Registered health professionals. Year 2020 Registered Dieticians and Nutritionists by year and sex Units: absolute values ;Total;Men;Women; 2021;..;..;..; 2020;5,698;835;4,863; 2019;5,297;749;4,548; 2018;4,625;629;3,996; 2017;4,086;526;3,560; 2016;3,361;411;2,950; 2015;2,884;335;2,549; 2014;2,551;282;2,269; 2013;2,010;210;1,800; Notes: 1) Registered (affiliated) professionals in Spain at 31 December. The 2021 Nutritionist Dieticians data for the entire national territory is not available at the time of publication. Source: Official Association of Dieticians and Nutritionists