Disability, Independence and Dependency Situations Survey Absolute figures Population 6 to 15 years old with disabilities, according to type of schooling, by sex Unidades: thousands of persons 6 to 15 years old ;Both sexes;Males;Females; Total;78,3;50,7;27,6; Unschooled;1,9;1,3;0,6; Educated in a special education centre or classroom;13,2;8,1;5; Educated in an ordinary centre, integrated and receiving special aid;31,7;18,4;13,3; Educated in an ordinary centre, without any type of personalised aid;22,2;16,1;6,1; No data recorded;9,3;6,8;2,5; Notas: The data corresponding to cells with fewer than 5 thousand persons must be viewed with caution, because it may be affected by large sampling errors. Fuente: National Statistics Institute