Statistics on R&D Activities in the Business Sector Total sectors. Results based on Statistical Enterprises Expenditure on intramural R&D by sector of performance and type of research Unidades: thousands of euros ,Total,Basic research,Applied research,Experimental development, Total,17.249.250,3.889.578,7.948.828,5.410.843, Government,2.910.025,1.254.888,1.281.617,373.520, Higher education,4.586.993,2.326.131,1.749.809,511.054, Enterprises,9.696.150,289.597,4.882.905,4.523.649, PNP,56.081,18.963,34.498,2.620, Notas: Until 2016, the expenditure in this table refers to the current expenditure on intramural R&D. As of 2017 the expenditure of this table refers to total expenditure on intramural R&D (current expenditure and capital expenditure). Fuente: National Statistics Institute