Women and Men in Spain Average number of weekly hours worked by employed persons. Daily average time that people spend working at home / family, other activities Average number of weekly hours carried out by the total number of employed persons (whether having worked or not during the week) according to the level of education achieved Unidades: Horas 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 Females Total 29,4 29,4 28,8 27,6 30,4 30,7 30,4 30,7 30,6 30,6 30,8 30,8 31 30,9 30,8 Prep school, primary and 1st stage of secondary education (level 0-2) 28,5 28,6 27,8 25,9 29,6 30,1 29,7 29,9 29,6 29,8 30,2 30,5 30,8 30,6 30,6 2nd stage of secondary education (level 3-4) 29,1 29 28 26,4 30,2 30,5 30,4 31 30,9 30,9 30,9 31 31,1 31,4 31,3 Higher education (level 5-6) 29,9 29,9 29,6 29 30,8 31,1 30,8 31,1 31,1 31 31,1 30,8 31,2 30,9 30,7 Males Total 34,3 34,5 34,4 32,8 36,2 36,6 36,4 36,7 37 37,1 36,9 36,9 37,2 37 37,1 Prep school, primary and 1st stage of secondary education (level 0-2) 34,9 35,2 34,9 32,9 37,1 37,2 37,1 37,2 37,5 37,7 37,3 37,5 37,7 37,7 37,7 2nd stage of secondary education (level 3-4) 34 34,3 34,1 32 36 36,5 36,4 36,5 37,1 37,3 37 36,8 37,3 37 37,2 Higher education (level 5-6) 33,9 34,1 34 33,1 35,5 35,9 35,7 36,3 36,4 36,3 36,3 36,2 36,5 36,2 36,2 Notas: Ruptura de serie en 2014 Fuente: Encuesta de Población Activa. INE Fuente: