Economically Active Population Survey National results Employed persons between 16 and 74 years of age, by level of education attained, according to the degree of repetitiveness/ precision (1) in the tasks performed in the main job. Unidades: Thousands Persons, % ,Total,,To a very great extent, to a large extent or to some extent,,Very little or nothing at all,,No answer/ Don't know,, ,Absolute values,Percentage,Absolute values,Percentage,Absolute values,Percentage,Absolute values,Percentage, Total, Repetitiveness in tasks,20.373,4,100,16.341,9,80,21,3.365,3,16,52,666,3,3,27, Precision in tasks,20.373,4,100,12.390,1,60,82,6.582,6,32,31,1.400,7,6,88, First stage and lower secondary education, Repetitiveness in tasks,6.055,3,100,5.241,5,86,56,591,9,9,78,221,9,3,66, Precision in tasks,6.055,3,100,3.061,9,50,57,2.436,1,40,23,557,3,9,2, Second stage secondary education, Repetitiveness in tasks,4.959,8,100,4.179,4,84,27,645,5,13,01,134,9,2,72, Precision in tasks,4.959,8,100,2.953,2,59,54,1.675,7,33,79,330,9,6,67, Higher education, Repetitiveness in tasks,9.358,4,100,6.921,73,95,2.127,9,22,74,309,5,3,31, Precision in tasks,9.358,4,100,6.375,68,12,2.470,8,26,4,512,5,5,48, Notas: Precision refers to the extent to which tasks are described by strict procedures, such as medical protocols, action plans, etc. Fuente: National Statistics Institute