Chapter 4: Social relations and leisure Assessment of the frequency of contact with relatives, friends or acquaintances, by gender and age. Population with disabilities. Units: people ,Total,Excessive,Suitable,Insufficient,They have no contact with their family,Does not apply because they have no relative or friend,Not given, Total, Total,357,894,3,008,257,151,67,157,5,937,12,985,11,655, From 6 to 64 years old,53,800,463,31,817,14,904,1,813,2,802,2,001, From 65 to 79 years old,71,561,580,46,049,17,581,1,577,3,687,2,087, 80 or more years,232,533,1,965,179,286,34,673,2,547,6,496,7,567, Man, Total,124,774,1,120,84,115,26,437,2,822,5,867,4,412, From 6 to 64 years old,31,662,334,19,024,8,217,1,077,1,818,1,192, From 65 to 79 years old,32,554,225,20,053,8,436,841,2,001,997, 80 or more years,60,558,560,45,038,9,784,905,2,048,2,223, Woman, Total,233,121,1,888,173,037,40,720,3,114,7,118,7,243, From 6 to 64 years old,22,138,129,12,793,6,687,736,985,809, From 65 to 79 years old,39,008,355,25,995,9,145,736,1,686,1,090, 80 or more years,171,975,1,404,134,248,24,888,1,643,4,448,5,344, Notes: 1) Los datos correspondientes a celdas con menos de quinientas people han de ser tomados con precaución, ya que pueden estar afectados de elevados errores de muestreo. Source: National Statistics Institute