,331, More than 64 years,1,578,439,227,389,233,120,162,134,179,32,154,97,125,22,571,100, Notes: Source: National Statistics Institute