Statistics on the Wage of Persons with Disabilities Monthly earnings for wage-earning workers, according to whether or not they have disabilities Sex and size of the work unit Units: euros ,Gross earnings per worker and per month (October),,,Net earnings per worker and per month (October),,,Gross earnings per hour and per month (October),,, ,Total,Persons without disabilities,Persons with disabilities,Total,Persons without disabilities,Persons with disabilities,Total,Persons without disabilities,Persons with disabilities, Both sex, Total,2,039.1,2,051.0,1,674.2,1,598.7,1,605.3,1,394.9,13.2,13.3,11.3, 1 to 49 workers,1,692.1,1,700.2,1,340.4,1,377.1,1,382.2,1,154.8,11.2,11.2,9.6, 50 to 199 workers,2,106.3,2,129.9,1,539.4,1,648.7,1,662.5,1,316.7,13.4,13.5,10.1, 200 workers or over,2,458.2,2,475.9,2,012.9,1,862.3,1,871.6,1,627.6,15.6,15.7,13.2, Men, Total,2,218.9,2,235.8,1,739.7,1,722.5,1,732.1,1,448.4,13.7,13.8,11.3, 1 to 49 workers,1,881.0,1,891.8,1,461.9,1,510.2,1,516.8,1,249.9,11.7,11.8,9.8, 50 to 199 workers,2,309.3,2,340.5,1,598.2,1,786.6,1,804.9,1,368.9,14.1,14.2,10.2, 200 workers or over,2,693.2,2,720.5,2,086.7,2,015.6,2,030.6,1,682.4,16.6,16.7,13.3, Women, Total,1,847.9,1,855.4,1,590.8,1,467.0,1,471.1,1,326.8,12.6,12.6,11.3, 1 to 49 workers,1,462.4,1,468.6,1,151.4,1,215.3,1,219.4,1,007.0,10.5,10.5,9.3, 50 to 199 workers,1,864.7,1,880.4,1,461.5,1,484.5,1,493.7,1,247.6,12.5,12.6,10.0, 200 workers or over,2,261.0,2,272.5,1,934.4,1,733.7,1,739.5,1,569.1,14.8,14.8,13.0, Notes: 1) Persons with disabilities refers to persons formally recognised as disabled, with a degree of dissability of 33% or over, according to the procedure for evaluating this established in the RD 1971/1999 and modified by the RD 1856/2009. 2) The unit of selection is the Social Security Contribution Account, administrative concept traditionally used in the wage and labour cost surveys 3) When the box is marked with a '-' sign before the data, it indicates that the number of sample observations is between 100 and 500, so the figure is subject to great variability. Source: Spanish National Statistics Institute