Disability, Independence and Dependency Situations Survey Absolute figures Population with disabilities, 16 years old and over, that is undertaking some regulated or non-regulated studies, by sex Unidades: thousands of persons 16 years old and over ,Both sexes,Males,Females, Total,114,5,53,9,60,6, Regulated studies,43,2,23,3,19,9, Specific special education,5,7,2,9,2,9, Compulsory secondary education,7,1,4,7,2,4, Social Guarantee Programme,1,7,0,5,1,2, Intermediate cycles of professional training and the equivalent,7,3,4,3,3,1, Upper-secondary education,3,3,1,6,1,7, Advanced cycles of professional training and the equivalent,3,1,1,7,1,4, University education,15,7,7,7,3, Non-formal studies,61,9,28,8,33,1, Course in Occupational Professional Training,13,2,7,6,2, Other non-regulated studies lasting more than six months,23,1,10,13,1, Other non-regulated studies lasting six months or less,28,3,13,3,14,9, No data recorded,0,7,0,2,0,5, Notas: A person may be undertaking more than one non-regulated studies 2) The data corresponding to cells with fewer than 5 thousand persons must be viewed with caution, because it may be affected by large sampling errors. Fuente: National Statistics Institute