Statistics on Biotechnology Use Business Sector Biotechnology indicators by company size. Unidades: Specified in each variable ,Less than 250 employees,250 and more employees,Total, Number of companies carrying out R&D in Biotechnology,1.284,160,1.444, % Companies by type of biotechnology used: Genetic Code,29,7,38,6,30,7, % Companies by type of biotechnology used: Functional Units,36,6,45,5,37,6, % Companies by type of biotechnology used: Cell and Tissue Culture and Engineering,20,31,6,21,3, % Companies by type of biotechnology used: Bioprocesses,49,5,62,6,50,9, % Companies by type of biotechnology used: Subcellular Organisms,6,8,18,3,8,1, % Companies by type of biotechnology used: Bioinformatics,22,1,26,6,22,6, % Companies by type of biotechnology used: Nanobiotechnology,9,8,10,2,9,8, % Companies by type of biotechnology used: Other,16,8,17,2,16,9, Companies in which biotechnology activities are: Main and/or exclusive,604,25,629, Companies in which biotechnology activities are: A secondary business line,215,47,262, Companies in which biotechnology activities are: A necessary tool for production,465,88,553, % Companies by final application areas of biotechnology use: Human Health,44,7,41,1,44,3, % Companies by final application areas of biotechnology use: Animal Health and Aquaculture,16,2,12,1,15,8, % Companies by final application areas of biotechnology use: Food Products,29,4,41,1,30,7, % Companies by final application areas of biotechnology use: Agriculture and Forestry,25,6,20,1,24,9, % Companies by final application areas of biotechnology use: Environment,17,3,13,9,16,9, % Companies by final application areas of biotechnology use: Industry,12,5,13,3,12,6, R&D personnel in Biotechnology (PP),10.452,7.291,17.743, R&D personnel in Biotechnology (PP): Research personnel,6.309,3.136,9.445, R&D personnel in Biotechnology (PP): Technical and auxiliary personnel,4.144,4.154,8.298, R&D personnel in Biotechnology (PP). Women,5.369,4.538,9.907, R&D personnel in Biotechnology (PP). Women: Research personnel,3.273,1.832,5.104, R&D personnel in Biotechnology (PP). Women: Technical and auxiliary personnel,2.096,2.707,4.802, R&D personnel in Biotechnology (FTE),7.232,7,5.760,8,12.993,4, R&D personnel in Biotechnology (FTE): Research personnel,4.671,5,2.398,3,7.069,9, R&D personnel in Biotechnology (FTE): Technical and auxiliary personnel,2.561,2,3.362,4,5.923,6, R&D personnel in Biotechnology (FTE). Women,3.763,9,3.707,8,7.471,8, R&D personnel in Biotechnology (FTE). Women: Research personnel,2.449,2,1.421,3.870,1, R&D personnel in Biotechnology (FTE). Women: Technical and auxiliary personnel,1.314,8,2.286,9,3.601,6, Expenditure on internal R&D in Biotechnology (thousands of euros),691.268,532.533,1.223.801, 1) By type of expenditure: Current expenditure,614.656,493.534,1.108.189, 1.1) Labour expenditure of research personnel,221.957,138.965,360.922, 1.2) Labour expenditure of technical and auxiliary personnel,96.161,124.379,220.540, 1.3) Other current expenditure,296.538,230.190,526.727, 2) By type of expenditure: Capital expenditure,76.612,39.000,115.612, 2.1) Land and buildings,7.247,9.596,16.843, 2.2) Equipment and tools,37.708,25.819,63.527, 2.3) Acquisition of specific R&D software,2.767,1.191,3.959, 2.4) Other R&D-specific IP products,28.890,2.394,31.284, 1.1) By origin of funds: Own funds,471.465,389.138,860.603, 1.2) By origin of funds: Funds from the Business sector,77.630,50.371,128.002, 1.3) By origin of funds: Funds from the Public Administration sector,96.976,22.523,119.498, 1.4) By origin of funds: Funds from the Higher Education sector,647,0,647, 1.5) By origin of funds: Funds from the Private Non-Profit Institutions sector,1.563,11.423,12.986, 1.6) By origin of funds: Funds from the rest of the world,42.988,59.078,102.065, Purchase of R&D services (external R&D) in Biotechnology (thousands of euros),43.120,80.276,123.396, Purchase of R&D services (external R&D) in Biotechnology (thousands of euros): In Spain,22.993,65.992,88.985, Purchase of R&D services (external R&D) in Biotechnology (thousands of euros): In the rest of the world,20.127,14.284,34.412, % Companies that consider the following obstacles to the development of biotechnologies as very important: Access to capital,41,8,23,6,39,8, % Companies that consider the following obstacles to the development of biotechnologies as very important: Access to technology/information,15,2,16,4,15,3, % Companies that consider the following obstacles to the development of biotechnologies as very important: Access to human resources,22,9,17,3,22,3, % Companies that consider the following obstacles to the development of biotechnologies as very important: Disconnection from the value chain,11,5,17,12,1, % Companies that consider the following obstacles to the development of biotechnologies as very important: Lack of access to international markets,17,2,15,8,17,1, % Companies that consider the following obstacles to the development of biotechnologies as very important: Lack of distribution and marketing channels,18,1,15,3,17,8, % Companies that consider the following obstacles to the development of biotechnologies as very important: Public acceptance/perception,15,4,20,3,16, % Companies that consider the following obstacles to the development of biotechnologies as very important: Legal and regulatory requirements,41,8,38,5,41,4, % Companies that consider the following obstacles to the development of biotechnologies as very important: Time/cost,51,44,2,50,2, % Companies that consider the following obstacles to the development of biotechnologies as very important: Difficult access to patenting,20,7,15,1,20,1, % Companies with international revenues related to biotechnology activities,23,20,2,22,7, % Companies representing international revenues related to biotechnology activities,8,2,1,3,2,1, % International revenues related to biotechnology activities distributed in: Revenues from the EU,55,4,64,9,60,6, % International revenues related to biotechnology activities distributed in: Revenues from the rest of the world,44,6,35,1,39,4, % International revenues related to biotechnology activities by classification: International trade in goods and services,93,9,82,8,87,8, % International revenues related to biotechnology activities by classification: Milestones, royalties, sale or licensing of technologies outside Spain,3,8,15,1,10,1, % International revenues related to biotechnology activities by classification: Subsidies from external sources,0,7,2,1,4, % International revenues related to biotechnology activities by classification: Other,1,7,0,0,8, Notas: Data referring to all companies that carry out internal R&D in Biotechnology. 2) ' .'= numeric data equal to zero not resulting from rounding 3) FTE: Full-Time Equivalence Fuente: National Statistics Institute