High Technology Indicators Results based on Legal Units Internal R&D indicators in the high and medium-high technology sectors by autonomous communities. Results based on Legal Units Unidades: Specified in each indicator ;Expenses in internal R&D. Total (thousands of euros);Internal investment in R&D/Internal investment in R&D nationally (%);Staff engaged in R&D. Total (FTE);Staff engaged in R&D/Staff engaged in R&D nationally (%); National Total;6.688.555;100;75.135,9;100; 01. Andalusia;320.453;4,8;4.744,7;6,3; 02. Aragón;154.386;2,3;2.028,1;2,7; 03. Asturias, Principado de;70.180;1,1;1.022,1;1,4; 04. Balears, Illes;36.851;0,6;581,6;0,8; 05. Canarias;38.933;0,6;709;0,9; 06. Cantabria;29.696;0,4;434,5;0,6; 07. Castilla y León;366.675;5,5;3.138,9;4,2; 08. Castilla - La Mancha;159.775;2,4;1.240,2;1,7; 09. Cataluña;1.811.372;27,1;18.060,8;24; 10. Comunitat Valenciana;411.517;6,2;6.326,1;8,4; 11. Extremadura;13.589;0,2;230,1;0,3; 12. Galicia;232.735;3,5;3.340,3;4,5; 13. Madrid, Comunidad de;1.906.216;28,5;19.620,5;26,1; 14. Murcia, Región de;64.652;1;1.166,6;1,6; 15. Navarra, Comunidad Foral de;100.425;1,5;1.358,4;1,8; 16. País Vasco;961.468;14,4;10.921,4;14,5; 17. Rioja, La;9.632;0,1;212,7;0,3; Notas: FTE: Full Time Equivalence 2) Source: Statistics on Scientific Research and Technological Development (R&D) activities 3) The data for Ceuta and Melilla are not provided as they lack significance. 4) High Technology Sector as per CNAE 2009: 20, 21, 25.4, 26, 27-29, 30 except 30.1, 32.5, 59-63 and 72. 5) The change of nomenclature in the literals is for the sake of greater clarity and is not a methodological change. Fuente: National Statistics Institute