Survey on Equipment and Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Households ICT product installed in dwellings Internet access in main dwellings by size of the household, habitat, net household monthly income and type of connection Unidades: Dwellings with at least one member aged 16 to 74 and horizontal % ;Total dwellings with Internet access which reported the type of connection used;Dwellings with Broadband connection;Broadband connection via ADSL;Broadband connection via cable or fibre optic network;Other fixed boradband connections (satellite, public wifi or WiMax);Mobile broadband connection via hand-held device (last generation mobile telephone -at least 3G-, iPod,...);Mobile broadband connection via USB modem or card (for example in laptops);Dwellings with a narrowband connection;Narrowband connection via telephone call through the traditional telephone line (modem) or ISDN;Mobile narrowband connection (other mobile telephones -GPRS-); Total Dwellings;11.715.547;99,6;66,2;20,9;6,5;67,2;7;2,2;0,7;1,6; Size of the household: Households with 1 member;1.596.127;99,6;63;18,3;5,7;62,1;8,4;1,1;0,3;0,9; Size of the household: Households with 2 members;3.047.126;99,6;67,2;20,6;6,5;60,4;6,2;2,3;0,9;1,6; Size of the household: Households with 3 members;3.223.751;99,5;65,4;22,5;6;68,9;6,7;2,3;0,8;1,7; Size of the household: Households with 4 members;2.931.698;99,6;67,1;22,1;7,6;72,6;7,3;2,3;0,7;1,6; Size of the household: Households with 5 or more members;916.844;99,2;68,6;17,2;5,5;75,4;6,7;2,8;0,7;2; Habitat: 100,000 inhabitants and over and provincial capitals;5.178.119;99,6;63,1;29,5;5,1;66,4;7,3;1,9;0,6;1,3; Habitat: From 50,000 to fewer than 100,000 inhabitants;1.261.896;99,7;63,6;23,2;7,5;71,5;5,9;1,7;0,7;1,1; Habitat: From 20,000 to fewer than 50,000 inhabitants;1.731.447;99,6;65,7;17,9;6,8;68,2;6,4;2;0,5;1,7; Habitat: From 10,000 to fewer than 20,000 inhabitants;1.351.385;99,5;72,1;12,6;7,2;65,9;5,2;2,9;0,8;2,2; Habitat: Less than 10,000 inhabitants;2.192.701;99,5;71,8;6,7;8,4;66,7;8,2;2,8;1,1;1,9; Net household monthly income Less than 900 Euros;1.677.211;99,4;59,4;16;7,3;58,8;4,6;1,7;0,3;1,5; Net household monthly income From 901 to 1,600 Euros;3.271.308;99,3;65,5;19,5;7,5;63,8;7;3,2;0,9;2,5; Net household monthly income 1,601 to 2,500 euros;2.376.268;99,8;71,1;20,1;7,3;67,9;7,2;2,1;1;1,3; Net household monthly income More than 2,500 Euros;1.887.665;99,9;68,2;27,1;6,2;77,8;10,5;1,6;0,6;1,1; Net household monthly income DK/NA;2.503.096;99,5;65,6;22,2;4;68,7;5,6;1,6;0,7;1; Notas: Fuente: National Statistics Institute