Disability, Independence and Dependency Situations Survey Relative figures (**) Percentage of households with persons with disabilities or limitations, according to the type of obstacles to access their dwelling, by Autonomous Community and number of residents with disabilities Unidades: percentage ,Total,Only one person with disabilities,Two persons with disabilities,Three or more persons with disabilities, Total, Total,100,100,100,100, At the door to access the building,39,73,39,77,39,15,44,36, In the interior of the building, up to the door of the dwelling,33,07,32,97,33,63,32,93, There are no obstacles,47,72,47,7,47,95,46,37, Andalucía, Total,100,100,100,100, At the door to access the building,40,28,40,61,39,09,32,33, In the interior of the building, up to the door of the dwelling,33,62,33,62,33,97,29,32, There are no obstacles,48,72,48,55,49,16,55,16, Aragón, Total,100,100,100,100, At the door to access the building,35,43,35,54,32,9,49,1, In the interior of the building, up to the door of the dwelling,30,09,29,6,31,78,40,98, There are no obstacles,51,8,52,43,49,42,39,74, Asturias (Principado de), Total,100,100,100,100, At the door to access the building,49,22,49,44,48,24,43,32, In the interior of the building, up to the door of the dwelling,21,14,20,87,21,37,40,98, There are no obstacles,47,24,47,32,47,47,37,06, Balears (Illes), Total,100,100,100,100, At the door to access the building,32,79,32,49,35,73,0, In the interior of the building, up to the door of the dwelling,42,35,42,23,44,13,0, There are no obstacles,47,42,48,33,39,6,100, Canarias, Total,100,100,100,100, At the door to access the building,39,52,40,24,31,69,60,14, In the interior of the building, up to the door of the dwelling,27,34,27,88,23,73,26,95, There are no obstacles,50,44,49,57,57,82,39,86, Cantabria, Total,100,100,100,100, At the door to access the building,36,73,38,52,26,52,0, In the interior of the building, up to the door of the dwelling,38,44,39,94,30,52,0, There are no obstacles,50,31,48,13,62,33,100, Castilla y León, Total,100,100,100,100, At the door to access the building,45,76,45,56,46,23,54,79, In the interior of the building, up to the door of the dwelling,26,01,25,82,26,55,32,39, There are no obstacles,45,65,45,68,45,76,41,32, Castilla-La Mancha, Total,100,100,100,100, At the door to access the building,29,11,30,67,21,1,18,69, In the interior of the building, up to the door of the dwelling,22,97,23,65,19,05,27,18, There are no obstacles,61,35,59,69,70,07,67,39, Cataluña, Total,100,100,100,100, At the door to access the building,43,6,43,11,45,31,54,38, In the interior of the building, up to the door of the dwelling,33,9,33,98,32,71,40,1, There are no obstacles,44,91,45,33,43,87,31,83, Comunitat Valenciana, Total,100,100,100,100, At the door to access the building,39,91,41,3,32,54,45,12, In the interior of the building, up to the door of the dwelling,36,58,36,21,39,11,23,93, There are no obstacles,44,75,44,08,47,72,54,88, Extremadura, Total,100,100,100,100, At the door to access the building,45,78,45,94,45,17,44,04, In the interior of the building, up to the door of the dwelling,20,43,20,75,18,07,29,34, There are no obstacles,46,34,45,5,49,54,55,96, Galicia, Total,100,100,100,100, At the door to access the building,40,37,40,83,36,6,56,84, In the interior of the building, up to the door of the dwelling,19,95,19,86,19,71,26,5, There are no obstacles,51,74,51,37,54,67,39,8, Madrid (Comunidad de), Total,100,100,100,100, At the door to access the building,36,37,35,09,43,57,35,32, In the interior of the building, up to the door of the dwelling,49,2,47,94,56,18,49,48, There are no obstacles,40,3,41,23,34,57,50,52, Murcia (Región de), Total,100,100,100,100, At the door to access the building,30,6,29,38,79,55,87, In the interior of the building, up to the door of the dwelling,27,67,27,67,24,66,64,86, There are no obstacles,62,75,63,61,61,21,14,17, Navarra (Comunidad Foral de), Total,100,100,100,100, At the door to access the building,40,03,40,91,32,86,71,55, In the interior of the building, up to the door of the dwelling,28,59,28,6,28,58,26,43, There are no obstacles,51,38,50,43,58,61,28,45, País Vasco, Total,100,100,100,100, At the door to access the building,41,2,40,33,48,32,9,57, In the interior of the building, up to the door of the dwelling,43,61,43,35,47,25,0, There are no obstacles,41,35,42,11,34,27,90,43, La Rioja, Total,100,100,100,100, At the door to access the building,22,73,21,85,36,07,0, In the interior of the building, up to the door of the dwelling,20,05,20,18,20,74,0, There are no obstacles,69,98,70,95,54,63,100, Ceuta, Total,100,100,100,100, At the door to access the building,36,96,38,79,23,97,0, In the interior of the building, up to the door of the dwelling,23,71,25,48,10,48,0, There are no obstacles,62,05,60,09,76,03,100, Melilla, Total,100,100,100,100, At the door to access the building,37,16,34,67,48,23,0, In the interior of the building, up to the door of the dwelling,40,51,37,34,54,52,0, There are no obstacles,49,26,50,97,41,05,100, Notas: The data corresponding to cells with fewer than 5000 persons must be be taken with caution because it may be affected by a high incidence of sampling errors, with the exception of the Autonomous Communities of Andalucía, Aragón and Navarra, in which the reference values shall be 2800, 2300 and 1500 persons, respectively. Fuente: National Statistics Institute