Quality of life People aged 16 and over according to the frequency with which they carry out artistic activities such as playing an instrument, singing, etc. in relation to the activity Units: Porcentajes horizontales. ,Diaria,Semanal (pero no diaria),Varias veces al mes (pero no semanal),Una vez al mes,Al menos una vez al año (pero menos de una vez por mes),Nunca, Total,5.9,11.5,7.1,5.7,9.9,59.9, Ocupados,4.6,11.5,7.6,6.6,12.1,57.6, Parados,7.0,11.9,7.9,5.4,9.3,58.4, Jubilados,6.3,9.7,5.5,3.7,6.8,68.0, Otros inactivos,8.0,13.0,7.0,5.5,7.8,58.6, No consta,..,..,..,..,..,.., Notes: Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística