Indicator 8.6.1. Proportion of youth (aged 15-24 years) not in education, employment or training Young people (aged 15-29) neither in employment nor in education and training by sex Units: Porcentaje Total, 2023,12.30, 2022,12.74, 2021,14.25, 2020,17.28, 2019,14.89, 2018,15.33, 2017,16.44, 2016,18.08, 2015,19.44, Hombres, 2023,12.34, 2022,12.24, 2021,14.58, 2020,17.27, 2019,14.41, 2018,14.72, 2017,15.75, 2016,17.44, 2015,19.19, Mujeres, 2023,12.26, 2022,13.27, 2021,13.90, 2020,17.29, 2019,15.40, 2018,15.96, 2017,17.15, 2016,18.73, 2015,19.70, Notes: Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística